GME  13
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
00003 // Used by XmlBackEnd.rc
00004 //
00005 #define IDC_ABORT                       3
00006 #define IDC_LOADFROMCACHE               4
00007 #define IDS_PROJNAME                    100
00008 #define IDS_COREXMLFILE_DESC            102
00009 #define IDR_CoreXmlFile                 103
00010 #define IDR_SVNTESTER                   104
00011 #define IDR_SVNEXEC                     105
00012 #define IDR_SVNWORKBENCH                106
00013 #define IDC_EDIT_USER                   201
00014 #define IDC_EDIT_PWD                    202
00015 #define IDC_STATIC_PROJECT              203
00016 #define IDC_STATIC_DATABASE             204
00017 #define IDD_DIALOG_FILESAREUSED         205
00018 #define IDD_DIALOG_FILESUSEDETAILS      206
00019 #define IDC_LIST                        207
00020 #define IDD_DIALOG1                     208
00021 #define IDC_STATIC_WELCOME              208
00022 #define IDC_MAYBESAVED                  209
00023 #define IDC_STATIC_WELCOME2             209
00024 #define IDC_STATIC1                     210
00025 #define IDD_DIALOG2                     211
00026 #define IDC_EDITNAME                    212
00027 #define IDC_EDITWORD                    213
00028 #define IDC_EDITTEXT                    214
00029 #define IDC_RADIO_PERMANENTLY           215
00030 #define IDC_RADIO_TEMPORARILY           216
00031 #define IDC_RADIO3                      217
00032 #define IDD_TESTRESULTDIALOG            219
00033 #define IDD_DIALOG_SVNLOGIN             221
00034 #define IDC_EDIT1                       229
00035 #define IDC_RADIO_CACHED                232
00036 #define IDC_LOCK_BUTTON2                233
00037 #define IDD_DIALOG_COMMIT               235
00038 #define IDC_RADIO_USPW                  236
00039 #define IDD_DIALOG_PROGRESS             237
00040 #define IDC_RADIO_PPK                   238
00041 #define IDC_EDIT_REALM                  239
00042 #define IDC_EDIT_COMMENT                242
00043 #define IDC_PROGRESS_BAR                243
00044 #define IDC_EDIT_PROGRESS               244
00046 // Next default values for new objects
00047 // 
00050 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        245
00051 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         32768
00052 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         241
00053 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           107
00054 #endif
00055 #endif