GME  13
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
00003 // Used by MgaUtil.rc
00004 //
00005 #define IDD_CLOSUREPROPPAGE             107
00006 #define IDD_REGISTRY_BROWSER            169
00007 #define IDC_ZOOMS                       1008
00008 #define IDC_UNDOSIZE                    1009
00009 #define IDC_RADIO1                      1026
00010 #define IDC_DELFILES                    1026
00011 #define IDC_RADIOSYS                    1026
00012 #define IDC_AUTOSAVE_SAME_DIR           1026
00013 #define IDC_WRAPMINIPROJ                1026
00014 #define IDC_NODELFILES                  1027
00015 #define IDC_RADIOUSER                   1027
00016 #define IDC_AUTOSAVE_DEDICATED_DIR      1027
00017 #define IDC_WRAPASIS                    1027
00018 #define IDC_RADIOBOTH                   1028
00019 #define IDC_WRAPAUTO                    1028
00020 #define IDC_ACTIVEDISP                  1029
00021 #define IDC_OUTPUTTOCLIPBOARD           1029
00022 #define IDC_ACTIVE_INACTIVE             1031
00023 #define IDC_OUTPUTTOFILE                1031
00024 #define IDC_ALLCOMPS                    1033
00025 #define IDC_DIRECTIONUP                 1033
00026 #define IDC_DIRECTIONDN                 1034
00027 #define IDC_LIBR1                       1036
00028 #define IDC_LIBR2                       1037
00029 #define IDC_CONNID                      1038
00030 #define IDR_MGAUTIL                     2000
00031 #define IDD_DIALOG_LIST                 2001
00032 #define IDC_LIST                        2002
00033 #define IDR_MGARESOLVER                 2003
00034 #define IDC_CHECK1                      2004
00035 #define IDD_METADLG                     2005
00036 #define IDC_CHECK6                      2005
00037 #define IDR_MGAREGISTRAR                2006
00038 #define IDD_GMEDLG                      2007
00039 #define IDR_MGALAUNCHER                 2008
00040 #define IDD_COMPDLG                     2009
00041 #define IDC_ADDFILE                     2010
00042 #define IDC_MYHELP                      2011
00043 #define IDC_REMOVE                      2013
00044 #define IDC_INFO                        2014
00045 #define IDC_ICONPATH                    2015
00046 #define IDC_ADDICONPATH                 2016
00047 #define IDC_INSTALL                     2017
00048 #define IDR_MGAPROGRESSDLG              2042
00049 #define IDD_PROGRESSDLG                 2043
00050 #define IDD_METAPURGEDIALOG             2044
00051 #define IDI_ICON_REGHERE                2046
00052 #define IDI_ICON_REGMETA                2047
00053 #define IDI_ICON_REGINHERIT             2048
00054 #define IDI_ICON_REGUNDEF               2049
00055 #define IDI_ICON_REGINVALID             2050
00056 #define IDR_CNTXMENU_REGBRW             2051
00057 #define IDB_BITMAP1                     2054
00058 #define IDB_BITMAP2                     2055
00059 #define IDD_COMPINFODLG                 2056
00060 #define IDD_ANNOTATION_BROWSER          2058
00061 #define IDD_XSLTDIAL                    2059
00062 #define IDD_CLOSUREDLG                  2063
00063 #define IDR_MGACLOSURE                  2064
00064 #define IDD_CLOSURERES                  2065
00065 #define IDR_MGAEVENTLOGGER              2066
00066 #define IDD_CLOSURESMARTCP              2067
00067 #define IDD_CLOSUREKINDSEL              2069
00068 #define IDD_CLOSURESIMPLECP             2070
00069 #define IDD_ALTERNMSPDLG                2071
00070 #define IDS_REGISTRAR_NAME              2072
00071 #define IDR_CLR_ASSEMBLY1               2074
00072 #define IDR_COMPONENTPROXY              2090
00073 #define IDC_PROGRESS1                   2150
00074 #define IDC_STATIC1                     2151
00075 #define IDC_STATIC2                     2152
00076 #define IDC_PURGE                       2153
00077 #define IDC_PURGE2                      2155
00078 #define IDC_PURGELIST                   2157
00079 #define IDC_SETCURRENT                  2158
00080 #define IDC_OBJECTNAME                  2160
00081 #define IDC_OBJECTKIND                  2161
00082 #define IDC_OBJECTROLE                  2162
00083 #define IDC_REGISTRY_TREE               2163
00084 #define IDC_REGISTRY_VALUES             2164
00085 #define IDC_REGNODE                     2165
00086 #define IDC_REGNODE_PATH                2166
00087 #define IDC_REGNODE_STATUS              2167
00088 #define IDC_REGNODE_VALUE               2168
00089 #define IDC_STATIC_PATH                 2169
00090 #define IDC_STATIC_STATUS               2170
00091 #define IDC_STATIC_VALUE                2171
00092 #define IDC_SYSICONPATH                 2172
00093 #define IDC_ADDSYSICONPATH              2173
00094 #define IDC_ENABLE_DISABLE              2174
00095 #define IDC_EXT_EDITOR                  2174
00096 #define IDC_EXT_BUTTON                  2175
00097 #define IDC_NAME                        2176
00098 #define IDC_PROGID                      2177
00099 #define IDC_PARADIGM                    2178
00100 #define IDC_DESCRIPTION                 2180
00101 #define IDC_VERSION                     2181
00102 #define IDC_FILENAME                    2182
00103 #define IDC_ENGINECOMBO                 2185
00104 #define IDC_MODELNAME                   2190
00105 #define IDC_MODELKIND                   2191
00106 #define IDC_MODELROLE                   2192
00107 #define IDC_ANNOTATION_LIST             2193
00108 #define IDC_ANNOTATION                  2194
00109 #define IDC_STATIC_NAME                 2195
00110 #define IDC_STATIC_TEXT                 2196
00111 #define IDC_STATIC_COLOR                2197
00112 #define IDC_COMBO_COLOR                 2198
00113 #define IDC_STATIC_BGCOLOR              2199
00114 #define IDC_COMBO_BGCOLOR               2200
00115 #define IDC_STATIC_FONT                 2201
00116 #define IDC_EDIT_FONT                   2202
00117 #define IDC_BUTTON_FONT                 2203
00118 #define IDC_LIST_ASPECT                 2204
00119 #define IDC_STATIC_VISIBILITY           2206
00120 #define IDC_STATIC_XCOORD               2207
00121 #define IDC_EDIT_XCOORD                 2208
00122 #define IDC_STATIC_YCOORD               2209
00123 #define IDC_EDIT_YCOORD                 2210
00124 #define IDC_COMBO_GRADIENTCOLOR         2211
00125 #define IDC_STATIC_SHADOWCOLOR          2212
00126 #define IDC_EDIT_NAME                   2213
00127 #define IDC_EDIT_TEXT                   2214
00128 #define IDC_STATIC_GRADIENTCOLOR        2215
00129 #define IDC_CHECK_DEFPOS                2216
00130 #define IDC_BUTTON1                     2218
00131 #define IDC_BUTTON_IGNORE               2218
00132 #define IDC_AUTOSAVE_DIR_BUTTON         2218
00133 #define IDC_MULTIPLE_OPEN               2219
00134 #define IDC_BUTTON2                     2219
00135 #define IDC_EVENT_LOGGING               2220
00136 #define IDC_EDIT1                       2220
00137 #define IDC_EDIT2                       2221
00138 #define IDC_AUTOSAVE_ENABLED            2221
00139 #define IDC_EDIT3                       2222
00140 #define IDC_AUTOSAVE_FREQ               2222
00141 #define IDC_BUTTON3                     2223
00142 #define IDC_AUTOSAVE_DIR                2223
00143 #define IDC_EXT_ENABLE                  2224
00144 #define IDC_CHECKREFERSTO               2225
00145 #define IDC_CHECKCONNECTION             2226
00146 #define IDC_CHECKSETMEMBER              2227
00147 #define IDC_CHECKCONTAINMENT            2228
00148 #define IDC_CHECKFOLDERCONTAINMENT      2229
00149 #define IDC_DIGINTOLIBRARY              2230
00150 #define IDC_CHECKSUBTYPES               2231
00151 #define IDC_CHECKBASETYPES              2232
00152 #define IDC_BROWSE                      2235
00153 #define IDC_CHECKREFERREDBY             2236
00154 #define IDC_CHECKMEMBEROF               2238
00155 #define IDC_CHECKPARTOFMODEL            2239
00156 #define IDC_CHECKPARTOFFOLDERS          2240
00157 #define IDC_LIST1                       2241
00158 #define IDC_LIBR3                       2242
00159 #define IDC_CHECKSET                    2243
00160 #define IDC_CHECKCONN                   2244
00161 #define IDC_CHECKREF                    2247
00162 #define IDC_INCLUDESOME                 2250
00163 #define IDC_INCLUDEALL                  2251
00164 #define IDC_CHECKREFPORTCONNECTION      2252
00165 #define IDC_CHECK2                      2253
00166 #define IDC_CHECK3                      2254
00167 #define IDC_CHECK4                      2255
00168 #define IDC_CHECK5                      2256
00169 #define IDC_FILTER                      2257
00170 #define IDC_LABELAVOIDANCE              2258
00171 #define IDC_INVERT                      2259
00172 #define IDC_SHOWHIDEBUTTON              2260
00173 #define IDC_REDERIVEBUTTON              2261
00174 #define IDC_EXCONN                      2262
00175 #define IDC_EXREF                       2263
00176 #define IDC_EXATOM                      2264
00177 #define IDC_EXSET                       2265
00178 #define IDC_SENDOVEROBJECT              2266
00179 #define IDC_CMBFMTSTRS                  2268
00180 #define IDC_TIMESTAMPING                2269
00181 #define IDC_EDTPREFIX                   2270
00182 #define IDC_EDTTRUNC                    2271
00183 #define IDC_ALTER_STICKY                2272
00184 #define IDC_APPLY_ALL                   2273
00185 #define IDC_RAD_ALTER0                  2274
00186 #define IDC_RAD_ALTER1                  2275
00187 #define IDC_RAD_ALTER2                  2276
00188 #define IDC_RAD_ALTER3                  2277
00189 #define IDC_CHECKMARK                   2278
00190 #define IDC_EDITMARK                    2279
00191 #define IDC_NAVIGATIONHISTORY           2280
00192 #define IDC_COMBO_SHADOWCOLOR           2281
00193 #define IDC_CHECK_GRADIENTFILL          2282
00194 #define IDC_CHECK_CASTSHADOW            2283
00195 #define IDC_CHECK_ROUNDCORNER           2284
00196 #define IDC_EDIT_SHADOWDEPTH            2285
00197 #define IDC_SPIN2                       2286
00198 #define IDC_EDIT_GRADIENTDIR            2286
00199 #define IDC_STATIC_SHADOWDEPTH          2287
00200 #define IDC_STATIC_GRADIENTDIR          2288
00201 #define IDC_AUTOROUTEDEFAULT            2288
00202 #define IDC_STATIC_CORNERRADIUS         2289
00203 #define IDC_REGISTERSTATIC              2289
00204 #define IDC_EDIT_SHADOWDEPTH3           2290
00205 #define IDC_EDIT_CORNERRADIUS           2290
00206 #define IDC_SHOWCOMPONENTSSTATIC        2290
00207 #define IDC_STATIC_SHADOWDIRECTION      2291
00208 #define IDC_EDGESMOOTHMODE              2291
00209 #define IDC_EDIT_SHADOWDIRECTION        2292
00210 #define IDC_FONTSMOOTHMODE              2292
00211 #define IDC_CHECK_FILES                 2293
00212 #define ID_CNTX_ADDNODE                 32774
00213 #define ID_CNTX_CLEARNODE               32775
00214 #define ID_CNTX_REMOVETREE              32776
00215 #define ID_CNTX_RENAMENODE              32777
00216 #define ID_CNTX_REMOVEALL               32778
00218 // Next default values for new objects
00219 // 
00222 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        2075
00223 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         32779
00224 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         2294
00225 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           2091
00226 #endif
00227 #endif