00001 //############################################################################################################################################### 00002 // 00003 // Object Constraint Language Generic Manager 00004 // GMEConstraintBrowserDialog.cpp 00005 // 00006 //############################################################################################################################################### 00007 00008 #include "stdafx.h" 00009 #include "constraintmanager.h" 00010 #include "GMEConstraintBrowserDialog.h" 00011 #include "OCLGMECMFacade.h" 00012 #include "GMEConstraintPropertiesDialog.h" 00013 #include "GMESmallMessageBox.h" 00014 #include "OCLObjectExGME.h" 00015 00016 #ifdef _DEBUG 00017 #define new DEBUG_NEW 00018 #undef THIS_FILE 00019 static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; 00020 #endif 00021 00022 #define NILNAMESPACE "" 00023 namespace OclGmeCM { 00024 00025 //############################################################################################################################################## 00026 // 00027 // C L A S S : CConstraintBrowserDialog <<< + CDialog 00028 // 00029 //############################################################################################################################################## 00030 00031 CConstraintBrowserDialog::CConstraintBrowserDialog( Facade* pFacade, CComPtr<IMgaObject> spObject, CComPtr<IMgaObjects> spObjects, CWnd* pParent ) 00032 : CDialog( CConstraintBrowserDialog::IDD, pParent ), m_pFacade( pFacade ), m_spObject( spObject ), m_spObjects( spObjects ), m_eKindActiveTree( CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_CONSTRAINT ), m_bLoaded( false ) 00033 { 00034 //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CConstraintBrowserDialog) 00035 //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 00036 } 00037 00038 CConstraintBrowserDialog::~CConstraintBrowserDialog() 00039 { 00040 } 00041 00042 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) 00043 { 00044 CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); 00045 //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CConstraintBrowserDialog) 00046 DDX_Control(pDX, BRW_BTNLOAD, m_btnLoad); 00047 DDX_Control(pDX, BRW_BTNAPPLY, m_btnApply); 00048 DDX_Control(pDX, BRW_TABENABLES, m_tabTrees); 00049 DDX_Control(pDX, BRW_BTNREMOVE, m_btnRemove); 00050 DDX_Control(pDX, BRW_BTNOK, m_btnOK); 00051 DDX_Control(pDX, BRW_BTNCHECK, m_btnCheck); 00052 DDX_Control(pDX, BRW_BTNCANCEL, m_btnCancel); 00053 DDX_Control(pDX, BRW_BTNADD, m_btnAdd); 00054 //}}AFX_DATA_MAP 00055 } 00056 00057 00058 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CConstraintBrowserDialog, CDialog) 00059 //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CConstraintBrowserDialog) 00060 ON_BN_CLICKED(BRW_BTNADD, OnClickAdd) 00061 ON_BN_CLICKED(BRW_BTNCANCEL, OnClickCancel) 00062 ON_BN_CLICKED(BRW_BTNCHECK, OnClickCheck) 00063 ON_BN_CLICKED(BRW_BTNOK, OnClickOK) 00064 ON_BN_CLICKED(BRW_BTNREMOVE, OnClickRemove) 00065 ON_NOTIFY(TCN_SELCHANGE, BRW_TABENABLES, OnSelectionChangedTab) 00066 ON_BN_CLICKED(BRW_BTNAPPLY, OnClickApply) 00067 ON_BN_CLICKED(BRW_BTNLOAD, OnClickLoad) 00068 //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 00069 ON_NOTIFY( TVN_ITEMEXPANDING, BRW_TREEOBJECTS, OnItemExpanding ) 00070 ON_NOTIFY( CTVN_CHECKCHANGED, BRW_TREEOBJECTS, OnCheckChanged ) 00071 ON_NOTIFY( CTVN_CHECKCHANGEDREC, BRW_TREEOBJECTS, OnCheckChangedRecursive ) 00072 ON_NOTIFY( CTVN_SHOWITEM, BRW_TREECONSTRAINTS, OnShowItem ) 00073 ON_NOTIFY( TVN_SELCHANGED, BRW_TREECONSTRAINTS, OnSelectionChangedTreeConstraints ) 00074 ON_NOTIFY( TVN_SELCHANGED, BRW_TREEOBJECTS, OnSelectionChangedTreeObjects ) 00075 END_MESSAGE_MAP() 00076 00077 00078 00079 00080 00081 00082 00083 BOOL CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnInitDialog() 00084 { 00085 CDialog::OnInitDialog(); 00086 00087 CWaitCursor crsrWait; 00088 00089 // Fill ImageLists 00090 00091 m_lstObjectImages.Create( 16, 16, ILC_COLOR24 | ILC_MASK, 28, 28 ); 00092 CBitmap bmp; 00093 bmp.LoadBitmap( IDB_TREEICONS ); 00094 m_lstObjectImages.Add( &bmp, RGB( 255, 0, 255 ) ); 00095 00096 m_lstStateImages.Create( 16, 16, ILC_COLOR4 | ILC_MASK, 6, 6 ); 00097 CBitmap bmp2; 00098 bmp2.LoadBitmap( IDB_CHECKICONS ); 00099 m_lstStateImages.Add( &bmp2, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) ); 00100 00101 m_lstCStateImages.Create( 16, 16, ILC_COLOR4 | ILC_MASK, 6, 6 ); 00102 CBitmap bmp3; 00103 bmp3.LoadBitmap( IDB_CONSTRAINTSTATEICONS ); 00104 m_lstCStateImages.Add( &bmp3, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) ); 00105 00106 // Create Tabs 00107 00108 m_tabTrees.InsertItem( 0, _T("Constraints") ); 00109 m_tabTrees.InsertItem( 1, _T("Kinds and Types") ); 00110 m_tabTrees.InsertItem( 2, _T("Settings") ); 00111 00112 m_pageSettings.Create( IDD_BROWSER_SETTINGS_PAGE, &m_tabTrees ); 00113 PlaceWindow( m_pageSettings ); 00114 00115 // Create Constraint and Object Trees 00116 00117 DWORD dwStyleTree = WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER | TVS_HASBUTTONS | TVS_LINESATROOT | TVS_HASLINES /*TVS_FULLROWSELECT*/ | TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP | TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; 00118 CRect rect; 00119 m_treeConstraints.Create( dwStyleTree, rect, &m_tabTrees, BRW_TREECONSTRAINTS ); 00120 m_treeConstraints.SetImageList( &m_lstObjectImages, TVSIL_NORMAL ); 00121 m_treeConstraints.SetImageList( &m_lstCStateImages, TVSIL_STATE ); 00122 m_treeConstraints.SetKind( CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_CONSTRAINT ); 00123 PlaceWindow( m_treeConstraints, 10 ); 00124 00125 m_treeObjects.Create( dwStyleTree, rect, &m_tabTrees, BRW_TREEOBJECTS ); 00126 m_treeObjects.SetImageList( &m_lstObjectImages, TVSIL_NORMAL ); 00127 m_treeObjects.SetImageList( &m_lstStateImages, TVSIL_STATE ); 00128 m_treeObjects.SetKind( CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_OBJECT ); 00129 PlaceWindow( m_treeObjects, 10 ); 00130 00131 // Set Tab specific things 00132 00133 SetView( ( ! m_spObject.p && ! m_spObjects.p ) ? CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_CONSTRAINT : CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_OBJECT ); 00134 m_tabTrees.SetCurSel( ( m_spObject.p || m_spObjects.p ) ? 1 : 0 ); 00135 00136 LoadSettings(); 00137 LoadConstraints(); 00138 LoadKinds(); 00139 00140 crsrWait.Restore(); 00141 00142 return TRUE; 00143 } 00144 00145 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::PlaceWindow( CWnd& window, int iGap ) 00146 { 00147 CRect rectTab; 00148 m_tabTrees.GetWindowRect( rectTab ); 00149 m_tabTrees.ScreenToClient( rectTab ); 00150 CRect rectItem; 00151 m_tabTrees.GetItemRect( 0, rectItem ); 00152 00153 CRect rect; 00154 window.GetWindowRect( rect ); 00155 m_tabTrees.ScreenToClient( rect ); 00156 00157 int iXGap = ( iGap != -1 ) ? iGap : ( rectTab.Width() - rect.Width() ) / 2; 00158 int iYGap = ( iGap != -1 ) ? iGap : ( rectTab.Height() - rectItem.Height() - rect.Height() ) / 2; 00159 00160 rect.left = iXGap; 00161 rect.right = rectTab.Width() - iXGap; 00162 = rectItem.Height() + iYGap; 00163 rect.bottom = rectTab.Height() - iYGap; 00164 00165 window.MoveWindow( rect ); 00166 } 00167 00168 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnClickAdd() 00169 { 00170 CConstraintPropertiesDialog dlgProperties( this, NULL ); 00171 if ( dlgProperties.DoModal() == IDOK ) { 00172 InsertConstraint( dlgProperties.m_spConstraintOut ); 00173 m_btnApply.EnableWindow( true ); 00174 m_treeConstraints.SortItemChildren( TVI_ROOT ); 00175 } 00176 } 00177 00178 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnClickCancel() 00179 { 00180 CDialog::OnCancel(); 00181 } 00182 00183 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnClickCheck() 00184 { 00185 EvaluationRecordVector vecRecords; 00186 00187 AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor( 1 ); 00188 00189 if ( m_eKindActiveTree == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_CONSTRAINT ) { 00190 for ( HTREEITEM hCItem = m_treeConstraints.GetRootItem(); hCItem != NULL ; hCItem = m_treeConstraints.GetNextSiblingItem( hCItem ) ) { 00191 BOOL bSelected = m_treeConstraints.GetItemState( hCItem, TVIS_SELECTED ) & TVIS_SELECTED; 00192 if ( bSelected ) { 00193 ConstraintMap::iterator it = m_mapConstraint.find( ( HTREEITEM ) m_treeConstraints.GetItemData( hCItem ) ); 00194 OclGme::SpConstraint spConstraint = (*it).second; 00195 if ( spConstraint->IsValid() ) { 00196 OclCommonEx::ObjectVector vecObjects; 00197 OclCommonEx::GetKindObjects( m_pFacade->GetProject(), spConstraint->GetContextType().substr( 6 ), vecObjects ); 00198 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < vecObjects.size() ; i++ ) { 00199 OclGme::Constraint::EnableInfo eInfo = spConstraint->GetEnableInfo( vecObjects[ i ].p ); 00200 if ( eInfo > OclGme::Constraint::CE_NONE && eInfo <= OclGme::Constraint::CE_ENABLED_READONLY ) { 00201 EvaluationRecord item; 00202 item.spObject = CREATE_GMEOBJECT( m_pFacade->GetTreeManager()->GetTypeManager(), vecObjects[ i ].p ); 00203 item.spConstraint = spConstraint; 00204 vecRecords.push_back( item ); 00205 } 00206 } 00207 } 00208 } 00209 } 00210 } 00211 else { 00212 for ( HandlerSet::iterator it = m_setSelecteds.begin() ; it != m_setSelecteds.end() ; ++it ) { 00213 EvaluationRecord item; 00214 00215 HTREEITEM hParent = m_treeObjects.GetParentItem( *it ); 00216 MapH2ID::iterator idit = m_mapH2ID.find( ( HTREEITEM ) m_treeObjects.GetItemData( hParent ) ); 00217 std::string strOID = (*idit).second; 00218 CComPtr<IMgaObject> spObject; 00219 COMTHROW( m_pFacade->GetProject()->GetObjectByID( CComBSTR( OclCommonEx::Convert( (*idit).second ) ), &spObject ) ); 00220 item.spObject = CREATE_GMEOBJECT( m_pFacade->GetTreeManager()->GetTypeManager(), spObject ); 00221 00222 std::string strCID = OclCommonEx::Convert( m_treeObjects.GetItemText( *it ) ); 00223 for ( ConstraintMap::iterator cit = m_mapConstraint.begin() ; cit != m_mapConstraint.end() ; ++cit ) { 00224 if ( (*cit).second->GetFullName() == strCID ) { 00225 item.spConstraint = (*cit).second; 00226 break; 00227 } 00228 } 00229 00230 OclGme::Constraint::EnableInfo eInfo = item.spConstraint->GetEnableInfo( spObject ); 00231 if ( eInfo > OclGme::Constraint::CE_NONE && eInfo <= OclGme::Constraint::CE_ENABLED_READONLY ) 00232 vecRecords.push_back( item ); 00233 } 00234 } 00235 00236 AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor( -1 ); 00237 00238 m_pFacade->EvaluateConstraints( vecRecords, true, &m_gotoPunk); 00239 // ?? !! gotoPunk 00240 if (m_gotoPunk) 00241 { 00242 ApplyChanges(); 00243 CDialog::OnOK(); 00244 } 00245 } 00246 00247 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnClickOK() 00248 { 00249 ApplyChanges(); 00250 CDialog::OnOK(); 00251 } 00252 00253 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnClickApply() 00254 { 00255 ApplyChanges(); 00256 00257 COMTHROW( m_pFacade->GetProject()->CommitTransaction() ); 00258 CComPtr<IMgaTerritory> spTerritory; 00259 COMTHROW( m_pFacade->GetProject()->CreateTerritory( NULL, &spTerritory ) ); 00260 COMTHROW( m_pFacade->GetProject()->BeginTransaction( spTerritory, TRANSACTION_GENERAL)); 00261 m_btnApply.EnableWindow( false ); 00262 } 00263 00264 00265 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnClickRemove() 00266 { 00267 if ( m_eKindActiveTree == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_CONSTRAINT ) { 00268 for ( HTREEITEM hCItem = m_treeConstraints.GetRootItem(); hCItem != NULL ; hCItem = m_treeConstraints.GetNextSiblingItem( hCItem ) ) { 00269 BOOL bSelected = m_treeConstraints.GetItemState( hCItem, TVIS_SELECTED ) & TVIS_SELECTED; 00270 if ( bSelected ) { 00271 ConstraintMap::iterator it = m_mapConstraint.find( ( HTREEITEM ) m_treeConstraints.GetItemData( hCItem ) ); 00272 RemoveConstraint( (*it).second ); 00273 } 00274 } 00275 } 00276 } 00277 00278 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnClickLoad() 00279 { 00280 CWaitCursor crsrWait; 00281 00282 m_bLoaded = true; 00283 for ( HTREEITEM hKItem = m_treeObjects.GetChildItem( TVI_ROOT ) ; hKItem != NULL ; hKItem = m_treeObjects.GetNextSiblingItem( hKItem ) ) 00284 ExpandKind( OclCommonEx::Convert( m_treeObjects.GetItemText( hKItem ) ), hKItem ); 00285 m_btnLoad.EnableWindow( false ); 00286 00287 crsrWait.Restore(); 00288 } 00289 00290 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnSelectionChangedTab( NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult ) 00291 { 00292 if ( m_tabTrees.GetCurSel() == 0 ) 00293 SetView( CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_CONSTRAINT ); 00294 else 00295 if ( m_tabTrees.GetCurSel() == 1 ) 00296 SetView( CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_OBJECT ); 00297 else 00298 SetView( CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_UNKNOWN ); 00299 *pResult = 0; 00300 } 00301 00302 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnItemExpanding( NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult ) 00303 { 00304 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTV = (NM_TREEVIEW*) pNMHDR; 00305 if ( m_eKindActiveTree == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_OBJECT ) { 00306 int iImNum, iImNumS; 00307 m_treeObjects.GetItemImage( pNMTV->itemNew.hItem, iImNum, iImNum ); 00308 if ( iImNum > 8 ) { 00309 iImNumS = m_treeObjects.GETSTATE( pNMTV->itemNew.hItem ); 00310 if ( iImNumS == NS_UNKNOWN ) { 00311 MapH2ID::iterator it = m_mapH2ID.find( (HTREEITEM) m_treeObjects.GetItemData( pNMTV->itemNew.hItem ) ); 00312 ExpandKind( (*it).second, (*it).first ); 00313 } 00314 } 00315 } 00316 *pResult = 0; 00317 } 00318 00319 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnCheckChanged( NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult ) 00320 { 00321 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTV = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; 00322 if ( m_eKindActiveTree == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_OBJECT ) { 00323 int iImNumS = m_treeObjects.GETSTATE( pNMTV->itemNew.hItem ); 00324 int iImNewS = ( iImNumS == NS_UNCHECKED || iImNumS == NS_UNCHECKED_INHERITED || iImNumS == NS_MISCELLANEOUS ) ? NS_CHECKED : NS_UNCHECKED; 00325 SetNewState( pNMTV->itemNew.hItem, iImNewS, false ); 00326 } 00327 m_btnApply.EnableWindow( true ); 00328 } 00329 00330 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnCheckChangedRecursive( NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult ) 00331 { 00332 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTV = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; 00333 if ( m_eKindActiveTree == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_OBJECT ) { 00334 int iImNumS = m_treeObjects.GETSTATE( pNMTV->itemNew.hItem ); 00335 int iImNewS = ( iImNumS == NS_UNCHECKED || iImNumS == NS_UNCHECKED_INHERITED || iImNumS == NS_MISCELLANEOUS ) ? NS_CHECKED : NS_UNCHECKED; 00336 SetNewState( pNMTV->itemNew.hItem, iImNewS, true ); 00337 } 00338 m_btnApply.EnableWindow( true ); 00339 } 00340 00341 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnShowItem( NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult ) 00342 { 00343 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTV = (NM_TREEVIEW*) pNMHDR; 00344 ConstraintMap::iterator it = m_mapConstraint.find( ( HTREEITEM ) m_treeConstraints.GetItemData( pNMTV->itemNew.hItem ) ); 00345 if ( it != m_mapConstraint.end() ) { 00346 CConstraintPropertiesDialog dlgProperties( this, (*it).second ); 00347 if ( dlgProperties.DoModal() == IDOK && (*it).second->GetLocation() == OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_PROJECT ) { 00348 RemoveConstraint( (*it).second, false ); 00349 InsertConstraint( dlgProperties.m_spConstraintOut ); 00350 m_btnApply.EnableWindow( true ); 00351 m_treeConstraints.SortItemChildren( TVI_ROOT ); 00352 } 00353 } 00354 } 00355 00356 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnSelectionChangedTreeConstraints(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 00357 { 00358 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTV = (NM_TREEVIEW*) pNMHDR; 00359 if ( m_eKindActiveTree == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_CONSTRAINT ) { 00360 bool bRemoveEnabled = true; 00361 bool bCheckEnabled = false; 00362 for ( HTREEITEM hCItem = m_treeConstraints.GetRootItem(); hCItem != NULL ; hCItem = m_treeConstraints.GetNextSiblingItem( hCItem ) ) { 00363 BOOL bSelected = m_treeConstraints.GetItemState( hCItem, TVIS_SELECTED ) & TVIS_SELECTED; 00364 int iImNumS = m_treeConstraints.GETSTATE( hCItem ); 00365 if ( bSelected ) { 00366 if ( iImNumS == 1 ) 00367 bCheckEnabled = true; 00368 int iImNum; 00369 m_treeConstraints.GetItemImage( hCItem, iImNum, iImNum ); 00370 if ( iImNum == 0 || iImNum == 1 || iImNum == 4 || iImNum == 5 ) { 00371 bRemoveEnabled = false; 00372 break; 00373 } 00374 } 00375 } 00376 m_btnCheck.EnableWindow( bCheckEnabled ); 00377 m_btnRemove.EnableWindow( bRemoveEnabled && bCheckEnabled ); 00378 } 00379 *pResult = 0; 00380 } 00381 00382 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::OnSelectionChangedTreeObjects(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 00383 { 00384 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTV = (NM_TREEVIEW*) pNMHDR; 00385 if ( m_eKindActiveTree == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_OBJECT ) { 00386 for ( HandlerSet::iterator it = m_setClicked.begin() ; it != m_setClicked.end() ; ++it ) { 00387 BOOL bSelected = m_treeObjects.GetItemState( *it, TVIS_SELECTED ) & TVIS_SELECTED; 00388 if ( ! bSelected ) { 00389 SelectItem( *it, false ); 00390 m_setClicked.erase( *it ); 00391 } 00392 } 00393 if ( pNMTV->itemNew.hItem ) { 00394 BOOL bSelected = m_treeObjects.GetItemState( pNMTV->itemNew.hItem, TVIS_SELECTED ) & TVIS_SELECTED; 00395 SelectItem( pNMTV->itemNew.hItem, ( bSelected ) ? true : false ); 00396 m_setClicked.insert( pNMTV->itemNew.hItem ); 00397 } 00398 m_btnCheck.EnableWindow( ! m_setSelecteds.empty() ); 00399 } 00400 *pResult = 0; 00401 } 00402 00403 00404 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::SelectItem( HTREEITEM hItem, bool bSelect ) 00405 { 00406 int iImNum; 00407 m_treeObjects.GetItemImage( hItem, iImNum, iImNum ); 00408 00409 // Object Selection 00410 00411 if ( iImNum > 8 ) { 00412 CString strKind = m_treeObjects.GetItemText( hItem ); 00413 ExpandKind( OclCommonEx::Convert( m_treeObjects.GetItemText( hItem ) ), hItem ); 00414 for ( HTREEITEM hKItem = m_treeObjects.GetRootItem(); hKItem != NULL ; hKItem = m_treeObjects.GetNextSiblingItem( hKItem ) ) { 00415 if ( m_treeObjects.GetItemText( hKItem ) == strKind ) { 00416 hItem = hKItem; 00417 break; 00418 } 00419 } 00420 } 00421 if ( iImNum > 5 ) { 00422 for ( HTREEITEM hCItem = m_treeObjects.GetChildItem( hItem ); hCItem != NULL ; hCItem = m_treeObjects.GetNextSiblingItem( hCItem ) ) { 00423 int iImNumC; 00424 m_treeObjects.GetItemImage( hCItem, iImNumC, iImNumC ); 00425 if ( iImNumC < 6 ) 00426 SelectItem( hCItem, bSelect ); 00427 } 00428 return; 00429 } 00430 00431 // Constraint Selection 00432 00433 HTREEITEM hParent = m_treeObjects.GetParentItem( hItem ); 00434 m_treeObjects.GetItemImage( hParent, iImNum, iImNum ); 00435 if ( iImNum < 9 ) 00436 if ( bSelect ) 00437 m_setSelecteds.insert( hItem ); 00438 else 00439 m_setSelecteds.erase( hItem ); 00440 for ( HTREEITEM hOItem = m_treeObjects.GetChildItem( hParent ); hOItem != NULL ; hOItem = m_treeObjects.GetNextSiblingItem( hOItem ) ) { 00441 int iImNumO; 00442 m_treeObjects.GetItemImage( hOItem, iImNumO, iImNumO ); 00443 if ( iImNumO > 5 ) 00444 SelectItem( FindConstraintNode( hOItem, OclCommonEx::Convert( m_treeObjects.GetItemText( hItem ) ) ), bSelect ); 00445 } 00446 } 00447 00448 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::ApplyChanges() 00449 { 00450 m_pFacade->m_vecUserConstraints.clear(); 00451 m_pFacade->m_vecMetaConstraints.clear(); 00452 00453 for ( ConstraintMap::iterator i = m_mapConstraint.begin() ; i != m_mapConstraint.end() ; ++i ) { 00454 if ( (*i).second->GetLocation() != OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_META ) 00455 m_pFacade->m_vecUserConstraints.push_back( (*i).second ); 00456 else 00457 m_pFacade->m_vecMetaConstraints.push_back( (*i).second ); 00458 } 00459 00460 EvaluationInfo info; 00461 00462 info.bEnabledSCLogical = m_pageSettings.m_chkEnableLogical.GetCheck() == 1; 00463 info.bEnabledSCIterator = m_pageSettings.m_chkEnableIterator.GetCheck() == 1; 00464 info.bEnabledTracking = m_pageSettings.m_chkEnableTracking.GetCheck() == 1; 00465 00466 if ( ( (CButton*) m_pageSettings.GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDVIOLFIRST ) )->GetCheck() == 1 ) 00467 info.iViolationCount = 1; 00468 else if ( ( (CButton*) m_pageSettings.GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDLEVELFIRST ) )->GetCheck() == 1 ) 00469 info.iViolationCount = -1; 00470 else if ( ( (CButton*) m_pageSettings.GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDDEFAULT ) )->GetCheck() == 1 ) 00471 info.iViolationCount = -2; 00472 else { 00473 CString strCount; 00474 m_pageSettings.m_edtViolationCount.GetWindowText( strCount ); 00475 info.iViolationCount = _ttoi( strCount ); 00476 } 00477 00478 if ( ( (CButton*) m_pageSettings.GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDZERODEPTH ) )->GetCheck() == 1 ) 00479 info.iModelDepth = 0; 00480 else if ( ( (CButton*) m_pageSettings.GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDONEDEPTH ) )->GetCheck() == 1 ) 00481 info.iModelDepth = 1; 00482 else 00483 info.iModelDepth = -1; 00484 00485 m_pFacade->SetEvaluationInfo( info ); 00486 } 00487 00488 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::LoadSettings() 00489 { 00490 EvaluationInfo info = m_pFacade->GetEvaluationInfo(); 00491 00492 m_pageSettings.m_chkEnableLogical.SetCheck( info.bEnabledSCLogical ); 00493 m_pageSettings.m_chkEnableIterator.SetCheck( info.bEnabledSCIterator ); 00494 m_pageSettings.m_chkEnableTracking.SetCheck( info.bEnabledTracking ); 00495 00496 if ( info.iViolationCount > 1 ) { 00497 ( (CButton*) m_pageSettings.GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDVIOLCOUNT ) )->SetCheck( 1 ); 00498 m_pageSettings.m_edtViolationCount.SetReadOnly( false ); 00499 CString strCount; 00500 strCount.Format( _T("%d"), info.iViolationCount ); 00501 m_pageSettings.m_edtViolationCount.SetWindowText( strCount ); 00502 } 00503 else { 00504 m_pageSettings.m_edtViolationCount.SetWindowText( _T("2") ); 00505 switch( info.iViolationCount ) { 00506 case 1 : ( (CButton*) m_pageSettings.GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDVIOLFIRST ) )->SetCheck( 1 ); break; 00507 case -1 : ( (CButton*) m_pageSettings.GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDLEVELFIRST ) )->SetCheck( 1 ); break; 00508 default : ( (CButton*) m_pageSettings.GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDDEFAULT ) )->SetCheck( 1 ); break; 00509 } 00510 } 00511 00512 switch ( info.iModelDepth ) { 00513 case 0 : ( (CButton*) m_pageSettings.GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDZERODEPTH ) )->SetCheck( 1 ); break; 00514 case 1 : ( (CButton*) m_pageSettings.GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDONEDEPTH ) )->SetCheck( 1 ); break; 00515 default : ( (CButton*) m_pageSettings.GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDANYDEPTH ) )->SetCheck( 1 ); break; 00516 } 00517 } 00518 00519 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::LoadConstraints() 00520 { 00521 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_pFacade->m_vecMetaConstraints.size() ; i++ ) 00522 AddConstraint( m_pFacade->m_vecMetaConstraints[ i ] ); 00523 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < m_pFacade->m_vecUserConstraints.size() ; i++ ) 00524 AddConstraint( m_pFacade->m_vecUserConstraints[ i ] ); 00525 00526 m_treeConstraints.SortItemChildren( TVI_ROOT ); 00527 } 00528 00529 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::LoadKinds() 00530 { 00531 OclCommonEx::MetaBaseVector vecMetas; 00532 OclCommonEx::GetMetaObjects( m_pFacade->GetMetaProject(), "", OBJTYPE_NULL, vecMetas ); 00533 UINT uiMask = TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_TEXT; 00534 int iImNumS = NS_UNKNOWN; 00535 int iImNum; 00536 CComPtr<IMgaMetaFolder> spRootFolder; 00537 COMTHROW( m_pFacade->GetMetaProject()->get_RootFolder( &spRootFolder ) ); 00538 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < vecMetas.size() ; i++ ) { 00539 std::string strKind = OclCommonEx::GetObjectName( vecMetas[ i ].p ); 00540 objtype_enum eType = OclCommonEx::GetObjectType( vecMetas[ i ].p ); 00541 if ( eType == OBJTYPE_FOLDER ) 00542 iImNum = ( vecMetas[ i ].p == spRootFolder.p ) ? 9 : 10; 00543 else 00544 iImNum = eType + 10; 00545 HTREEITEM hItem = m_treeObjects.InsertItem( uiMask, OclCommonEx::Convert( strKind ), iImNum, iImNum, iImNumS << 12 , TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK, NULL, TVI_ROOT, TVI_LAST ); 00546 m_treeObjects.SetItemData( hItem, ( DWORD ) hItem ); 00547 m_mapH2ID.insert( MapH2ID::value_type( hItem, strKind ) ); 00548 m_mapID2H.insert( MapID2H::value_type( strKind, hItem ) ); 00549 } 00550 00551 m_treeObjects.SortItemChildren( TVI_ROOT ); 00552 } 00553 00554 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::AddConstraint( OclGme::SpConstraint spConstraint ) 00555 { 00556 // Set State 00557 00558 int iImNumS; 00559 switch ( spConstraint->GetState() ) { 00560 case Ocl::Constraint::CS_CTX_PARSE_FAILED : 00561 case Ocl::Constraint::CS_PARSE_FAILED : 00562 iImNumS = CSIMG_SYNTAX_ERROR; 00563 break; 00564 case Ocl::Constraint::CS_CTX_CHECK_FAILED : 00565 case Ocl::Constraint::CS_CHECK_FAILED : { 00566 iImNumS = CSIMG_SEMANTIC_ERROR; 00567 std::string strType = spConstraint->GetFullName(); 00568 auto iPos = strType.rfind( ":" ); 00569 strType = strType.substr( 0, iPos - 1 ); 00570 try { 00571 m_pFacade->GetTreeManager()->GetTypeManager()->GetType( strType, NILNAMESPACE ); 00572 } 00573 catch ( ... ) { 00574 iImNumS = CSIMG_CONTEXT_ERROR; 00575 } 00576 break; 00577 } 00578 case Ocl::Constraint::CS_CHECK_DEPENDENCY_FAILED : 00579 iImNumS = CSIMG_DEPENDENCY_ERROR; 00580 break; 00581 case Ocl::Constraint::CS_CHECK_DEPENDENCY_SUCCEEDED : 00582 case Ocl::Constraint::CS_EVAL_FAILED : 00583 case Ocl::Constraint::CS_EVAL_SUCCEEDED : 00584 iImNumS = CSIMG_OK; 00585 break; 00586 default : 00587 iImNumS = CSIMG_CONTEXT_ERROR; 00588 } 00589 00590 // Insert Constraint 00591 00592 UINT uiMask = TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_TEXT; 00593 int iImNum = spConstraint->GetType(); 00594 HTREEITEM hItem = m_treeConstraints.InsertItem( uiMask, OclCommonEx::Convert( spConstraint->GetFullName() ), iImNum, iImNum, iImNumS << 12 , TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK, NULL, TVI_ROOT, TVI_LAST ); 00595 m_treeConstraints.SetItemData( hItem, ( DWORD ) hItem ); 00596 if ( iImNumS == CSIMG_OK ) { 00597 ConstraintVectorMap::iterator it = m_mapConstraints.find( spConstraint->GetContextType() ); 00598 if ( it == m_mapConstraints.end() ) 00599 m_mapConstraints.insert( ConstraintVectorMap::value_type( spConstraint->GetContextType(), OclGme::ConstraintVector( 1, spConstraint ) ) ); 00600 else 00601 m_mapConstraints[ (*it).first ].push_back( spConstraint ); 00602 } 00603 m_mapConstraint.insert( ConstraintMap::value_type( hItem, spConstraint ) ); 00604 } 00605 00606 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::ExpandKind( const std::string& strKind, HTREEITEM hItem ) 00607 { 00608 if ( m_treeObjects.GETSTATE( hItem ) != NS_UNKNOWN ) 00609 return; 00610 00611 // Create ConstraintVector 00612 00613 int iRootIm; 00614 m_treeObjects.GetItemImage( hItem, iRootIm, iRootIm ); 00615 00616 OclGme::ConstraintVector vecConstraints; 00617 ConstraintVectorMap::iterator it = m_mapConstraints.find( "meta::" + strKind ); 00618 if ( it != m_mapConstraints.end() ) 00619 vecConstraints = (*it).second; 00620 00621 // Add Constraints As Children 00622 00623 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < vecConstraints.size() ; i++ ) { 00624 UINT uiMask = TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_TEXT; 00625 int iImNum = vecConstraints[ i ]->GetType(); 00626 int iImNumS = ( vecConstraints[ i ]->GetLocation() != OclGme::ConstraintBase::CL_PROJECT && vecConstraints[ i ]->GetPriority() == 1 ) ? NS_CHECKED_DISABLED : NS_CHECKED; 00627 HTREEITEM hCItem = m_treeObjects.InsertItem( uiMask, OclCommonEx::Convert( vecConstraints[ i ]->GetFullName() ), iImNum, iImNum, iImNumS << 12 , TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK, NULL, hItem, TVI_LAST ); 00628 m_treeObjects.SetItemData( hCItem, ( DWORD ) hCItem ); 00629 } 00630 m_treeObjects.SETSTATE( hItem, (int) ( ( vecConstraints.size() == 0 ) ? NS_UNCHECKED_DISABLED : NS_CHECKED ) ); 00631 00632 OclCommonEx::ObjectVector vecObjects; 00633 OclCommonEx::GetKindObjects( m_pFacade->GetProject(), strKind, vecObjects ); 00634 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < vecObjects.size() ; i++ ) { 00635 CComQIPtr<IMgaFCO> spFCO = vecObjects[ i ].p; 00636 if ( spFCO.p ) { 00637 CComPtr<IMgaFCO> spArche; 00638 COMTHROW( spFCO->get_ArcheType( &spArche ) ); 00639 if ( ! spArche.p ) 00640 LoadObject( spFCO.p, hItem, vecConstraints ); 00641 } 00642 else 00643 LoadObject( vecObjects[ i ].p, hItem, vecConstraints ); 00644 } 00645 m_treeObjects.SortItemChildren( hItem ); 00646 } 00647 00648 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::LoadObject( CComPtr<IMgaObject> spObject, HTREEITEM hParent, const OclGme::ConstraintVector& vecConstraints ) 00649 { 00650 // Determine icon 00651 00652 std::string strName = OclCommonEx::GetObjectName( spObject ); 00653 CComQIPtr<IMgaFCO> spFCO = spObject; 00654 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder> spFolder = spObject; 00655 int iImNum = 6; 00656 if ( spFCO.p ) { 00657 VARIANT_BOOL vbInstance; 00658 COMTHROW( spFCO->get_IsInstance( &vbInstance ) ); 00659 if ( vbInstance ) 00660 iImNum = 8; 00661 else { 00662 CComPtr<IMgaFCO> spArche; 00663 COMTHROW( spFCO->get_ArcheType( &spArche ) ); 00664 if ( spArche.p ) 00665 iImNum = 7; 00666 } 00667 } 00668 else { 00669 CComPtr<IMgaFolder> spRoot; 00670 COMTHROW( m_pFacade->GetProject()->get_RootFolder( &spRoot ) ); 00671 iImNum = ( spObject.p == spRoot.p ) ? 9 : 10; 00672 } 00673 00674 // Insert TreeItem 00675 00676 CString strID; 00677 COMTHROW( spObject->get_ID( PutOut( strID ) ) ); 00678 int iImNumS = NS_UNKNOWN; 00679 UINT uiMask = TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_TEXT; 00680 HTREEITEM hItem = m_treeObjects.InsertItem( uiMask, OclCommonEx::Convert( strName ), iImNum, iImNum, iImNumS << 12 , TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK, NULL, hParent, TVI_LAST ); 00681 m_treeObjects.SetItemData( hItem, ( DWORD ) hItem ); 00682 m_mapH2ID.insert( MapH2ID::value_type( hItem, OclCommonEx::Convert( strID ) ) ); 00683 m_mapID2H.insert( MapID2H::value_type( OclCommonEx::Convert( strID ), hItem ) ); 00684 00685 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < vecConstraints.size() ; i++ ) { 00686 00687 // Add Constraint 00688 00689 int iImCNum = vecConstraints[ i ]->GetType(); 00690 int iImCNumS = NS_UNKNOWN; 00691 HTREEITEM hCItem = m_treeObjects.InsertItem( uiMask, OclCommonEx::Convert( vecConstraints[ i ]->GetFullName() ), iImCNum, iImCNum, iImCNumS << 12 , TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK, NULL, hItem, TVI_LAST ); 00692 m_treeObjects.SetItemData( hCItem, ( DWORD ) hCItem ); 00693 00694 // Determine state 00695 00696 switch ( vecConstraints[ i ]->GetEnableInfo( spObject ) ) { 00697 case OclGme::Constraint::CE_NONE : 00698 case OclGme::Constraint::CE_DISABLED_READONLY : 00699 iImCNumS = NS_UNCHECKED_DISABLED; break; 00700 case OclGme::Constraint::CE_ENABLED_READONLY : 00701 iImCNumS = NS_CHECKED_DISABLED; break; 00702 case OclGme::Constraint::CE_ENABLED_INHERITED : 00703 iImCNumS = NS_CHECKED_INHERITED; break; 00704 case OclGme::Constraint::CE_DISABLED_INHERITED : 00705 iImCNumS = NS_UNCHECKED_INHERITED; break; 00706 case OclGme::Constraint::CE_ENABLED : 00707 iImCNumS = NS_CHECKED; break; 00708 case OclGme::Constraint::CE_DISABLED : 00709 iImCNumS = NS_UNCHECKED; break; 00710 } 00711 00712 // Refreshing Root State and Set This State 00713 00714 m_treeObjects.SETSTATE( hCItem, iImCNumS ); 00715 } 00716 RefreshRootState( hItem ); 00717 00718 if ( vecConstraints.size() == 0 ) 00719 m_treeObjects.SETSTATE( hItem, NS_UNCHECKED_DISABLED ); 00720 00721 // Load Derived Objects 00722 00723 if ( spFCO.p && iImNum != 8 ) { 00724 CComPtr<IMgaFCOs> spDeriveds; 00725 COMTHROW( spFCO->get_DerivedObjects( &spDeriveds ) ); 00726 MGACOLL_ITERATE( IMgaFCO, spDeriveds ) { 00727 LoadObject( MGACOLL_ITER.p, hItem, vecConstraints ); 00728 } MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 00729 } 00730 00731 m_treeObjects.SortItemChildren( hItem ); 00732 } 00733 00734 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::RefreshRootState( HTREEITEM hParent ) 00735 { 00736 int iCount = 0; 00737 int iChecked = 0; 00738 int iDisabled = 0; 00739 for ( HTREEITEM hCItem = m_treeObjects.GetChildItem( hParent ) ; hCItem != NULL ; hCItem = m_treeObjects.GetNextSiblingItem( hCItem ) ) { 00740 int iImNumC; 00741 m_treeObjects.GetItemImage( hCItem, iImNumC, iImNumC ); 00742 if ( iImNumC < 6 ) { 00743 int iImNumS = m_treeObjects.GETSTATE( hCItem ); 00744 iCount++; 00745 if ( iImNumS == NS_CHECKED || iImNumS == NS_CHECKED_INHERITED || iImNumS == NS_CHECKED_DISABLED ) 00746 iChecked++; 00747 if ( iImNumS == NS_CHECKED_DISABLED || iImNumS == NS_UNCHECKED_DISABLED ) 00748 iDisabled++; 00749 } 00750 } 00751 if ( iCount == 0 ) 00752 m_treeObjects.SETSTATE( hParent, (int) NS_UNCHECKED_DISABLED ); 00753 else if ( iCount == iDisabled ) 00754 if ( iChecked == 0 ) 00755 m_treeObjects.SETSTATE( hParent, (int) NS_UNCHECKED_DISABLED ); 00756 else 00757 m_treeObjects.SETSTATE( hParent, (int) NS_CHECKED_DISABLED ); 00758 else if ( iCount == iChecked ) 00759 m_treeObjects.SETSTATE( hParent, (int) NS_CHECKED ); 00760 else if ( iChecked == 0 ) 00761 m_treeObjects.SETSTATE( hParent, (int) NS_UNCHECKED ); 00762 else 00763 m_treeObjects.SETSTATE( hParent, (int) NS_MISCELLANEOUS ); 00764 } 00765 00766 int CConstraintBrowserDialog::GetAncestorState( HTREEITEM hItem, const std::string& strCID ) 00767 { 00768 HTREEITEM hParent = m_treeObjects.GetParentItem( hItem ); // Assume Instance 00769 hParent = m_treeObjects.GetParentItem( hParent ); // Then Its Type 00770 if ( ! hParent ) 00771 return NS_ERROR; 00772 HTREEITEM hCItem = FindConstraintNode( hParent, strCID ); 00773 if ( hCItem ) 00774 return m_treeObjects.GETSTATE( hCItem ); 00775 return NS_ERROR; 00776 } 00777 00778 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::SetNewState( HTREEITEM hItem, int iNewS, bool bInheritance ) 00779 { 00780 int iImNum; 00781 m_treeObjects.GetItemImage( hItem, iImNum, iImNum ); 00782 00783 // If not Constraint TreeNode 00784 00785 if ( iImNum > 5 ) { 00786 for ( HTREEITEM hCItem = m_treeObjects.GetChildItem( hItem ) ; hCItem != NULL ; hCItem = m_treeObjects.GetNextSiblingItem( hCItem ) ) { 00787 int iImNumC; 00788 m_treeObjects.GetItemImage( hCItem, iImNumC, iImNumC ); 00789 if ( iImNumC > 0 && iImNumC < 6 ) 00790 SetNewState( hCItem, iNewS, bInheritance ); 00791 else 00792 if ( bInheritance ) 00793 SetNewState( hCItem, iNewS, bInheritance ); 00794 } 00795 return; 00796 } 00797 00798 // If Constraint TreeNode 00799 00800 if ( m_treeObjects.GETSTATE( hItem ) == NS_UNCHECKED_DISABLED || m_treeObjects.GETSTATE( hItem ) == NS_CHECKED_DISABLED ) 00801 return; 00802 00803 // Obtain parent 00804 00805 HTREEITEM hParent = m_treeObjects.GetParentItem( hItem ); 00806 int iImNumP; 00807 m_treeObjects.GetItemImage( hParent, iImNumP, iImNumP ); 00808 00809 // determine the new state 00810 00811 CString strCID = m_treeObjects.GetItemText( hItem ); 00812 int iAncestor = GetAncestorState( hItem, OclCommonEx::Convert( strCID ) ); 00813 int iRealNewS; 00814 if ( iNewS == NS_CHECKED ) 00815 iRealNewS = ( ( iAncestor == NS_CHECKED || iAncestor == NS_CHECKED_INHERITED ) && iImNumP != 6 ) ? NS_CHECKED_INHERITED : NS_CHECKED; 00816 else 00817 iRealNewS = ( ( iAncestor == NS_UNCHECKED || iAncestor == NS_UNCHECKED_INHERITED ) && iImNumP != 6 ) ? NS_UNCHECKED_INHERITED : NS_UNCHECKED; 00818 00819 // if parent is Object and not kind, perform the change in registry 00820 00821 if ( iImNumP > 5 && iImNumP < 9 ) { 00822 MapH2ID::iterator it = m_mapH2ID.find( (HTREEITEM) m_treeObjects.GetItemData( hParent ) ); 00823 CComPtr<IMgaObject> spObject; 00824 COMTHROW( m_pFacade->GetProject()->GetObjectByID( CComBSTR( OclCommonEx::Convert( (*it).second ) ), &spObject ) ); 00825 CComQIPtr<IMgaRegNode> spRegNode; 00826 CComQIPtr<IMgaFCO> spFCO = spObject; 00827 if ( spFCO.p ) 00828 COMTHROW( spFCO->get_RegistryNode( CComBSTR( L"ConstraintEnabling/" + strCID ), &spRegNode ) ); 00829 else { 00830 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder> spFolder = spObject; 00831 COMTHROW( spFolder->get_RegistryNode( CComBSTR( L"ConstraintEnabling/" + strCID ), &spRegNode ) ); 00832 } 00833 if ( iRealNewS == NS_CHECKED_INHERITED || iRealNewS == NS_UNCHECKED_INHERITED && iImNumP != 6 ) 00834 COMTHROW( spRegNode->RemoveTree() ); 00835 else 00836 COMTHROW( spRegNode->put_Value( CComBSTR( ( iRealNewS == NS_CHECKED || iRealNewS == NS_CHECKED_INHERITED ) ? "yes" : "no" ) ) ); 00837 } 00838 00839 // Refresh Root and Set State in Tree 00840 00841 m_treeObjects.SETSTATE( hItem, iRealNewS ); 00842 RefreshRootState( hParent ); 00843 00844 // Refresh All Inherited 00845 00846 for ( HTREEITEM hOItem = m_treeObjects.GetChildItem( hParent ) ; hOItem != NULL ; hOItem = m_treeObjects.GetNextSiblingItem( hOItem ) ) { 00847 int iImNumO; 00848 m_treeObjects.GetItemImage( hOItem, iImNumO, iImNumO ); 00849 if ( iImNumO > 5 ) { 00850 HTREEITEM hCItem = FindConstraintNode( hOItem, OclCommonEx::Convert( strCID ) ); 00851 if ( hCItem ) { 00852 if ( ! bInheritance ) { 00853 iNewS = m_treeObjects.GETSTATE( hCItem ); 00854 if ( iNewS == NS_CHECKED_INHERITED ) 00855 iNewS = NS_CHECKED; 00856 else if ( iNewS == NS_UNCHECKED_INHERITED ) 00857 iNewS = NS_UNCHECKED; 00858 } 00859 SetNewState( hCItem, iNewS, bInheritance ); 00860 } 00861 } 00862 } 00863 } 00864 00865 HTREEITEM CConstraintBrowserDialog::FindConstraintNode( HTREEITEM hItem, const std::string& strCID ) 00866 { 00867 for ( HTREEITEM hCItem = m_treeObjects.GetChildItem( hItem ) ; hCItem != NULL ; hCItem = m_treeObjects.GetNextSiblingItem( hCItem ) ) { 00868 int iImNumC; 00869 m_treeObjects.GetItemImage( hCItem, iImNumC, iImNumC ); 00870 if ( iImNumC < 6 ) { 00871 CString strID = m_treeObjects.GetItemText( hCItem ); 00872 if ( strCID == OclCommonEx::Convert( strID ) ) 00873 return hCItem; 00874 } 00875 } 00876 return NULL; 00877 } 00878 00879 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::SetView( CConstraintTreeCtrl::Kind eKind ) 00880 { 00881 if ( m_eKindActiveTree == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_OBJECT && m_treeObjects.IsWindowVisible() ) 00882 m_treeObjects.ClearSelection(); 00883 if ( m_eKindActiveTree == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_CONSTRAINT && m_treeConstraints.IsWindowVisible() ) 00884 m_treeConstraints.ClearSelection(); 00885 00886 m_eKindActiveTree = eKind; 00887 m_btnRemove.EnableWindow( false ); 00888 m_btnAdd.EnableWindow( eKind == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_CONSTRAINT ); 00889 00890 m_treeConstraints.ShowWindow( ( eKind == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_CONSTRAINT ) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE ); 00891 m_treeObjects.ShowWindow( ( eKind == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_OBJECT ) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE ); 00892 m_pageSettings.ShowWindow( ( eKind == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_UNKNOWN ) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE ); 00893 00894 m_btnLoad.EnableWindow( eKind == CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_OBJECT && ! m_bLoaded ); 00895 00896 m_btnCheck.EnableWindow( eKind != CConstraintTreeCtrl::TK_UNKNOWN ); 00897 } 00898 00899 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::RefreshKind( const std::string& strKind ) 00900 { 00901 MapID2H::iterator it = m_mapID2H.find( strKind ); 00902 m_treeObjects.DeleteItem( (*it).second ); 00903 m_mapID2H.erase( it ); 00904 00905 OclCommonEx::MetaBaseVector vecMetas; 00906 OclCommonEx::GetMetaObjects( m_pFacade->GetMetaProject(), strKind, OBJTYPE_NULL, vecMetas ); 00907 UINT uiMask = TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN; 00908 int iImNumS = NS_UNKNOWN; 00909 int iImNum; 00910 CComPtr<IMgaMetaFolder> spRootFolder; 00911 COMTHROW( m_pFacade->GetMetaProject()->get_RootFolder( &spRootFolder ) ); 00912 objtype_enum eType = OclCommonEx::GetObjectType( vecMetas[ 0 ].p ); 00913 if ( eType == OBJTYPE_FOLDER ) 00914 iImNum = ( vecMetas[ 0 ].p == spRootFolder.p ) ? 9 : 10; 00915 else 00916 iImNum = eType + 10; 00917 HTREEITEM hItem = m_treeObjects.InsertItem( uiMask, OclCommonEx::Convert( strKind ), iImNum, iImNum, iImNumS << 12 , TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK, NULL, TVI_ROOT, TVI_LAST ); 00918 m_treeObjects.SetItemData( hItem, ( DWORD ) hItem ); 00919 m_mapH2ID.insert( MapH2ID::value_type( hItem, strKind ) ); 00920 m_mapID2H.insert( MapID2H::value_type( strKind, hItem ) ); 00921 00922 m_treeObjects.SortItemChildren( TVI_ROOT ); 00923 00924 ExpandKind( strKind, hItem ); 00925 } 00926 00927 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::InsertConstraint( OclGme::SpConstraint spConstraint ) 00928 { 00929 // Add Constraint to Tree, and Context keyed map 00930 00931 AddConstraint( spConstraint ); 00932 00933 // Write it to registry 00934 00935 CComPtr<IMgaFolder> spRootFolder; 00936 COMTHROW( m_pFacade->GetProject()->get_RootFolder( &spRootFolder ) ); 00937 CComPtr<IMgaRegNode> spRegNode; 00938 COMTHROW( spRootFolder->get_RegistryNode( CComBSTR( L"ConstraintDefinitions/" + OclCommonEx::Convert( spConstraint->GetFullName() ) ), &spRegNode ) ); 00939 spConstraint->Write( spRegNode ); 00940 00941 // Remove the kind from Object Tree, and refresh it 00942 00943 RefreshKind( spConstraint->GetContextType().substr( 6 ) ); 00944 } 00945 00946 void CConstraintBrowserDialog::RemoveConstraint( OclGme::SpConstraint spConstraint, bool bRemoveEnableInfo ) 00947 { 00948 // Remove it from constraint map and constraint tree 00949 00950 for ( HTREEITEM hCItem = m_treeConstraints.GetChildItem( TVI_ROOT ) ; hCItem != NULL ; hCItem = m_treeObjects.GetNextSiblingItem( hCItem ) ) { 00951 CString strCID = m_treeConstraints.GetItemText( hCItem ); 00952 if ( OclCommonEx::Convert( strCID ) == spConstraint->GetFullName() ) { 00953 HTREEITEM hRealItem = ( HTREEITEM ) m_treeConstraints.GetItemData( hCItem ); 00954 m_treeConstraints.DeleteItem( hCItem ); 00955 m_mapConstraint.erase( hRealItem ); 00956 break; 00957 } 00958 } 00959 00960 // Remove it from context map 00961 00962 std::string strType; 00963 if ( spConstraint->IsValid() ) 00964 strType = spConstraint->GetContextType(); 00965 else { 00966 strType = spConstraint->GetFullName(); 00967 auto iPos = strType.rfind( ":" ); 00968 strType = strType.substr( 0, iPos - 1 ); 00969 } 00970 00971 if ( spConstraint->IsValid() ) { 00972 ConstraintVectorMap::iterator it = m_mapConstraints.find( strType ); 00973 for ( OclGme::ConstraintVector::iterator vit = (*it).second.begin() ; vit != (*it).second.end() ; ++vit ) { 00974 if ( (*vit)->GetFullName() == spConstraint->GetFullName() ) { 00975 (*it).second.erase( vit ); 00976 break; 00977 } 00978 } 00979 } 00980 00981 // Remove it from Registry 00982 00983 CComPtr<IMgaFolder> spRootFolder; 00984 COMTHROW( m_pFacade->GetProject()->get_RootFolder( &spRootFolder ) ); 00985 CComPtr<IMgaRegNode> spRegNode; 00986 COMTHROW( spRootFolder->get_RegistryNode( CComBSTR( L"ConstraintDefinitions/" + OclCommonEx::Convert( spConstraint->GetFullName() ) ), &spRegNode ) ); 00987 COMTHROW( spRegNode->RemoveTree() ); 00988 00989 // Remove Enabling flags from objects' registry 00990 00991 if ( bRemoveEnableInfo ) { 00992 OclCommonEx::ObjectVector vecObjects; 00993 OclCommonEx::GetKindObjects( m_pFacade->GetProject(), strType.substr( 6 ), vecObjects ); 00994 for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < vecObjects.size() ; i++ ) { 00995 if ( OclCommonEx::GetLibraryPath( vecObjects[ i ].p ).empty() ) { 00996 CComPtr<IMgaRegNode> spRegNode; 00997 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder> spFolder = vecObjects[ i ].p; 00998 if ( spFolder.p ) 00999 COMTHROW( spFolder->get_RegistryNode( CComBSTR( OclCommonEx::Convert( "ConstraintEnabling/" + spConstraint->GetFullName() ) ), &spRegNode ) ); 01000 else { 01001 CComQIPtr<IMgaFCO> spFCO = vecObjects[ i ].p; 01002 COMTHROW( spFCO->get_RegistryNode( CComBSTR( OclCommonEx::Convert( "ConstraintEnabling/" + spConstraint->GetFullName() ) ), &spRegNode ) ); 01003 } 01004 COMTHROW( spRegNode->RemoveTree() ); 01005 } 01006 } 01007 01008 // Refresh Kind 01009 } 01010 01011 RefreshKind( strType.substr( 6 ) ); 01012 } 01013 01014 //############################################################################################################################################## 01015 // 01016 // C L A S S : CConstraintBrowserDialog <<< + CDialog 01017 // 01018 //############################################################################################################################################## 01019 01020 CSettingsPage::CSettingsPage( CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/ ) 01021 : CDialog( CSettingsPage::IDD, pParent ) 01022 { 01023 //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CSettingsPage) 01024 // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here 01025 //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 01026 } 01027 01028 01029 void CSettingsPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) 01030 { 01031 CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); 01032 //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CSettingsPage) 01033 DDX_Control(pDX, BSEP_EDTVIOLCOUNT, m_edtViolationCount); 01034 DDX_Control(pDX, BSEP_CHKTRACKING, m_chkEnableTracking); 01035 DDX_Control(pDX, BSEP_CHKSC_LOGICAL, m_chkEnableLogical); 01036 DDX_Control(pDX, BSEP_CHKSC_ITERATOR, m_chkEnableIterator); 01037 //}}AFX_DATA_MAP 01038 } 01039 01040 01041 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSettingsPage, CDialog) 01042 //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSettingsPage) 01043 ON_BN_CLICKED(BSEP_RDVIOLFIRST, OnRadioButtonClicked) 01044 ON_EN_CHANGE(BSEP_EDTVIOLCOUNT, OnViolationCountChanged) 01045 //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 01046 ON_BN_CLICKED(BSEP_RDVIOLCOUNT, OnRadioButtonClicked) 01047 ON_BN_CLICKED(BSEP_RDLEVELFIRST, OnRadioButtonClicked) 01048 ON_BN_CLICKED(BSEP_RDDEFAULT, OnRadioButtonClicked) 01049 END_MESSAGE_MAP() 01050 01052 // CSettingsPage message handlers 01053 01054 BOOL CSettingsPage::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) 01055 { 01056 if ( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE ) 01057 return GetParent()->PreTranslateMessage( pMsg ); 01058 return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage( pMsg ); 01059 } 01060 01061 void CSettingsPage::OnRadioButtonClicked() 01062 { 01063 m_edtViolationCount.SetReadOnly( ! ( (CButton*) GetDlgItem( BSEP_RDVIOLCOUNT ) )->GetCheck() ); 01064 } 01065 01066 void CSettingsPage::OnViolationCountChanged() 01067 { 01068 CString strCount; 01069 m_edtViolationCount.GetWindowText( strCount ); 01070 if ( strCount.IsEmpty() ) 01071 m_edtViolationCount.SetWindowText( _T("2") ); 01072 else { 01073 int iCount = _ttoi( strCount ); 01074 if ( iCount == 0 ) 01075 m_edtViolationCount.SetWindowText( _T("2") ); 01076 if ( iCount > 999 ) 01077 m_edtViolationCount.SetWindowText( _T("999") ); 01078 } 01079 } 01080 01081 }; // namespace OclGmeCM