00001 //############################################################################################################################################### 00002 // 00003 // Object Constraint Language Generic Manager 00004 // GMEConstraintPropertiesDialog.cpp 00005 // 00006 //############################################################################################################################################### 00007 00008 #include "StdAfx.h" 00009 #include "OCLGMECMFacade.h" 00010 #include "constraintmanager.h" 00011 #include "GMEConstraintBrowserDialog.h" 00012 #include "GMEConstraintPropertiesDialog.h" 00013 #include "GMESyntacticSemanticDialog.h" 00014 #include "OCLCommonEx.h" 00015 #include <algorithm> 00016 00017 #ifdef _DEBUG 00018 #define new DEBUG_NEW 00019 #undef THIS_FILE 00020 static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; 00021 #endif 00022 00023 typedef std::map<int,int> EventMap; 00024 00025 namespace OclGmeCM 00026 { 00027 00028 //############################################################################################################################################## 00029 // 00030 // C L A S S : CConstraintPropertiesDialog <<< + CDialog 00031 // 00032 //############################################################################################################################################## 00033 00034 CConstraintPropertiesDialog::CConstraintPropertiesDialog( CConstraintBrowserDialog* pDialog, OclGme::SpConstraint spConstraint, CWnd* pParent ) 00035 : CDialog(CConstraintPropertiesDialog::IDD, pParent), m_pDialog( pDialog ), m_spConstraintIn( spConstraint ) 00036 { 00037 //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CConstraintPropertiesDialog) 00038 // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here 00039 //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 00040 } 00041 00042 00043 void CConstraintPropertiesDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) 00044 { 00045 CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); 00046 //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CConstraintPropertiesDialog) 00047 DDX_Control(pDX, CRP_TABPAGES, m_tabPages); 00048 DDX_Control(pDX, CRP_BTNOK, m_btnOK); 00049 DDX_Control(pDX, CRP_BTNCANCEL, m_btnCancel); 00050 //}}AFX_DATA_MAP 00051 } 00052 00053 00054 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CConstraintPropertiesDialog, CDialog) 00055 //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CConstraintPropertiesDialog) 00056 ON_BN_CLICKED(CRP_BTNCANCEL, OnClickCancel) 00057 ON_BN_CLICKED(CRP_BTNOK, OnClickOK) 00058 ON_NOTIFY(TCN_SELCHANGE, CRP_TABPAGES, OnSelectionChangeTab) 00059 //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 00060 END_MESSAGE_MAP() 00061 00062 BOOL CConstraintPropertiesDialog::OnInitDialog() 00063 { 00064 CDialog::OnInitDialog(); 00065 00066 m_tabPages.InsertItem( 0, _T("Identity") ); 00067 m_tabPages.InsertItem( 1, _T("Expression") ); 00068 m_tabPages.InsertItem( 2, _T("Events") ); 00069 00070 m_pageIdentity.Create( IDD_PROPERTIES_IDENTITY_PAGE, &m_tabPages ); 00071 m_pageExpression.Create( IDD_PROPERTIES_EXPRESSION_PAGE, &m_tabPages ); 00072 m_pageEvent.Create( IDD_PROPERTIES_EVENT_PAGE, &m_tabPages ); 00073 00074 PlacePage( m_pageIdentity ); 00075 PlacePage( m_pageExpression ); 00076 PlacePage( m_pageEvent ); 00077 00078 m_lstImages.Create( 16, 16, ILC_COLOR24 | ILC_MASK, 28, 28 ); 00079 CBitmap bmp; 00080 bmp.LoadBitmap( IDB_TREEICONS ); 00081 m_lstImages.Add( &bmp, RGB( 255, 0, 255 ) ); 00082 00083 std::string strName; 00084 std::string strContext; 00085 if ( m_spConstraintIn.Ptr() ) 00086 m_spConstraintIn->GetContextAndName( strContext, strName ); 00087 00088 // Fill Identity Page 00089 00090 if ( m_spConstraintIn.Ptr() ) { 00091 m_pageIdentity.m_edtName.SetWindowText( OclCommonEx::Convert( strName ) ); 00092 m_pageIdentity.m_edtName.SetReadOnly( true ); 00093 m_pageIdentity.m_edtDescription.SetWindowText( OclCommonEx::Convert( m_spConstraintIn->GetMessage() ) ); 00094 m_pageIdentity.m_edtDescription.SetReadOnly( m_spConstraintIn->GetLocation() != OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_PROJECT ); 00095 m_pageIdentity.m_edtDefault.SetReadOnly( m_spConstraintIn->GetLocation() != OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_PROJECT ); 00096 m_pageIdentity.m_cmbPriority.SetCurSel( m_spConstraintIn->GetPriority() - 1 ); 00097 m_pageIdentity.m_cmbPriority.EnableWindow( m_spConstraintIn->GetLocation() == OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_PROJECT ); 00098 m_pageIdentity.m_cmbDepth.SetCurSel( m_spConstraintIn->GetDepth() ); 00099 m_pageIdentity.m_cmbDepth.EnableWindow( m_spConstraintIn->GetLocation() == OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_PROJECT ); 00100 switch ( m_spConstraintIn->GetLocation() ) { 00101 case OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_PROJECT : { 00102 CString strProject; 00103 COMTHROW( m_pDialog->m_pFacade->GetProject()->get_Name( PutOut( strProject ) ) ); 00104 m_pageIdentity.m_edtDefinition.SetWindowText( L"Project: " + strProject ); 00105 break; 00106 } 00107 case OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_META : { 00108 CString strMProject; 00109 COMTHROW( m_pDialog->m_pFacade->GetMetaProject()->get_Name( PutOut( strMProject ) ) ); 00110 m_pageIdentity.m_edtDefinition.SetWindowText( L"Meta: " + strMProject ); 00111 break; 00112 } 00113 default : { 00114 StringVector vecLibPath = m_spConstraintIn->GetLibraryPath(); 00115 CString strPath; 00116 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < vecLibPath.size() ; i++ ) { 00117 if ( i > 0 ) 00118 strPath += "/"; 00119 strPath += OclCommonEx::Convert( vecLibPath[ i ] ); 00120 } 00121 m_pageIdentity.m_edtDefinition.SetWindowText( L"Library: " + strPath ); 00122 break; 00123 } 00124 } 00125 } 00126 else { 00127 m_pageIdentity.m_cmbPriority.SetCurSel( 0 ); 00128 m_pageIdentity.m_cmbDepth.SetCurSel( 1 ); 00129 CString strProject; 00130 COMTHROW( m_pDialog->m_pFacade->GetProject()->get_Name( PutOut( strProject ) ) ); 00131 m_pageIdentity.m_edtDefinition.SetWindowText( L"Project: " + strProject ); 00132 } 00133 00134 // Fill Expression Page 00135 00136 m_pageExpression.m_cmbContext.SetImageList( &m_lstImages ); 00137 FillContextCombo( OBJTYPE_FOLDER ); 00138 FillContextCombo( OBJTYPE_MODEL ); 00139 FillContextCombo( OBJTYPE_ATOM ); 00140 FillContextCombo( OBJTYPE_REFERENCE ); 00141 FillContextCombo( OBJTYPE_CONNECTION ); 00142 FillContextCombo( OBJTYPE_SET ); 00143 if ( m_pageExpression.m_cmbContext.GetCount() != 0 ) 00144 m_pageExpression.m_cmbContext.SetCurSel( 0 ); 00145 00146 GetItem( 1 ); 00147 00148 if ( m_spConstraintIn.Ptr() ) { 00149 m_pageExpression.m_cmbContext.EnableWindow( false ); 00150 int iPos = FindItem( OclCommonEx::Convert( strContext ) ); 00151 if ( iPos == -1 ) { 00152 iPos = InsertItem( OBJTYPE_NULL, L"Invalid context: " + OclCommonEx::Convert( strContext ) ); 00153 m_btnOK.EnableWindow( m_spConstraintIn->GetLocation() == OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_PROJECT ); 00154 } 00155 m_pageExpression.m_cmbContext.SetCurSel( iPos ); 00156 00157 CString strExpression = OclCommonEx::Convert( m_spConstraintIn->GetExpression() ); 00158 strExpression.Replace( _T("\r"), _T("") ); 00159 strExpression.Replace( _T("\n"), _T("\r\n") ); 00160 strExpression.Replace( _T("\t"), _T(" ") ); 00161 m_pageExpression.m_edtExpression.SetWindowText( strExpression ); 00162 m_pageExpression.m_edtExpression.SetReadOnly( m_spConstraintIn->GetLocation() != OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_PROJECT ); 00163 } 00164 00165 // Fill Event Page 00166 00167 if ( m_spConstraintIn.Ptr() ) { 00168 EventMap eMap = GetEventMap(); 00169 for ( EventMap::iterator i = eMap.begin() ; i != eMap.end() ; ++i ) { 00170 ( ( CButton* ) m_pageEvent.GetDlgItem( (*i).second ) )->SetCheck( ( m_spConstraintIn->GetEventMask() & (*i).first ) ? 1 : 0 ); 00171 m_pageEvent.GetDlgItem( (*i).second )->EnableWindow( m_spConstraintIn->GetLocation() == OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_PROJECT ); 00172 } 00173 } 00174 00175 m_btnCancel.EnableWindow( ! ( m_spConstraintIn.Ptr() && m_spConstraintIn->GetLocation() != OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_PROJECT ) ); 00176 00177 return TRUE; 00178 } 00179 00180 void CConstraintPropertiesDialog::PlacePage( CDialog& dlgPage ) 00181 { 00182 CRect rectTab; 00183 m_tabPages.GetWindowRect( rectTab ); 00184 m_tabPages.ScreenToClient( rectTab ); 00185 CRect rectItem; 00186 m_tabPages.GetItemRect( 0, rectItem ); 00187 00188 CRect rect; 00189 dlgPage.GetWindowRect( rect ); 00190 m_tabPages.ScreenToClient( rect ); 00191 00192 int iXGap = ( rectTab.Width() - rect.Width() ) / 2; 00193 int iYGap = ( rectTab.Height() - rectItem.Height() - rect.Height() ) / 2; 00194 00195 rect.left = iXGap; 00196 rect.right = rectTab.Width() - iXGap; 00197 = rectItem.Height() + iYGap; 00198 rect.bottom = rectTab.Height() - iYGap; 00199 00200 dlgPage.MoveWindow( rect ); 00201 } 00202 00203 void CConstraintPropertiesDialog::FillContextCombo( objtype_enum eType ) 00204 { 00205 OclCommonEx::MetaBaseVector vecMetas; 00206 OclCommonEx::GetMetaObjects( m_pDialog->m_pFacade->GetMetaProject(), "", eType, vecMetas ); 00207 00208 StringVector vecKinds; 00209 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < vecMetas.size() ; i++ ) 00210 vecKinds.push_back( OclCommonEx::GetObjectName( vecMetas[ i ].p ) ); 00211 std::sort( vecKinds.begin(), vecKinds.end() ); 00212 00213 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < vecKinds.size() ; i++ ) 00214 InsertItem( eType, L"meta::" + OclCommonEx::Convert( vecKinds[ i ] ) ); 00215 } 00216 00217 int CConstraintPropertiesDialog::InsertItem( objtype_enum eType, CString& strItem ) 00218 { 00219 COMBOBOXEXITEM cbi; 00220 cbi.mask = CBEIF_INDENT | CBEIF_TEXT; 00221 if ( eType != OBJTYPE_NULL ) 00222 cbi.mask |= CBEIF_IMAGE | CBEIF_OVERLAY | CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; 00223 cbi.iItem = m_pageExpression.m_cmbContext.GetCount(); 00224 cbi.pszText = strItem.GetBuffer( strItem.GetLength() ); 00225 cbi.cchTextMax = strItem.GetLength(); 00226 if ( eType != OBJTYPE_NULL ) { 00227 cbi.iImage = ( eType != OBJTYPE_FOLDER ) ? eType + 10 : ( strItem == _T("meta::RootFolder") ) ? 9 : 10; 00228 cbi.iSelectedImage = cbi.iImage; 00229 cbi.iOverlay = cbi.iImage; 00230 } 00231 cbi.iIndent = I_INDENTCALLBACK; 00232 int iResult = m_pageExpression.m_cmbContext.InsertItem( &cbi ); 00233 strItem.ReleaseBuffer(); 00234 return iResult; 00235 } 00236 00237 CString CConstraintPropertiesDialog::GetItem( int iPos ) 00238 { 00239 CString strResult; 00240 COMBOBOXEXITEM cbi; 00241 cbi.mask = CBEIF_TEXT; 00242 cbi.iItem = iPos; 00243 cbi.pszText = strResult.GetBuffer( 255 ); 00244 cbi.cchTextMax = 255; 00245 00246 m_pageExpression.m_cmbContext.GetItem( &cbi ); 00247 strResult.ReleaseBuffer(); 00248 return strResult; 00249 } 00250 00251 int CConstraintPropertiesDialog::FindItem( const CString& strItem ) 00252 { 00253 for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_pageExpression.m_cmbContext.GetCount() ; i++ ) 00254 if ( GetItem( i ) == strItem ) 00255 return i; 00256 return -1; 00257 } 00258 00259 void CConstraintPropertiesDialog::OnClickCancel() 00260 { 00261 CDialog::OnCancel(); 00262 } 00263 00264 void CConstraintPropertiesDialog::OnClickOK() 00265 { 00266 if ( m_spConstraintIn.Ptr() && m_spConstraintIn->GetLocation() != OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_PROJECT ) { 00267 CDialog::OnCancel(); 00268 return; 00269 } 00270 00271 // Retrieve Identity Page 00272 00273 CString strName; 00274 m_pageIdentity.m_edtName.GetWindowText( strName ); 00275 if ( strName.IsEmpty() ) { 00276 AfxMessageBox( _T("Constraint cannot be untitled.") ); 00277 return; 00278 } 00279 00280 CString strDescription; 00281 m_pageIdentity.m_edtDescription.GetWindowText( strDescription ); 00282 if ( strDescription.IsEmpty() ) { 00283 AfxMessageBox( _T("Constraint must have description.") ); 00284 return; 00285 } 00286 00287 long lPriority = m_pageIdentity.m_cmbPriority.GetCurSel() + 1; 00288 00289 constraint_depth_enum eDepth = ( constraint_depth_enum ) m_pageIdentity.m_cmbDepth.GetCurSel(); 00290 00291 // Retrieve Expression page 00292 00293 CString strContext = GetItem( m_pageExpression.m_cmbContext.GetCurSel() ); 00294 00295 CString strExpression; 00296 m_pageExpression.m_edtExpression.GetWindowText( strExpression ); 00297 if ( strExpression.IsEmpty() ) { 00298 AfxMessageBox( _T("Constraint must have expression.") ); 00299 return; 00300 } 00301 00302 // Retrieve Event page 00303 00304 unsigned long ulEventMask = 0; 00305 EventMap eMap = GetEventMap(); 00306 for ( EventMap::iterator i = eMap.begin() ; i != eMap.end() ; ++i ) { 00307 if ( ( ( CButton* ) m_pageEvent.GetDlgItem( (*i).second ) )->GetCheck() == 1 ) 00308 ulEventMask |= (*i).first; 00309 } 00310 00311 // Check whether Constraint is unique 00312 00313 ConstraintVectorMap::iterator it = m_pDialog->m_mapConstraints.find( OclCommonEx::Convert( strContext ) ); 00314 if ( it != m_pDialog->m_mapConstraints.end() ) { 00315 OclGme::ConstraintVector vecConstraints = (*it).second; 00316 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < vecConstraints.size() ; i++ ) 00317 if ( vecConstraints[ i ]->GetName() == OclCommonEx::Convert( strName ) && vecConstraints[ i ].Ptr() != m_spConstraintIn.Ptr() ) { 00318 AfxMessageBox( _T("Context [ ") + strContext + _T(" ] already has a constraint called ") + strName + _T(".") ); 00319 return; 00320 } 00321 } 00322 00323 OclGme::Constraint* pConstraint = new OclGme::Constraint( OclCommonEx::Convert( strName ), OclCommonEx::Convert( strContext ), OclCommonEx::Convert( strExpression ), OclCommonEx::Convert( strDescription ), ulEventMask, lPriority, eDepth ); 00324 OclGme::SpConstraint spConstraint( pConstraint ); 00325 spConstraint->Register( m_pDialog->m_pFacade->GetTreeManager() ); 00326 Ocl::Constraint::State eState = spConstraint->Parse(); 00327 if ( eState == Ocl::Constraint::CS_PARSE_SUCCEEDED ) { 00328 OclTree::TypeContextStack context; 00329 context.AddVariable( "project", TypeSeq( 1, "gme::Project" ) ); 00330 eState = spConstraint->Check( context ); 00331 if ( eState == Ocl::Constraint::CS_CHECK_SUCCEEDED ) { 00332 spConstraint->SetDependencyResult( OclMeta::DependencySet() ); 00333 m_spConstraintOut = spConstraint; 00334 CDialog::OnOK(); 00335 return; 00336 } 00337 } 00338 00339 CSyntacticSemanticDialog dlgErrors( this ); 00340 dlgErrors.AddItem( spConstraint ); 00341 dlgErrors.DoModal(); 00342 } 00343 00344 void CConstraintPropertiesDialog::OnSelectionChangeTab(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 00345 { 00346 m_pageIdentity.ShowWindow( ( m_tabPages.GetCurSel() == 0 ) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE ); 00347 m_pageExpression.ShowWindow( ( m_tabPages.GetCurSel() == 1 ) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE ); 00348 m_pageEvent.ShowWindow( ( m_tabPages.GetCurSel() == 2 ) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE ); 00349 *pResult = 0; 00350 } 00351 00352 EventMap CConstraintPropertiesDialog::GetEventMap() const 00353 { 00354 EventMap eMap; 00355 00356 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_RELATION, PEVP_CHKCHANGEASSOC ) ); 00357 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_ATTR, PEVP_CHKCHANGEATTRIB ) ); 00358 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_PROPERTIES, PEVP_CHKCHANGEPROP ) ); 00359 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_CLOSEMODEL, PEVP_CHKCLOSEMODEL ) ); 00360 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_CONNECTED, PEVP_CHKCONNECT ) ); 00361 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_CREATED, PEVP_CHKCREATE ) ); 00362 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_DESTROYED, PEVP_CHKDELETE ) ); 00363 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_SUBT_INST, PEVP_CHKDERIVE ) ); 00364 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_DISCONNECTED, PEVP_CHKDISCONNECT ) ); 00365 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_SETEXCLUDED, PEVP_CHKEXCLUDESET ) ); 00366 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_SETINCLUDED, PEVP_CHKINCLUDESET ) ); 00367 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_LOSTCHILD, PEVP_CHKLOSTCHILD ) ); 00368 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_PARENT, PEVP_CHKMOVE ) ); 00369 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_NEWCHILD, PEVP_CHKNEWCHILD ) ); 00370 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_REFERENCED, PEVP_CHKREFER ) ); 00371 eMap.insert( EventMap::value_type( OBJEVENT_REFRELEASED, PEVP_CHKUNREFER ) ); 00372 00373 return eMap; 00374 } 00375 00376 //############################################################################################################################################## 00377 // 00378 // C L A S S : CIdentityPage <<< + CDialog 00379 // 00380 //############################################################################################################################################## 00381 00382 CIdentityPage::CIdentityPage(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) 00383 : CDialog(CIdentityPage::IDD, pParent) 00384 { 00385 //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CIdentityPage) 00386 //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 00387 } 00388 00389 void CIdentityPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) 00390 { 00391 CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); 00392 //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CIdentityPage) 00393 DDX_Control(pDX, PIDP_EDTDEFINITION, m_edtDefinition); 00394 DDX_Control(pDX, PIDP_EDTNAME, m_edtName); 00395 DDX_Control(pDX, PIDP_EDTDESCRIPTION, m_edtDescription); 00396 DDX_Control(pDX, PIDP_EDTDEFAULT, m_edtDefault); 00397 DDX_Control(pDX, PIDP_CMBPRIORITY, m_cmbPriority); 00398 DDX_Control(pDX, PIDP_CMBDEPTH, m_cmbDepth); 00399 //}}AFX_DATA_MAP 00400 } 00401 00402 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CIdentityPage, CDialog) 00403 //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CIdentityPage) 00404 //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 00405 END_MESSAGE_MAP() 00406 00407 BOOL CIdentityPage::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) 00408 { 00409 return ( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE ) ? GetParent()->PreTranslateMessage( pMsg ) : CDialog::PreTranslateMessage( pMsg ); 00410 } 00411 00412 //############################################################################################################################################## 00413 // 00414 // C L A S S : CExpressionPage <<< + CDialog 00415 // 00416 //############################################################################################################################################## 00417 00418 CExpressionPage::CExpressionPage(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) 00419 : CDialog(CExpressionPage::IDD, pParent) 00420 { 00421 //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CExpressionPage) 00422 //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 00423 } 00424 00425 00426 void CExpressionPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) 00427 { 00428 CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); 00429 //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CExpressionPage) 00430 DDX_Control(pDX, PEXP_CMBCONTEXT, m_cmbContext); 00431 DDX_Control(pDX, PEXP_EDTEXPRESSION, m_edtExpression); 00432 //}}AFX_DATA_MAP 00433 } 00434 00435 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CExpressionPage, CDialog) 00436 //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CExpressionPage) 00437 //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 00438 END_MESSAGE_MAP() 00439 00440 BOOL CExpressionPage::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) 00441 { 00442 return ( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE ) ? GetParent()->PreTranslateMessage( pMsg ) : CDialog::PreTranslateMessage( pMsg ); 00443 } 00444 00445 //############################################################################################################################################## 00446 // 00447 // C L A S S : CEventPage <<< + CDialog 00448 // 00449 //############################################################################################################################################## 00450 00451 CEventPage::CEventPage(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) 00452 : CDialog(CEventPage::IDD, pParent) 00453 { 00454 //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CEventPage) 00455 // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here 00456 //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 00457 } 00458 00459 00460 void CEventPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) 00461 { 00462 CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); 00463 //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CEventPage) 00464 // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here 00465 //}}AFX_DATA_MAP 00466 } 00467 00468 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CEventPage, CDialog) 00469 //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CEventPage) 00470 // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here 00471 //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 00472 END_MESSAGE_MAP() 00473 00474 BOOL CEventPage::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) 00475 { 00476 return ( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE ) ? GetParent()->PreTranslateMessage( pMsg ) : CDialog::PreTranslateMessage( pMsg ); 00477 } 00478 00479 }; // namespace OclGmeCM