GME  13
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #if !defined(AFX_CLOSUREDLG_H__48D48570_0158_4740_B202_295FDF50C394__INCLUDED_)
00002 #define AFX_CLOSUREDLG_H__48D48570_0158_4740_B202_295FDF50C394__INCLUDED_
00004 #if _MSC_VER > 1000
00005 #pragma once
00006 #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
00007 // ClosureDlg.h : header file
00008 //
00009 #include "resource.h"
00011 // CClosureDlg dialog
00012 #include <afxcmn.h>
00014 class CClosureDlg 
00015         //: public CPropertyPage
00016         : public CDialog
00017 {
00018 // Construction
00019 public:
00020         CClosureDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL);   // standard constructor
00022 // Dialog Data
00023         //{{AFX_DATA(CClosureDlg)
00024         enum { IDD = IDD_CLOSUREDLG };
00025         CButton m_ctrlFilter;
00026         CButton m_ctrlRefPortConnection;
00027         CButton m_ctrlIncludeAll;
00028         CButton m_ctrlIncludeSome;
00029         CButton m_ctrlRadio1;
00030         CButton m_ctrlRadio2;
00031         CButton m_ctrlRadio3;
00032         CButton m_ctrlLibRadio1;
00033         CButton m_ctrlLibRadio2;
00034         CButton m_ctrlLibRadio3;
00035         CButton m_ctrlPartOfModels;
00036         CButton m_ctrlPartOfFolders;
00037         CButton m_ctrlContainment;
00038         CButton m_ctrlOk;
00039         CButton m_ctrlBrowse;
00040         CEdit   m_ctrlOutputFile;
00041         CButton m_ctrlFolderContainment;
00042         BOOL    m_bConnection;
00043         BOOL    m_bContainment;
00044         BOOL    m_bFolderContainment;
00045         BOOL    m_bRefersTo;
00046         BOOL    m_bSetMember;
00047         BOOL    m_bMemberOfSets;
00048         BOOL    m_bReferredBy;
00049         BOOL    m_bBaseTypes;
00050         BOOL    m_bDerivedTypes;
00051         BOOL    m_bPartOfModels;
00052         BOOL    m_bPartOfFolders;
00053         CString m_strOutputFile;
00054         int             m_outputOption;
00055         int             m_direction;
00056         int             m_wrappingOption;
00057         int             m_libraryHandling;
00058         int             m_includeAllKindsRadio;
00059         BOOL    m_bRefPortConnection;
00060         BOOL    m_bMarkObjs;
00061         CEdit   m_ctrlMarkVal;
00062         //}}AFX_DATA
00065 // Overrides
00066         // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
00067         //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CClosureDlg)
00068         protected:
00069         virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);    // DDX/DDV support
00070         //}}AFX_VIRTUAL
00072 // Implementation
00073 protected:
00075         // Generated message map functions
00076         //{{AFX_MSG(CClosureDlg)
00077         virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
00078         virtual void OnOK();
00079         afx_msg void OnBrowse();
00080         afx_msg void OnOutputtoclipboard();
00081         afx_msg void OnOutputtofile();
00082         afx_msg void OnDirectionup();
00083         afx_msg void OnDirectiondn();
00084         afx_msg void OnCheckconnection();
00085         afx_msg void OnCheckfoldercontainment();
00086         afx_msg void OnCheckcontainment();
00087         afx_msg void OnFilter();
00088         afx_msg void OnIncludeSome();
00089         afx_msg void OnIncludeAll();
00090         afx_msg void OnWrapMiniProj();
00091         afx_msg void OnWrapAuto();
00092         afx_msg void OnWrapAsIs();
00093         afx_msg void OnMarkClicked();
00094         //}}AFX_MSG
00095         DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()
00097 // user added:
00098 public:
00099         // indicates whether any folder is involved, so the folder containment checkbox 
00100         // is allowed if this value is true and the closuredirection is "Down"
00101         bool m_activeFolderContainment;
00103         bool m_includeFolders;
00104         bool m_includeModels;
00105         bool m_includeAtoms;
00106         bool m_includeSets;
00107         bool m_includeReferences;
00109         long calcKindMask();
00110         int  m_iMarkVal;
00111 };
00114 // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
00116 #endif // !defined(AFX_CLOSUREDLG_H__48D48570_0158_4740_B202_295FDF50C394__INCLUDED_)