00001 #include "StdAfx.h" 00002 00003 #include <direct.h> 00004 00005 #import "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\mscorlib.tlb" no_implementation 00006 #import "CSGUI.tlb" no_implementation 00007 00008 #import "CSGUI.tlb" implementation_only 00009 00010 #pragma comment(linker, "\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' processorArchitecture='msil' name='CSGUI' version='' language='*'\"") 00011 00012 static HRESULT IsolationAwareCoCreateInstance_(const IID& clsid, const IID& iid, void** out) 00013 { 00014 ULONG_PTR cookie; 00015 BOOL succ = IsolationAwareActivateActCtx(0, &cookie); 00016 ASSERT(succ); 00017 HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(clsid, 0, CLSCTX_ALL, iid, (void**)out); 00018 succ = IsolationAwareDeactivateActCtx(0, cookie); 00019 ASSERT(succ); 00020 return hr; 00021 } 00022 00023 void MoveReferenceWithRefportConnectionsAndWriteToConsole(IMgaFCO* target, IMgaReference* ref) 00024 { 00025 using namespace CSGUI; 00026 _ReferenceSwitcherPtr switcher; 00027 // n.b. RS is the coclass, _RS is the interface 00028 HRESULT hr = IsolationAwareCoCreateInstance_(__uuidof(ReferenceSwitcher), __uuidof(_ReferenceSwitcherPtr), (void**) &switcher); 00029 if (FAILED(hr)) 00030 throw hresult_exception(E_MGA_REFPORTS_USED); 00031 switcher->SwitchReference(target, ref); 00032 }