00001 // PartBrowserDlg.cpp : implementation file 00002 // 00003 00004 #include "stdafx.h" 00005 #include "PartBrowserDlg.h" 00006 #include "PartBrowserCtrl.h" 00007 #include "CommonError.h" 00008 #include "CommonSmart.h" 00009 00010 #ifdef _DEBUG 00011 #define new DEBUG_NEW 00012 #undef THIS_FILE 00013 static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; 00014 #endif 00015 00017 // CPartBrowserDlg dialog 00018 00019 00020 CPartBrowserDlg::CPartBrowserDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) 00021 : CDialog(CPartBrowserDlg::IDD, pParent) 00022 { 00023 //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CPartBrowserDlg) 00024 // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here 00025 //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 00026 mgaMetaModel = NULL; 00027 mgaProject = NULL; 00028 } 00029 00030 void CPartBrowserDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) 00031 { 00032 CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); 00033 //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CPartBrowserDlg) 00034 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ASPECT_TAB, tab); 00035 //}}AFX_DATA_MAP 00036 } 00037 00038 void CPartBrowserDlg::SetCurrentProject(CComPtr<IMgaProject> project) 00039 { 00040 if (mgaProject != NULL) 00041 mgaProject.Release(); 00042 mgaProject = project; 00043 partFrame.GetPane().SetCurrentProject(project); 00044 } 00045 00046 void CPartBrowserDlg::SetMetaModel(CComPtr<IMgaMetaModel> meta) 00047 { 00048 // FIXME: check if mgaMetaModel == meta 00049 if (mgaMetaModel != NULL) 00050 mgaMetaModel.Release(); 00051 mgaMetaModel = meta; 00052 partFrame.GetPane().SetMetaModel(meta); 00053 00054 SetTabs(); 00055 } 00056 00057 void CPartBrowserDlg::SetBgColor(COLORREF bgColor) 00058 { 00059 partFrame.GetPane().SetBgColor(bgColor); 00060 } 00061 00062 void CPartBrowserDlg::ChangeAspect(long ind) 00063 { 00064 tab.SetCurSel(ind); 00065 partFrame.GetPane().ChangeAspect(ind); 00066 Resize(); 00067 } 00068 00069 void CPartBrowserDlg::CycleAspect() 00070 { 00071 if (!mgaMetaModel) 00072 return; 00073 00074 CComPtr<IMgaMetaParts> mgaMetaParts; 00075 try { 00076 CComPtr<IMgaMetaAspects> spAspects; 00077 COMTHROW(mgaMetaModel->get_Aspects(&spAspects)); 00078 ASSERT(spAspects); 00079 if (spAspects) { 00080 long nAspects = 0; 00081 COMTHROW(spAspects->get_Count(&nAspects)); 00082 if (nAspects <= 0) 00083 return; 00084 00085 long ind = (tab.GetCurSel() + 1) % nAspects; 00086 tab.SetCurSel(ind); 00087 00088 partFrame.GetPane().ChangeAspect(ind); 00089 SendAspectChange(ind); 00090 } 00091 } 00092 catch (hresult_exception&) { 00093 } 00094 00095 Resize(); 00096 } 00097 00098 void CPartBrowserDlg::SetTabs() 00099 { 00100 tab.DeleteAllItems(); 00101 if (mgaMetaModel) { 00102 try { 00103 CComPtr<IMgaMetaAspects> spAspects; 00104 COMTHROW(mgaMetaModel->get_Aspects(&spAspects)); 00105 ASSERT(spAspects); 00106 if (spAspects) { 00107 long nAspects = 0; 00108 COMTHROW(spAspects->get_Count(&nAspects)); 00109 TC_ITEM tcItem; 00110 for (long ind = 0; ind < nAspects; ind++) { 00111 CComPtr<IMgaMetaAspect> spAspect; 00112 COMTHROW(spAspects->get_Item(ind + 1, &spAspect)); 00113 tcItem.mask = TCIF_TEXT; 00114 CComBSTR displayedNameBstr; 00115 COMTHROW(spAspect->get_DisplayedName(&displayedNameBstr)); 00116 CComBSTR nameBStr; 00117 COMTHROW(spAspect->get_Name(&nameBStr)); 00118 CString name; 00119 name = displayedNameBstr ? displayedNameBstr : nameBStr; 00120 tcItem.pszText = name.GetBuffer(); 00121 tcItem.cchTextMax = name.GetLength(); 00122 tab.InsertItem(ind, &tcItem); 00123 } 00124 } 00125 } 00126 catch (hresult_exception&) { 00127 } 00128 } 00129 Resize(); 00130 } 00131 00132 void CPartBrowserDlg::Resize() 00133 { 00134 CRect r; 00135 GetClientRect(&r); 00136 if (::IsWindow(tab.m_hWnd)) 00137 tab.MoveWindow(&r); 00138 if (::IsWindow(partFrame.m_hWnd)) { 00139 tab.AdjustRect(FALSE, &r); 00140 r.DeflateRect(1, 1); 00141 partFrame.Resize(r); 00142 } 00143 } 00144 00145 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPartBrowserDlg, CDialog) 00146 //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CPartBrowserDlg) 00147 ON_WM_SIZE() 00148 ON_NOTIFY(TCN_SELCHANGE, IDC_ASPECT_TAB, OnSelchangeAspectTab) 00149 //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 00150 END_MESSAGE_MAP() 00151 00153 // CPartBrowserDlg message handlers 00154 00155 BOOL CPartBrowserDlg::OnInitDialog() 00156 { 00157 CDialog::OnInitDialog(); 00158 00159 tab.SetWindowPos(&wndBottom, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE); 00160 partFrame.Create(IDD_PARTBROWSERFRAME_DIALOG, this); 00161 00162 // Opportunity for some users to bring the tabs to the bottom again (TCS_BOTTOM is obsolete now) 00163 // TCS_BOTTOM style is obsolete (see MSDN: "This style is not supported if you use ComCtl32.dll version 6.") 00164 // this style appeared with Internet Explorer 3.x, ComCtl 6.0 is the Windows XP and Windows Vista version of ComCtl. 00165 // If user really wants to switch it back, he can force PartBrowser to use TCS_BOTTOM style by creating a 00166 // string registry key with "1" value under the "HKCU\Software\GME\GUI\PartBrowser\BottomTabs" 00167 HKEY hKey; 00168 if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Software\\GME\\GUI\\PartBrowser"), 00169 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) 00170 { 00171 TCHAR szData[128]; 00172 DWORD dwKeyDataType; 00173 DWORD dwDataBufSize = sizeof(szData)/sizeof(TCHAR); 00174 00175 if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("BottomTabs"), NULL, &dwKeyDataType, 00176 (LPBYTE) &szData, &dwDataBufSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) 00177 { 00178 UINT uBottomTabs = _tcstoul(szData, NULL, 10); 00179 if (uBottomTabs > 0) { 00180 LONG dwStyle = ::GetWindowLong(tab.m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE); 00181 dwStyle = dwStyle | TCS_BOTTOM; 00182 ::SetWindowLong(tab.m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle); 00183 } 00184 } 00185 RegCloseKey(hKey); 00186 } 00187 00188 SetTabs(); 00189 00190 return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control 00191 // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE 00192 } 00193 00194 void CPartBrowserDlg::OnOK() 00195 { 00196 // do nothing to avoid getting kick out 00197 } 00198 00199 void CPartBrowserDlg::OnCancel() 00200 { 00201 // do nothing to avoid getting kick out 00202 } 00203 00204 void CPartBrowserDlg::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 00205 { 00206 CDialog::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); 00207 00208 Resize(); 00209 } 00210 00211 void CPartBrowserDlg::OnSelchangeAspectTab(NMHDR* /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT* pResult) 00212 { 00213 long s = tab.GetCurSel(); 00214 if (s >= 0) { 00215 partFrame.GetPane().ChangeAspect(s); 00216 SendAspectChange(s); 00217 } 00218 Resize(); 00219 *pResult = 0; 00220 } 00221 00222 void CPartBrowserDlg::SendAspectChange(long index) 00223 { 00224 CWnd* wnd = GetParent(); 00225 if (wnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CPartBrowserCtrl))) { 00226 CPartBrowserCtrl* ctrl = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CPartBrowserCtrl, wnd); 00227 ctrl->SendAspectChanged(index); 00228 } 00229 }