GME  13
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
00003 // Used by Search.rc
00004 //
00005 #define IDS_SEARCH                      1
00006 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX_SEARCH             1
00007 #define IDB_SEARCH                      1
00008 #define IDI_ABOUTDLL                    1
00009 #define IDS_SEARCH_PPG                  2
00010 #define IDS_SEARCH_PPG_CAPTION          200
00011 #define IDD_PROPPAGE_SEARCH             200
00012 #define IDD_SEARCH_DIALOG               201
00013 #define IDC_EDIT_TEST                   201
00014 #define IDC_EDITNAME                    201
00015 #define IDC_BUTTON_GO                   202
00016 #define IDC_STATIC_RESULTS              203
00017 #define IDC_BUTTON_CLEAR                203
00018 #define IDC_LISTRESULTS                 204
00019 #define IDC_STATICNAME                  205
00020 #define IDC_STATICROLE                  206
00021 #define IDC_STATICKIND                  207
00022 #define IDC_EDITROLE                    208
00023 #define IDC_EDITKIND                    209
00024 #define IDC_STATICATTRNAME              210
00025 #define IDC_STATICATTRTYPE              211
00026 #define IDC_STATICATTRVALU              212
00027 #define IDC_EDITATTRNAME                213
00028 #define IDC_COMBOTYPE                   214
00029 #define IDC_EDITATTRVALU                215
00030 #define IDC_CHECKFULLWORD               216
00031 #define IDC_STATICCRIT                  217
00032 #define IDC_STATICFOR                   218
00033 #define IDC_CHECKMOD                    219
00034 #define IDC_CHECKATM                    220
00035 #define IDC_CHECKSET                    221
00036 #define IDC_CHECKREF                    222
00037 #define IDC_RADIOAND                    225
00038 #define IDC_CHECKSPLSEARCH              226
00039 #define IDC_PROGRESSSEARCH              227
00040 #define IDC_STATICREF                   228
00041 #define IDC_STATICREF2                  229
00042 #define IDC_CHECK_LOCATE                229
00043 #define IDC_CHECK_CASESENS              230
00044 #define IDC_CHECK_SCOPED                231
00045 #define IDC_RADIOXOR                    232
00046 #define IDC_CHECK_RESULTS               233
00047 #define IDC_COMBO8                      241
00048 #define IDC_COMBO10                     243
00049 #define IDC_TREE1                       244
00050 #define IDC_TREE_SEARCH_HISTORY         244
00051 #define IDC_CHECKCON                    245
00052 #define IDC_CHECK1                      246
00053 #define IDC_PREVSRCH_TITLE              247
00054 #define IDC_EDITNAME2                   256
00055 #define IDC_EDITROLE2                   257
00056 #define IDC_EDITKIND2                   258
00057 #define IDC_EDITATTRVALU2               261
00058 #define IDC_STATICNAME4                 262
00059 #define IDC_STATICCRIT2                 263
00060 #define IDC_STATICROLE4                 264
00061 #define IDC_RADIOOR2                    265
00062 #define IDC_STATICKIND4                 269
00063 #define IDC_STATICATTRVALU4             270
00064 #define IDC_ENTIRESCOPE2                273
00065 #define IDC_CHILDSCOPE2                 275
00066 #define IDC_PREV_SRCH                   276
00068 // Next default values for new objects
00069 // 
00072 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        208
00073 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         32771
00074 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         248
00075 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101
00076 #endif
00077 #endif