GME  13
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
00003 // Used by ConstraintManager.rc
00004 //
00005 #define IDS_PROJNAME                    100
00006 #define IDR_CONSTRAINTMGR               102
00007 #define IDR_EXPRESSIONCHECKER           103
00008 #define IDD_SYNTAX_SEMANTIC_DIALOG      201
00009 #define SSD_BTNCLOSE                    201
00010 #define IDB_CONSTRAINTICONS             202
00011 #define IDB_ERRORICONS                  203
00012 #define SSD_LSTCONSTRAINTS              203
00013 #define SSD_LSTERRORS                   205
00014 #define IDD_VIOLATION_DIALOG            205
00015 #define IDB_LINEICONS                   206
00016 #define SSD_LBLGENERALMSG               206
00017 #define BRW_BTNCHECK                    207
00018 #define SSD_ICNLARGE                    208
00019 #define SSD_LSTEXPRESSION               209
00020 #define CVD_ICNLARGE                    209
00021 #define CVD_LBLGENERALMSG               210
00022 #define BRW_BTNREMOVE                   210
00023 #define BRW_BTNADD                      211
00024 #define CVD_LSTCONSTRAINTS              212
00025 #define CVD_LSTEXPRESSION               213
00026 #define IDD_BROWSER_DIALOG              213
00027 #define CVD_LSTOBJECTS                  214
00028 #define IDD_PROGRESS_DIALOG             214
00029 #define IDB_CHECKICONS                  215
00030 #define CVD_BTNCLOSE                    215
00031 #define IDB_TREEICONS                   216
00032 #define CVD_LSTERRORS                   216
00033 #define IDB_CONSTRAINTSTATEICONS        218
00034 #define CVD_BTNABORT                    218
00035 #define PEVP_CHKCHANGEASSOC             219
00036 #define CVD_FRMMESSAGE                  220
00037 #define IDD_PROPERTIES_EVENT_PAGE       220
00038 #define PEVP_CHKCHANGEATTRIB            220
00039 #define SSD_FRMMESSAGE                  221
00040 #define PEVP_CHKCHANGEPROP              221
00042 #define NOEX_BTNOK                      222
00043 #define PEVP_CHKCLOSEMODEL              222
00044 #define NOEX_LBLMESSAGE                 223
00045 #define PEVP_CHKCONNECT                 223
00047 #define BRW_BTNOK                       224
00048 #define IDD_PROPERTIES_DIALOG           224
00049 #define PEVP_CHKCREATE                  224
00050 #define BRW_BTNCANCEL                   225
00051 #define PEVP_CHKDELETE                  225
00052 #define PEVP_CHKDERIVE                  226
00053 #define PEVP_CHKDISCONNECT              227
00054 #define IDI_CMERROR                     228
00055 #define BRW_BTNAPPLY                    228
00056 #define PEVP_CHKEXCLUDESET              228
00057 #define BRW_BTNLOAD                     229
00058 #define PEVP_CHKINCLUDESET              229
00059 #define IDI_CMWARNING                   230
00060 #define PEVP_CHKLOSTCHILD               230
00061 #define PEVP_CHKMOVE                    231
00062 #define PEVP_CHKNEWCHILD                232
00063 #define PEXP_CMBCONTEXT                 232
00064 #define PEVP_CHKREFER                   233
00065 #define PEVP_CHKUNREFER                 234
00066 #define IDI_EXPAND                      235
00067 #define CRP_BTNOK                       235
00068 #define PIDP_EDTNAME                    235
00069 #define CRP_BTNCANCEL                   236
00070 #define PIDP_EDTDESCRIPTION             236
00071 #define CRP_TABPAGES                    237
00072 #define PIDP_EDTDEFAULT                 237
00073 #define CVD_TABCONTEXT                  238
00074 #define PIDP_CMBPRIORITY                238
00075 #define CVD_BTNEXPAND                   239
00076 #define PIDP_CMBDEPTH                   239
00077 #define IDD_BROWSER_CONSTRAINT_PAGE     239
00078 #define CVD_BTNPREVIOUS                 240
00079 #define IDD_BROWSER_SETTINGS_PAGE       240
00080 #define CVD_BTNNEXT                     241
00081 #define CVD_LBLCONSTRAINT               242
00082 #define PEXP_EDTEXPRESSION              242
00083 #define NOEX_PROGRESS                   243
00084 #define BRW_TABENABLES                  244
00085 #define BCRP_BTNEVALUATE                246
00086 #define BCRP_BTNADD                     247
00087 #define BCRP_BTNREMOVE                  248
00088 #define BCRP_LSTCONSTRAINT              250
00089 #define BSEP_CHKSC_LOGICAL              251
00090 #define BSEP_CHKSC_ITERATOR             252
00091 #define BSEP_CHKTRACKING                253
00092 #define BSEP_RDVIOLFIRST                254
00093 #define BSEP_EDTVIOLCOUNT               255
00094 #define BSEP_RDLEVELFIRST               257
00095 #define BSEP_RDVIOLCOUNT                258
00096 #define BSEP_RDDEFAULT                  259
00097 #define PIDP_EDTDEFINITION              261
00098 #define BSEP_RDZERODEPTH                262
00099 #define BSEP_RDONEDEPTH                 263
00100 #define BSEP_RDANYDEPTH                 264
00101 #define BRW_TREECONSTRAINTS             1000
00102 #define BRW_TREEOBJECTS                 1001
00104 // Next default values for new objects
00105 // 
00108 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        243
00109 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         32768
00110 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         268
00111 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           104
00112 #endif
00113 #endif