This is the complete list of members for
ICoreObject, including all inherited members.
Attribute | ICoreObject | |
Attributes | ICoreObject | |
AttributeValue | ICoreObject | |
Clone([out] ICoreObject **p) | ICoreObject | |
Delete() | ICoreObject | |
GetAttributeDisp([in] attrid_type attrid,[out, retval] ICoreAttribute **p) | ICoreObject | |
GetAttributeValueDisp([in] attrid_type attrid,[out, retval] VARIANT *p) | ICoreObject | |
GetLoadedAttrValueDisp([in] attrid_type attrid,[out, retval] VARIANT *p) | ICoreObject | |
GetPeerLockValueDisp([in] attrid_type attrid,[out, retval] locking_type *p) | ICoreObject | |
GetPreviousAttrValueDisp([in] attrid_type attrid,[out, retval] VARIANT *p) | ICoreObject | |
IsDeleted | ICoreObject | |
LoadedAttrValue | ICoreObject | |
MetaObject | ICoreObject | |
ObjID | ICoreObject | |
PeerLockValue | ICoreObject | |
PreviousAttrValue | ICoreObject | |
Project | ICoreObject | |
SearchCollection([in] attrid_type coll_attrid,[in] attrid_type search_attrid,[in] VARIANT search_value,[out, retval] ICoreObject **p) | ICoreObject | |
SetAttributeValueDisp([in] attrid_type attrid,[in] VARIANT p) | ICoreObject | |