00001 // GMEViewFrame.cpp : implementation file 00002 // 00003 00004 #include "stdafx.h" 00005 #include "GMEViewFrame.h" 00006 #include "GMEViewCtrl.h" 00007 #include "GMEViewStd.h" 00008 00009 #ifdef _DEBUG 00010 #define new DEBUG_NEW 00011 #undef THIS_FILE 00012 static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; 00013 #endif 00014 00015 00016 00018 // CGMEViewFrame dialog 00019 00020 int CGMEViewFrame::instanceCount = 0; 00021 CString CGMEViewFrame::strMyViewWndClass; 00022 00023 00024 IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CGMEViewFrame, CMiniFrameWnd) 00025 00026 CGMEViewFrame::CGMEViewFrame() 00027 { 00028 instanceCount++; 00029 00030 //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CGMEViewFrame) 00031 // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here 00032 //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 00033 00034 } 00035 00036 CGMEViewFrame::~CGMEViewFrame() 00037 { 00038 } 00039 00040 void CGMEViewFrame::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) 00041 { 00042 CMiniFrameWnd::DoDataExchange(pDX); 00043 //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CGMEViewFrame) 00044 // DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ASPECT_TAB, tab); 00045 //}}AFX_DATA_MAP 00046 } 00047 00048 BOOL CGMEViewFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) 00049 { 00050 &= ~WS_CAPTION; 00051 |= WS_CHILD; 00052 return CMiniFrameWnd::PreCreateWindow(cs); 00053 } 00054 00055 void CGMEViewFrame::SetCurrentProject(CComPtr<IMgaProject> project) 00056 { 00057 mgaProject = project; 00058 viewWnd.SetCurrentProject(project); 00059 } 00060 00061 void CGMEViewFrame::SetMetaModel(CComPtr<IMgaMetaModel> meta) 00062 { 00063 InitPropBarFromMeta(meta); 00064 viewWnd.SetMetaModel(meta); 00065 } 00066 00067 void CGMEViewFrame::SetModel(CComPtr<IMgaModel> model) 00068 { 00069 InitPropBarFromModel(model); 00070 viewWnd.SetModel(model); 00071 } 00072 00073 void CGMEViewFrame::ChangeAspect(int aspect) 00074 { 00075 SetAspectProperty(aspect); 00076 viewWnd.ChangeAspect(aspect + 1); 00077 } 00078 00079 void CGMEViewFrame::Invalidate(void) 00080 { 00081 // TODO? 00082 viewWnd.Invalidate(); 00083 } 00084 00085 void CGMEViewFrame::InitPropBarFromMeta(CComPtr<IMgaMetaModel> meta) 00086 { 00087 InitAspectBox(meta); 00088 InitModelKindName(meta); 00089 } 00090 00091 void CGMEViewFrame::InitPropBarFromModel(CComPtr<IMgaModel> mgaModel) 00092 { 00093 if (mgaModel) { 00094 try { 00095 long status; 00096 COMTHROW(mgaProject->get_ProjectStatus(&status)); 00097 bool inTrans = (status & 0x08L) != 0; 00098 CComPtr<IMgaTerritory> terr; 00099 if (!inTrans) { 00100 COMTHROW(mgaProject->CreateTerritory(NULL, &terr)); 00101 COMTHROW(mgaProject->BeginTransaction(terr, TRANSACTION_READ_ONLY)); 00102 } else { 00103 COMTHROW(mgaProject->get_ActiveTerritory(&terr)); 00104 } 00105 00106 CComPtr<IMgaFCO> modelFco; 00107 COMTHROW(terr->OpenFCO(mgaModel, &modelFco)); 00108 CComQIPtr<IMgaModel> model = modelFco; 00109 00110 status = OBJECT_ZOMBIE; 00111 COMTHROW(model->get_Status(&status)); 00112 if (status == OBJECT_EXISTS) { 00113 InitModelName(model); 00114 InitModelType(model); 00115 } 00116 00117 if (!inTrans) { 00118 mgaProject->CommitTransaction(); 00119 } 00120 } catch(...) { 00121 ASSERT(0); 00122 } 00123 } 00124 } 00125 00126 void CGMEViewFrame::InitAspectBox(CComPtr<IMgaMetaModel> meta) 00127 { 00128 CComboBox* box = (CComboBox*) propBar.GetDlgItem(IDC_ASPECT); 00129 if (meta) { 00130 CComPtr<IMgaMetaAspects> mmAspects; 00131 COMTHROW(meta->get_Aspects(&mmAspects)); 00132 CComPtr<IMgaMetaAspect> mmAspect; 00133 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaMetaAspect, mmAspects) { 00134 mmAspect = MGACOLL_ITER; 00135 00136 CComBSTR bstr; 00137 COMTHROW(mmAspect->get_DisplayedName(&bstr)); 00138 CString cString; 00139 CopyTo(bstr, cString); 00140 box->AddString(cString); 00141 } 00142 MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 00143 } 00144 } 00145 00146 void CGMEViewFrame::InitModelKindName(CComPtr<IMgaMetaModel> meta) 00147 { 00148 if (meta) { 00149 CString kindName; 00150 CComBSTR bstr; 00151 COMTHROW(meta->get_DisplayedName(&bstr)); 00152 CopyTo(bstr, kindName); 00153 SetKindNameProperty(kindName); 00154 } 00155 } 00156 00157 void CGMEViewFrame::InitModelName(CComPtr<IMgaModel> mgaModel) 00158 { 00159 CString name; 00160 CComBSTR bstr; 00161 COMTHROW(mgaModel->get_Name(&bstr)); 00162 CopyTo(bstr, name); 00163 SetNameProperty(name); 00164 } 00165 00166 void CGMEViewFrame::InitModelType(CComPtr<IMgaModel> mgaModel) 00167 { 00168 CComPtr<IMgaFCO> baseType = NULL; 00169 VARIANT_BOOL b; 00170 COMTHROW(mgaModel->get_IsInstance(&b)); 00171 bool isType = (b == VARIANT_FALSE); 00172 if (isType) { 00173 COMTHROW(mgaModel->get_BaseType(&baseType)); 00174 } else { 00175 COMTHROW(mgaModel->get_Type(&baseType)); 00176 } 00177 SetTypeProperty(isType); 00178 InitModelTypeName(baseType, mgaModel); 00179 } 00180 00181 void CGMEViewFrame::InitModelTypeName(CComPtr<IMgaFCO> baseType, CComPtr<IMgaModel> mgaModel) 00182 { 00183 CComPtr<IMgaFCO> fco; 00184 CComBSTR bstr; 00185 CString typeName = "N/A"; 00186 if (baseType != 0) { 00187 COMTHROW(baseType->get_Name(&bstr)); 00188 CopyTo(bstr, typeName); 00189 } 00190 SetTypeNameProperty(typeName); 00191 } 00192 00193 00194 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CGMEViewFrame, CMiniFrameWnd) 00195 //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CGMEViewFrame) 00196 ON_WM_CREATE() 00197 ON_WM_CLOSE() 00198 ON_WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED() 00199 ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_ASPECT, OnSelchangeAspectBox) 00200 //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 00201 END_MESSAGE_MAP() 00202 00204 // CGMEViewFrame message handlers 00205 00206 BOOL CGMEViewFrame::OnInitDialog() 00207 { 00208 // CMiniFrameWnd::OnInitDialog(); 00209 00210 return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control 00211 // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE 00212 } 00213 00214 int CGMEViewFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) 00215 { 00216 if (CMiniFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) 00217 return -1; 00218 00219 // TODO: Add a menu item that will toggle the visibility of the 00220 // dialog bar named "ModelPropertiesBar": 00221 // 1. In ResourceView, open the menu resource that is used by 00222 // the CChildFrame class 00223 // 2. Select the View submenu 00224 // 3. Double-click on the blank item at the bottom of the submenu 00225 // 4. Assign the new item an ID: ID_GMEVIEW_MODELPROPERTIESBAR 00226 // 5. Assign the item a Caption: ModelPropertiesBar 00227 00228 // TODO: Change the value of ID_GMEVIEW_MODELPROPERTIESBAR to an appropriate value: 00229 // 1. Open the file resource.h 00230 // CG: The following block was inserted by the 'Dialog Bar' component 00231 { 00232 // Initialize dialog bar propBar 00233 if (propBar.Create(this, IDD_MODELPROPERTIESBAR, 00234 CBRS_TOP | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_HIDE_INPLACE, 00235 IDC_MODELPROPERTIESBAR) == FALSE) 00236 { 00237 TRACE0("Failed to create GME View dialog bar propBar\n"); 00238 return -1; 00239 // fail to create 00240 } 00241 int zoomvals[] = { ZOOM_MIN, 10, 25, 50, 75, ZOOM_NO, 150, 200, 300, ZOOM_MAX, ZOOM_WIDTH, ZOOM_HEIGHT, ZOOM_ALL, 0 }; 00242 // int zoomvals[] = { ZOOM_NO, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 0 }; // for test 00243 propBar.SetZoomList(zoomvals); 00244 } 00245 00246 { 00247 if (strMyViewWndClass.IsEmpty()) { 00248 try { 00249 strMyViewWndClass = AfxRegisterWndClass( 00250 CS_DBLCLKS | CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW, 00251 ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW), 00252 (HBRUSH) ::GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH), 00253 ::LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION)); 00254 } 00255 catch (CResourceException* pEx) { 00256 TRACE0("Couldn't register class! (Already registered?)"); 00257 pEx->Delete(); 00258 } 00259 } 00260 // TODO 00261 CRect rectClient; 00262 GetClientRect(&rectClient); 00263 if (!viewWnd.Create(strMyViewWndClass, "GME View Window", WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, rectClient, this, 0)) { 00264 TRACE0("Failed to create GME View dialog\n"); 00265 return -1; 00266 } 00267 } 00268 00269 return 0; 00270 } 00271 00272 void CGMEViewFrame::OnClose() 00273 { 00274 CMiniFrameWnd::OnClose(); 00275 00276 // CMDIChildWnd::OnClose: when the last ChildWnd is closed 00277 // the document is considered closed and the title changes to Paradigm 00278 // that's why we call this: 00279 // theApp.UpdateMainTitle(); 00280 } 00281 00282 void CGMEViewFrame::OnWindowPosChanged(WINDOWPOS FAR* lpwndpos) 00283 { 00284 CMiniFrameWnd::OnWindowPosChanged(lpwndpos); 00285 00286 CRect propBarRect; 00287 propBar.GetWindowRect(&propBarRect); 00288 00289 CRect newModelDialogBarRect; 00290 GetClientRect(&newModelDialogBarRect); 00291 += propBarRect.Height(); 00292 viewWnd.MoveWindow(newModelDialogBarRect, TRUE); 00293 } 00294 00295 void CGMEViewFrame::OnSelchangeAspectBox(void) 00296 { 00297 int ind = GetAspectProperty(); 00298 if (ind >= 0) { 00299 viewWnd.ChangeAspect(ind + 1); 00300 SendAspectChange(ind); 00301 } 00302 } 00303 00304 int CGMEViewFrame::GetAspectProperty(void) const 00305 { 00306 CComboBox* box; 00307 box = (CComboBox*) propBar.GetDlgItem(IDC_ASPECT); 00308 ASSERT(box); 00309 return box->GetCurSel(); 00310 } 00311 00312 void CGMEViewFrame::SetAspectProperty(int ind) 00313 { 00314 CComboBox* box; 00315 box = (CComboBox*) propBar.GetDlgItem(IDC_ASPECT); 00316 ASSERT(box); 00317 box->SetCurSel(ind); 00318 } 00319 00320 void CGMEViewFrame::SetKindNameProperty(CString& kindName) 00321 { 00322 CWnd* ctrl; 00323 ctrl = propBar.GetDlgItem(IDC_KINDNAME); 00324 ASSERT(ctrl); 00325 ctrl->SetWindowText(kindName); 00326 } 00327 00328 void CGMEViewFrame::GetNameProperty(CString& txt) const 00329 { 00330 CWnd* ctrl; 00331 ctrl = propBar.GetDlgItem(IDC_NAME); 00332 ASSERT(ctrl); 00333 ctrl->GetWindowText(txt); 00334 } 00335 00336 void CGMEViewFrame::SetNameProperty(CString& name) 00337 { 00338 CWnd* ctrl; 00339 ctrl = propBar.GetDlgItem(IDC_NAME); 00340 ASSERT(ctrl); 00341 ctrl->SetWindowText(name); 00342 // TODO? 00343 // RetrievePath(); 00344 // frame->title = name + " - " + path; 00345 // frame->OnUpdateFrameTitle(true); 00346 } 00347 00348 void CGMEViewFrame::SetTypeProperty(bool isType) 00349 { 00350 if (isType) 00351 propBar.ShowType(); 00352 else 00353 propBar.ShowInstance(); 00354 } 00355 00356 void CGMEViewFrame::SetTypeNameProperty(CString& typeName) 00357 { 00358 CWnd* ctrl; 00359 ctrl = propBar.GetDlgItem(IDC_TYPENAME); 00360 ASSERT(ctrl); 00361 ctrl->SetWindowText(typeName); 00362 // RetrievePath(); 00363 // frame->title = name + " - " + path; 00364 // frame->OnUpdateFrameTitle(true); 00365 } 00366 00367 void CGMEViewFrame::SendAspectChange(long index) 00368 { 00369 CWnd* wnd = GetParent(); 00370 if (wnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CGMEViewCtrl))) { 00371 CGMEViewCtrl* ctrl = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CGMEViewCtrl, wnd); 00372 ctrl->SendAspectChanged(index); 00373 } 00374 } 00375 00376 void CGMEViewFrame::SendZoomChange(long index) 00377 { 00378 CWnd* wnd = GetParent(); 00379 if (wnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CGMEViewCtrl))) { 00380 CGMEViewCtrl* ctrl = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CGMEViewCtrl, wnd); 00381 ctrl->SendZoomChanged(index); 00382 } 00383 } 00384 00385 void CGMEViewFrame::SendWriteStatusZoom(long zoomVal) 00386 { 00387 CWnd* wnd = GetParent(); 00388 if (wnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CGMEViewCtrl))) { 00389 CGMEViewCtrl* ctrl = STATIC_DOWNCAST(CGMEViewCtrl, wnd); 00390 ctrl->SendWriteStatusZoom(zoomVal); 00391 } 00392 }