00001 // MgaConstraint.h : Declaration of the CMgaConstraint 00002 00003 #ifndef __MGACONSTRAINT_H_ 00004 #define __MGACONSTRAINT_H_ 00005 00006 #include "resource.h" // main symbols 00007 00009 // CMgaConstraint 00010 class ATL_NO_VTABLE CMgaConstraint : 00011 public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>, 00012 public CComCoClass<CMgaConstraint, &__uuidof(MgaConstraint)>, 00013 public IDispatchImpl<IMgaConstraint, &__uuidof(IMgaConstraint), &__uuidof(__MGALib)> 00014 { 00015 public: 00016 CComBSTR name, expression; 00017 long eventmask; 00018 CMgaConstraint() 00019 { 00020 } 00021 static void GetConstraint(FCO *f, CoreObj &c, IMgaConstraint **cp); 00022 00023 DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() 00024 00025 BEGIN_COM_MAP(CMgaConstraint) 00026 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IMgaConstraint) 00027 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDispatch) 00028 END_COM_MAP() 00029 00030 // IMgaConstraint 00031 public: 00032 STDMETHOD(get_Name)(BSTR * ) { return E_MGA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }; 00033 // STDMETHOD(get_Priority)(long *) { return E_MGA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }; 00034 STDMETHOD(get_EventMask)(long *) { return E_MGA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }; 00035 STDMETHOD(get_Expression)(BSTR * ) { return E_MGA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }; 00036 STDMETHOD(get_Status) (long *status) { return E_MGA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }; 00037 }; 00038 00039 #endif //__MGACONSTRAINT_H_