GME  13
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // InPlaceEdit.cpp : implementation file
00002 //
00003 // Adapted by Chris Maunder <>
00004 // Copyright (c) 1998-2002. All Rights Reserved.
00005 //
00006 // The code contained in this file is based on the original
00007 // CInPlaceEdit from
00008 //
00009 // This code may be used in compiled form in any way you desire. This
00010 // file may be redistributed unmodified by any means PROVIDING it is 
00011 // not sold for profit without the authors written consent, and 
00012 // providing that this notice and the authors name and all copyright 
00013 // notices remains intact. 
00014 //
00015 // An email letting me know how you are using it would be nice as well. 
00016 //
00017 // This file is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty.
00018 // The author accepts no liability for any damage/loss of business that
00019 // this product may cause.
00020 //
00021 // For use with CGridCtrl v2.10+
00022 //
00023 // History:
00024 //         10 May 1998  Uses GVN_ notifications instead of LVN_,
00025 //                      Sends notification messages to the parent, 
00026 //                      instead of the parent's parent.
00027 //         15 May 1998  There was a problem when editing with the in-place editor, 
00028 //                      there arises a general protection fault in user.exe, with a 
00029 //                      few qualifications:
00030 //                         (1) This only happens with owner-drawn buttons;
00031 //                         (2) This only happens in Win95
00032 //                         (3) This only happens if the handler for the button does not 
00033 //                             create a new window (even an AfxMessageBox will avoid the 
00034 //                             crash)
00035 //                         (4) This will not happen if Spy++ is running.
00036 //                      PreTranslateMessage was added to route messages correctly.
00037 //                      (Matt Weagle found and fixed this problem)
00038 //         26 Jul 1998  Removed the ES_MULTILINE style - that fixed a few probs!
00039 //          6 Aug 1998  Added nID to the constructor param list
00040 //          6 Sep 1998  Space no longer clears selection when starting edit (Franco Bez)
00041 //         10 Apr 1999  Enter, Tab and Esc key prob fixed (Koay Kah Hoe)
00042 //                      Workaround for bizzare "shrinking window" problem in CE
00043 //
00046 #include "stdafx.h"
00047 #include "objectinspector.h"
00048 #include "InPlaceEdit.h"
00049 #include "InspectorDefs.h"
00051 #ifdef _DEBUG
00052 #define new DEBUG_NEW
00053 #undef THIS_FILE
00054 static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
00055 #endif
00058 // CInPlaceEdit
00060 CInPlaceEdit::CInPlaceEdit()
00061 {
00062 }
00064 CInPlaceEdit::~CInPlaceEdit()
00065 {
00066 }
00069 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CInPlaceEdit, CEdit)
00070         //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CInPlaceEdit)
00071         ON_WM_KILLFOCUS()
00072         //}}AFX_MSG_MAP
00076 // CInPlaceEdit message handlers
00078 void CInPlaceEdit::OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd) 
00079 {
00080         CEdit::OnKillFocus(pNewWnd);
00082         if(GetModify())
00083         {
00084                 GetParent()->SendMessage(MSG_EDIT_END_OK,0,0);
00085         }
00087         ShowWindow(SW_HIDE);
00088 }
00091 LRESULT CInPlaceEdit::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 
00092 {
00093         if(message == WM_KEYDOWN)
00094         {
00095                 switch(wParam)
00096                 {
00097                         case VK_ESCAPE:
00098                                 {
00099                                         SetModify(FALSE);
00100                                         GetParent()->SetFocus();        
00101                                         return 0;
00102                                 }break;
00103                         case VK_RETURN:
00104                                 {
00105                                         if(!(GetStyle()&ES_MULTILINE))
00106                         case VK_TAB:    // for JIRA GME-178
00107                                         {
00108                                                 GetParent()->SetFocus();
00109                                                 GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_KEYDOWN, VK_TAB, lParam);
00110                                         }
00111                                 }break;
00112                         case'D':
00113                                 {
00114                                         if(::GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000)
00115                                         {
00116                                                 GetParent()->SendMessage(message,wParam,lParam);
00117                                                 GetParent()->SetFocus();
00118                                         }
00119                                 }break;
00120                         case 'A':
00121                                 {
00122                                         if(::GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000)
00123                                         {
00124                                                 SetSel(0, -1);
00125                                         }
00126                                 }break;
00127                         default:
00128                                 ;
00129                 }       
00130         }       
00131         return CEdit::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam);
00132 }