00001 // ActiveBrowserPropertyPage.cpp : implementation file 00002 // 00003 00004 #include "stdafx.h" 00005 #include "resource.h" 00006 #include "ActiveBrowserPropertyPage.h" 00007 #include "GMEActiveBrowser.h" 00008 #include "GMEActiveBrowserCtl.h" 00009 #include "Meta_i.c" 00010 #include "AggregateContextMenu.h" 00011 #include "..\Gme\GMEOLEData.h" 00012 #include "AttachLibDlg.h" 00013 #include <comdef.h> 00014 #include "Parser.h" 00015 #include "CommonMfc.h" 00016 #include <map> 00017 #include <vector> 00018 00019 #define GET_X_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)LOWORD(lp)) 00020 #define GET_Y_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)HIWORD(lp)) 00021 00022 #define ICON_NUMBER 11 00023 00024 #ifdef _DEBUG 00025 #undef THIS_FILE 00026 static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; 00027 #endif 00028 00029 IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CAggregatePropertyPage, CPropertyPage) 00030 IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CInheritancePropertyPage, CPropertyPage) 00031 IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CMetaPropertyPage, CPropertyPage) 00032 00033 00034 00035 00043 00044 00045 00046 00047 00048 00049 00050 00051 CAggregatePropertyPage::CAggregatePropertyPage() : CPropertyPage(CAggregatePropertyPage::IDD), 00052 m_ComboEditCtrl (&m_ComboSearchCtrl), 00053 m_ComboSearchCtrl (&m_TreeAggregate), 00054 m_bProjectOpen (FALSE), 00055 m_SearchButtonCtrlBitmap(NULL) 00056 { 00057 //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAggregatePropertyPage) 00058 //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 00059 } 00060 00061 CAggregatePropertyPage::~CAggregatePropertyPage() 00062 { 00063 m_ImageList.DeleteImageList(); 00064 m_StateImageList.DeleteImageList(); 00065 VERIFY( m_ImageList.GetSafeHandle() == NULL); 00066 VERIFY( m_StateImageList.GetSafeHandle() == NULL); 00067 BOOL success = ::DeleteObject(m_SearchButtonCtrlBitmap); 00068 ASSERT(success == TRUE); 00069 } 00070 00071 void CAggregatePropertyPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) 00072 { 00073 CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); 00074 //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CAggregatePropertyPage) 00075 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_SEARCH_AGGREGATE, m_ComboSearchCtrl); 00076 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SEARCH, m_SearchButtonCtrl); 00077 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TREE_AGGREGATE, m_TreeAggregate); 00078 //}}AFX_DATA_MAP 00079 } 00080 00081 00082 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAggregatePropertyPage, CPropertyPage) 00083 ON_WM_CONTEXTMENU() 00084 //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAggregatePropertyPage) 00085 ON_WM_SIZE() 00086 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_ITEMEXPANDING, IDC_TREE_AGGREGATE, OnItemExpandingTreeAggregate) 00087 ON_NOTIFY(NM_CLICK, IDC_TREE_AGGREGATE, OnClickTreeAggregate) 00088 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_SELCHANGED, IDC_TREE_AGGREGATE, OnSelChangedTreeAggregate) 00089 ON_NOTIFY(NM_DBLCLK, IDC_TREE_AGGREGATE, OnDblclkTreeAggregate) 00090 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_ENDLABELEDIT, IDC_TREE_AGGREGATE, OnEndLabelEditTreeAggregate) 00091 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_KEYDOWN, IDC_TREE_AGGREGATE, OnKeyDownTreeAggregate) 00092 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_GETDISPINFO, IDC_TREE_AGGREGATE, OnGetDispInfoTreeAggregate) 00093 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_ITEMEXPANDED, IDC_TREE_AGGREGATE, OnItemExpandedTreeAggregate) 00094 ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SEARCH, OnSearch) 00095 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_BEGINDRAG, IDC_TREE_AGGREGATE, OnBeginDragTreeAggregate) 00096 ON_WM_KILLFOCUS() 00097 //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 00098 ON_WM_KEYDOWN() 00099 END_MESSAGE_MAP() 00100 00101 00102 00103 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 00104 { 00105 00106 // CPropertyPage::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); 00107 if( ::IsWindow(m_ComboSearchCtrl.GetSafeHwnd()) ) 00108 { 00109 int ySpace = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER); 00110 RECT clientRect; 00111 m_ComboSearchCtrl.GetClientRect(&clientRect); 00112 00113 m_TreeAggregate.MoveWindow(0, clientRect.bottom + 2*ySpace, cx-1, cy-clientRect.bottom - 2*ySpace - 1); 00114 m_ComboSearchCtrl.MoveWindow(0, ySpace, cx-1, cy-1); 00115 00117 //m_ComboSearchCtrl.MoveWindow(3,3,cx-29,20); 00118 //m_SearchButtonCtrl.SetWindowPos(NULL,cx-22,2,0,0,SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE); 00119 00120 } 00121 } 00122 00123 00124 00125 BOOL CAggregatePropertyPage::OnInitDialog() 00126 { 00127 CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); 00128 00129 00130 m_TreeAggregate.ModifyStyle(0,TVS_HASLINES|TVS_HASBUTTONS|TVS_LINESATROOT 00131 |TVS_EDITLABELS|TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS ); 00132 00133 00134 m_ImageList.Create(16,16,ILC_MASK|ILC_COLOR24,0,0); 00135 00136 // Creating the state image list 00137 PrepareStateImageList(); 00138 00139 00140 SetDefID(IDC_SEARCH); 00141 00142 if (m_SearchButtonCtrlBitmap == NULL) 00143 m_SearchButtonCtrlBitmap = ::LoadBitmap(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SEARCH)); 00144 m_SearchButtonCtrl.SetBitmap(m_SearchButtonCtrlBitmap); 00145 00147 m_SearchButtonCtrl.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); 00149 00150 m_SearchButtonCtrl.EnableWindow(FALSE); 00151 m_TreeAggregate.EnableWindow(FALSE); 00152 m_ComboSearchCtrl.EnableWindow(FALSE); 00153 00154 00155 // Get edit control which happens to be the first child window 00156 // and subclass it 00157 m_ComboEditCtrl.SubclassWindow(m_ComboSearchCtrl.GetWindow(GW_CHILD)->GetSafeHwnd()); 00158 00159 m_TreeAggregate.RegisterDropTarget(); 00160 00161 return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control 00162 // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE 00163 } 00164 00165 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnItemExpandingTreeAggregate(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 00166 { 00167 00168 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; 00169 00170 00171 if(pNMTreeView->action==TVE_EXPAND) 00172 { 00173 if(m_TreeAggregate.GetItemState(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,TVIS_EXPANDED) 00174 &TVIS_EXPANDED) 00175 { 00176 return; 00177 } 00178 00179 if(m_Options.m_bIsDynamicLoading) 00180 { 00181 AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_WAIT); 00182 HTREEITEM hItem=pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem; 00183 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown=NULL; 00184 00185 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown)) 00186 { 00187 CComQIPtr<IMgaObject>ccpMgaObject(pUnknown); 00188 if(ccpMgaObject) 00189 { 00190 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 00191 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 00192 00193 MSGTRY{ 00194 // Starting transaction 00195 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(); 00196 reqBuildAggregateTree(hItem,ccpMgaObject,2); 00197 m_TreeAggregate.SortItems(hItem); 00198 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction (); 00199 }MSGCATCH(_T("Error completing the operation"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 00200 00201 00202 } 00203 } 00204 m_TreeAggregate.EnsureVisible(hItem); 00205 AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW); 00206 } 00207 #ifdef _DEBUG 00208 TRACE("\nEXPAND:\n"); 00209 m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.Dump(afxDump); 00210 #endif 00211 00212 int nImage,nSelectedImage; 00213 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,nImage,nSelectedImage); 00214 00215 if (nImage<8*ICON_NUMBER) 00216 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,nImage+ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage+ICON_NUMBER); 00217 else 00218 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem, (nImage & ~1) + 1, (nImage & ~1) + 1); 00219 00220 } 00221 else // Collapsing 00222 { 00223 if(!(m_TreeAggregate.GetItemState(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,TVIS_EXPANDED) 00224 &TVIS_EXPANDED)) 00225 { 00226 return; 00227 } 00228 00229 int nImage,nSelectedImage; 00230 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,nImage,nSelectedImage); 00231 00232 ASSERT(nImage-ICON_NUMBER>=0); 00233 if (nImage<8*ICON_NUMBER) 00234 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,nImage-ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage-ICON_NUMBER); 00235 else 00236 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem, (nImage & ~1), (nImage & ~1)); 00237 } 00238 00239 00240 00241 *pResult = 0; 00242 } 00243 00244 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnItemExpandedTreeAggregate(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 00245 { 00246 00247 if(!m_bProjectOpen)return; 00248 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; 00249 00250 if(pNMTreeView->action!=TVE_EXPAND) 00251 { 00252 00253 if(m_Options.m_bIsDynamicLoading) 00254 { 00255 00256 m_TreeAggregate.DeleteAllChildren(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem); 00257 00258 #ifdef _DEBUG 00259 TRACE("\nCollapse:\n"); 00260 m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.Dump(afxDump); 00261 #endif 00262 00263 } 00264 00265 m_TreeAggregate.CTreeCtrl::SetItemState(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,0,TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE); 00266 00267 } 00268 00269 *pResult = 0; 00270 } 00271 00272 int CAggregatePropertyPage::GetSourceControlStateOffset(IMgaObject * obj, int * latent) 00273 { 00274 int ret_val = 0; bool saved = true; 00275 long st = 0; // state of the object 00276 00277 try 00278 { 00279 CComQIPtr<IMgaModel> mod( obj); 00280 if( mod != NULL ) // if model 00281 { 00282 COMTHROW( mod->GetSourceControlInfo( &st)); 00283 } 00284 else 00285 { 00286 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder> fol( obj); 00287 if( fol != NULL) // if folder 00288 COMTHROW( fol->GetSourceControlInfo( &st)); 00289 else 00290 return ret_val; 00291 } 00292 } 00293 catch(...) 00294 { 00295 return ret_val; 00296 } 00297 00298 const int LOC = 0x1; // "GME_SourceControl_State_local" 00299 const int OTH = 0x2; // "GME_SourceControl_State_other" 00300 00301 if( st & LOC) // "GME_SourceControl_State_local" 00302 ret_val = 4*ICON_NUMBER; 00303 else if( st & OTH) // "GME_SourceControl_State_other" 00304 ret_val = 2*ICON_NUMBER; 00305 else 00306 ret_val = 0; 00307 00308 00309 //const int UTD = 0x000; // "GME_SourceControl_File_UpToDate" 00310 const int MBO = 0x100; // "GME_SourceControl_File_ModByOthers" 00311 const int NYS = 0x200; // "GME_SourceControl_File_NotYetSaved" 00312 00313 if( st & MBO) // "GME_SourceControl_File_ModByOthers" 00314 *latent = 1; 00315 else if( st & NYS) // "GME_SourceControl_File_NotYetSaved" 00316 saved = false, *latent = 0;//ret_val = 6 * ICON_NUMBER; 00317 else// if( st & UTD) // "GME_SourceControl_File_UpToDate" 00318 *latent = 0; 00319 00320 if( !saved) 00321 ret_val = 6*ICON_NUMBER, *latent = 0; 00322 return ret_val; 00323 } 00324 00325 CString CAggregatePropertyPage::GetDisplayedName(IMgaObject *pIMgaObject) 00326 { 00327 CComPtr<IMgaObject>ccpMgaObject(pIMgaObject); 00328 00329 CComBSTR pDisplayedName; 00330 00331 COMTHROW(ccpMgaObject->get_Name(&pDisplayedName)); 00332 00333 CString ret = pDisplayedName; 00334 00335 return ret; 00336 } 00337 00338 // Must be called from transaction 00339 void CAggregatePropertyPage::SetupTree() 00340 { 00341 00342 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 00343 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 00344 00345 m_TreeAggregate.treeIcons.clear(); 00346 m_ImageList.DeleteImageList(); 00347 m_ImageList.Create(16,16,ILC_MASK|ILC_COLOR24,0,0); 00348 CBitmap bm; 00349 bm.LoadBitmap(IDB_IMAGELIST_AGGREGATE); 00350 m_ImageList.Add(&bm,RGB(128, 158, 8)); // Pretty natural transparency color 00351 // provided by Tamas Paka 00352 m_TreeAggregate.SetImageList(&m_ImageList,TVSIL_NORMAL); 00353 00354 00355 // Getting Project 00356 CComPtr<IMgaProject> ccpMgaProject=pMgaContext->m_ccpProject; 00357 00358 00359 // Setting Project name 00360 CComBSTR bszProjectName; 00361 COMTHROW(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->get_Name(&bszProjectName)); 00362 m_strProjectName=bszProjectName; 00363 00364 // Getting RootFolder 00365 CComPtr<IMgaFolder> ccpRootFolder; 00366 COMTHROW(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->get_RootFolder(&ccpRootFolder)); 00367 00368 if(!m_Options.m_bIsDynamicLoading) 00369 { 00370 // Load the whole tree 00371 reqBuildAggregateTree(NULL,ccpRootFolder,-1); 00372 } 00373 else 00374 { 00375 // Only the root folder will be displayed 00376 reqBuildAggregateTree(NULL,ccpRootFolder,1); 00377 } 00378 00379 } 00380 00381 void CAggregatePropertyPage::reqBuildAggregateTree(HTREEITEM hParent,IMgaObject* pIMgaObject, int nDepthLevel, int nCounter, bool bWithUpdate) 00382 { 00383 // Checking depth level 00384 if(nDepthLevel==0)return; 00385 00386 CComPtr<IMgaObject> ccpMgaObject(pIMgaObject); 00387 00388 // Determining Object Type 00389 objtype_enum otObjectType; 00390 COMTHROW(ccpMgaObject->get_ObjType(&otObjectType)); 00391 00392 switch(otObjectType) 00393 { 00394 case OBJTYPE_MODEL: 00395 { 00396 CComQIPtr<IMgaModel>ccpMgaModel(ccpMgaObject); 00397 00398 HTREEITEM hItem=hParent; // Because of possible level skip 00399 if(m_Options.m_bDispModel) 00400 { 00401 if(m_Options.m_bIsDynamicLoading && nCounter) 00402 { 00403 // Inserting item into the aggregate tree 00404 if(bWithUpdate) 00405 { 00406 hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItemUpdate(hParent,GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaModel), 00407 ccpMgaModel,OBJTYPE_MODEL); 00408 } 00409 else 00410 { 00411 hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItem(hParent,GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaModel), 00412 ccpMgaModel,OBJTYPE_MODEL); 00413 } 00414 } 00415 } 00416 else 00417 { 00418 // Increase depth level, because we did not do anything 00419 nDepthLevel++; 00420 nCounter++; 00421 // Next parent is the same as mine 00422 hItem=hParent; 00423 } 00424 if(hItem==NULL) // Duplicate element - should not happen here 00425 { 00426 ASSERT(FALSE); 00427 return; 00428 } 00429 else 00430 { 00431 // Getting children FCOs 00432 CComPtr<IMgaFCOs> ccpMgaFCOs; 00433 COMTHROW(ccpMgaModel->get_ChildFCOs(&ccpMgaFCOs)); 00434 00435 if(nDepthLevel!=1) 00436 { 00437 // Iterate through the children FCOs 00438 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaFCO, ccpMgaFCOs) 00439 { 00440 // Recursive call for each children 00441 reqBuildAggregateTree(hItem,MGACOLL_ITER,nDepthLevel-1, nCounter-1,bWithUpdate); 00442 00443 } MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 00444 } 00445 00446 } 00447 }break; 00448 00449 case OBJTYPE_FOLDER: 00450 { 00451 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder>ccpMgaFolder(ccpMgaObject); 00452 00453 // Inserting item into the aggregation tree 00454 HTREEITEM hItem=hParent; // If level skip 00455 if(hParent==NULL)// Root folder 00456 { 00457 if(bWithUpdate) 00458 { 00459 hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItemUpdate(hParent, 00460 m_strProjectName,ccpMgaFolder,OBJTYPE_FOLDER); 00461 } 00462 else 00463 { 00464 hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItem(hParent, 00465 m_strProjectName,ccpMgaFolder,OBJTYPE_FOLDER); 00466 } 00467 } 00468 else 00469 { 00470 if(m_Options.m_bIsDynamicLoading && nCounter) 00471 { 00472 if(bWithUpdate) 00473 { 00474 hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItemUpdate(hParent, 00475 GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaFolder),ccpMgaFolder,OBJTYPE_FOLDER); 00476 } 00477 else 00478 { 00479 hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItem(hParent, 00480 GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaFolder),ccpMgaFolder,OBJTYPE_FOLDER); 00481 00482 } 00483 } 00484 } 00485 if(hItem==NULL) 00486 { 00487 return; 00488 } 00489 else 00490 { 00491 00492 /********* Getting Subfolders ***********/ 00493 CComPtr<IMgaFolders> ccpChildFolders; 00494 COMTHROW(ccpMgaFolder->get_ChildFolders(&ccpChildFolders)); 00495 00496 if(ccpChildFolders!=NULL) 00497 { 00498 if(nDepthLevel!=1) 00499 { 00500 // Iterate through the subfolders 00501 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaFolder, ccpChildFolders) 00502 { 00503 // Recursive call to each child folder 00504 reqBuildAggregateTree(hItem,MGACOLL_ITER,nDepthLevel-1,nCounter-1,bWithUpdate); 00505 } MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 00506 } 00507 00508 } 00509 /********* Getting children FCOs **********/ 00510 CComPtr<IMgaFCOs> ccpChildFCOs; 00511 COMTHROW(ccpMgaFolder->get_ChildFCOs(&ccpChildFCOs)); 00512 00513 if(nDepthLevel!=1) 00514 { 00515 // Iterate through the children FCOs 00516 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaFCO, ccpChildFCOs) 00517 { 00518 // Recursive call to each children 00519 reqBuildAggregateTree(hItem,MGACOLL_ITER,nDepthLevel-1,nCounter-1,bWithUpdate); 00520 } MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 00521 } 00522 00523 } 00524 00525 }break; 00526 case OBJTYPE_ATOM: 00527 { 00528 if(m_Options.m_bDispAtom) 00529 { 00530 CComQIPtr<IMgaAtom>ccpMgaAtom(ccpMgaObject); 00531 00532 // Inserting item into the aggregation tree 00533 if(bWithUpdate) 00534 { 00535 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItemUpdate(hParent, 00536 GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaAtom),ccpMgaAtom,OBJTYPE_ATOM); 00537 } 00538 else 00539 { 00540 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItem(hParent, 00541 GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaAtom),ccpMgaAtom,OBJTYPE_ATOM); 00542 } 00543 } 00544 }break; 00545 00546 case OBJTYPE_CONNECTION: 00547 { 00548 if(m_Options.m_bDispConnections)//hack!!! 00549 { 00550 CComQIPtr<IMgaConnection>ccpMgaConnection(ccpMgaObject); 00551 if(bWithUpdate) 00552 { 00553 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItemUpdate(hParent, 00554 GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaConnection),ccpMgaConnection,OBJTYPE_CONNECTION); 00555 } 00556 else 00557 { 00558 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItem(hParent, 00559 GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaConnection),ccpMgaConnection,OBJTYPE_CONNECTION); 00560 } 00561 } 00562 }break; 00563 00564 case OBJTYPE_REFERENCE: 00565 { 00566 if(m_Options.m_bDispReference) 00567 { 00568 CComQIPtr<IMgaReference>ccpMgaReference(ccpMgaObject); 00569 // Inserting item into the aggregation tree 00570 if(bWithUpdate) 00571 { 00572 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItemUpdate(hParent, 00573 GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaReference),ccpMgaReference,OBJTYPE_REFERENCE); 00574 } 00575 else 00576 { 00577 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItem(hParent, 00578 GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaReference),ccpMgaReference,OBJTYPE_REFERENCE); 00579 } 00580 } 00581 }break; 00582 case OBJTYPE_SET: 00583 { 00584 if(m_Options.m_bDispSet) 00585 { 00586 CComQIPtr<IMgaSet>ccpMgaSet(ccpMgaObject); 00587 // Inserting item into the aggregation tree 00588 if(bWithUpdate) 00589 { 00590 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItemUpdate(hParent, 00591 GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaSet),ccpMgaSet,OBJTYPE_SET); 00592 } 00593 else 00594 { 00595 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItem(hParent, 00596 GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaSet),ccpMgaSet,OBJTYPE_SET); 00597 } 00598 } 00599 return; 00600 }break; 00601 00602 case OBJTYPE_ATTRIBUTE:;// Not handled 00603 case OBJTYPE_ROLE:; // Not handled 00604 case OBJTYPE_ASPECT:; // Not handled 00605 case OBJTYPE_PART:; // Not handled 00606 default: 00607 { 00608 TRACE(_T("Unknown MGA object type detected building the aggregation tree\n")); 00609 ASSERT(0); 00610 return; 00611 } 00612 } 00613 } 00614 00615 00616 00617 BOOL CAggregatePropertyPage::reqHasDisplayedChild(IMgaObject* pIMgaObject, int nDepthLevel) 00618 { 00619 static int nFirstRun=nDepthLevel; 00620 00621 // Checking depth level 00622 if(nDepthLevel==0)return FALSE; 00623 00624 00625 CComPtr<IMgaObject> ccpMgaObject(pIMgaObject); 00626 00627 // Determining Object Type 00628 objtype_enum otObjectType; 00629 COMTHROW(ccpMgaObject->get_ObjType(&otObjectType)); 00630 00631 switch(otObjectType) 00632 { 00633 case OBJTYPE_MODEL: 00634 { 00635 CComQIPtr<IMgaModel>ccpMgaModel(ccpMgaObject); 00636 00637 if(nFirstRun!= nDepthLevel && m_Options.IsDisplayedType(OBJTYPE_MODEL)) return TRUE; 00638 // Getting children FCOs 00639 CComPtr<IMgaFCOs> ccpMgaFCOs; 00640 COMTHROW(ccpMgaModel->get_ChildFCOs(&ccpMgaFCOs)); 00641 00642 // Iterate through the children FCOs 00643 bool doHasChild = false; 00644 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaFCO, ccpMgaFCOs) 00645 { 00646 // Recursive call for each children 00647 if(reqHasDisplayedChild(MGACOLL_ITER,nDepthLevel-1)){ 00648 doHasChild = true; 00649 break; 00650 } 00651 00652 } MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 00653 if (doHasChild) { 00654 return TRUE; 00655 } 00656 00657 00658 }break; 00659 00660 case OBJTYPE_FOLDER: 00661 { 00662 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder>ccpMgaFolder(ccpMgaObject); 00663 00664 if(nFirstRun!= nDepthLevel && m_Options.IsDisplayedType(OBJTYPE_FOLDER)) return TRUE; 00665 00666 /********* Getting Subfolders ***********/ 00667 CComPtr<IMgaFolders> ccpChildFolders; 00668 COMTHROW(ccpMgaFolder->get_ChildFolders(&ccpChildFolders)); 00669 00670 // Iterate through the subfolders 00671 bool doHasChild = false; 00672 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaFolder, ccpChildFolders) 00673 { 00674 // Recursive call to each child folder 00675 if(reqHasDisplayedChild(MGACOLL_ITER,nDepthLevel-1)) { 00676 doHasChild = true; 00677 break; 00678 } 00679 } MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 00680 if (doHasChild) { 00681 return TRUE; 00682 } 00683 00684 /********* Getting children FCOs **********/ 00685 CComPtr<IMgaFCOs> ccpChildFCOs; 00686 COMTHROW(ccpMgaFolder->get_ChildFCOs(&ccpChildFCOs)); 00687 // Iterate through the children FCOs 00688 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaFCO, ccpChildFCOs) 00689 { 00690 // Recursive call to each children 00691 if(reqHasDisplayedChild(MGACOLL_ITER,nDepthLevel-1)) { 00692 doHasChild = true; 00693 break; 00694 } 00695 } MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 00696 if (doHasChild) { 00697 return TRUE; 00698 } 00699 00700 }break; 00701 case OBJTYPE_ATOM: 00702 { 00703 return nFirstRun!= nDepthLevel && m_Options.IsDisplayedType(OBJTYPE_ATOM); 00704 }break; 00705 00706 case OBJTYPE_CONNECTION: 00707 { 00708 return nFirstRun!= nDepthLevel && m_Options.IsDisplayedType(OBJTYPE_CONNECTION); 00709 }break; 00710 00711 case OBJTYPE_REFERENCE: 00712 { 00713 return nFirstRun!= nDepthLevel && m_Options.IsDisplayedType(OBJTYPE_REFERENCE); 00714 }break; 00715 case OBJTYPE_SET: 00716 { 00717 return nFirstRun!= nDepthLevel && m_Options.IsDisplayedType(OBJTYPE_SET); 00718 00719 }break; 00720 00721 case OBJTYPE_ATTRIBUTE:;// Not handled 00722 case OBJTYPE_ROLE:; // Not handled 00723 case OBJTYPE_ASPECT:; // Not handled 00724 case OBJTYPE_PART:; // Not handled 00725 default: 00726 { 00727 return FALSE; 00728 } 00729 } 00730 return FALSE; 00731 00732 } 00733 00734 00735 00736 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OpenProject() 00737 { 00738 m_TreeAggregate.EnableWindow(TRUE); 00739 m_ComboSearchCtrl.EnableWindow(TRUE); 00740 m_SearchButtonCtrl.EnableWindow(TRUE); 00741 00742 m_bIsBrowserCreatedNewObject=FALSE; 00743 00744 AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_WAIT); 00745 00746 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 00747 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 00748 00749 MSGTRY{ 00750 // Starting transaction 00751 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(); 00752 00753 00754 SetupTree(); 00755 00756 if(m_Options.m_bStoreTreeInRegistry) 00757 { 00758 00759 /* Loading tree state from the registry */ 00760 m_TreeAggregate.LoadTreeStateFromRegistry(m_strProjectName); 00761 00762 00763 } 00764 00765 m_TreeAggregate.SortItems(); 00766 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 00767 00768 }MSGCATCH(_T("Error opening aggregate tab"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 00769 00770 00771 00772 00773 00774 00775 m_bProjectOpen=TRUE; 00776 AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW); 00777 00778 00779 00780 00781 #ifdef _DEBUG 00782 m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.Dump(afxDump); 00783 #endif 00784 00785 } 00786 00787 void CAggregatePropertyPage::SetFocus2() 00788 { 00789 m_TreeAggregate.SetFocus(); 00790 } 00791 00792 void CAggregatePropertyPage::CloseProject() 00793 { 00794 m_bProjectOpen=FALSE; 00795 AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_WAIT); 00796 00797 // by ZolMol 00798 if(CGMEDataSource::myData) // it is true when object copied onto clipboard from the active browser tree 00799 OleFlushClipboard(); 00800 // end 00801 00802 if(m_Options.m_bStoreTreeInRegistry) 00803 { 00804 // Saving tree state to registry 00805 // Opening transaction 00806 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 00807 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 00808 MSGTRY{ 00809 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(); 00810 00811 // Saving to registry 00812 m_TreeAggregate.SaveTreeStateToRegistry(m_strProjectName); 00813 // Close transaction 00814 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 00815 }MSGCATCH(_T("Error closing the aggragate tab"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 00816 00817 00818 } 00819 00820 m_TreeAggregate.CleanUp(); 00821 m_TreeAggregate.EnableWindow(FALSE); 00822 00823 m_SearchButtonCtrl.EnableWindow(FALSE); 00824 00825 m_ComboSearchCtrl.ResetContent(); 00826 m_ComboSearchCtrl.EnableWindow(FALSE); 00827 AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW); 00828 00829 00830 00831 } 00832 00833 void CAggregatePropertyPage::DoCopy() 00834 { 00835 00836 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 00837 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 00838 00839 00840 00841 CComObjPtr<IMgaFCOs> ccpSelectedFCOs; 00842 COMTHROW( ccpSelectedFCOs.CoCreateInstance( L"Mga.MgaFCOs")); 00843 CComObjPtr<IMgaFolders> ccpSelectedFolders; 00844 COMTHROW( ccpSelectedFolders.CoCreateInstance( L"Mga.MgaFolders")); 00845 00846 typedef CTypedPtrList<CPtrList, CRect *> CRectList; 00847 CRectList rectSelectedList; 00848 CRect rectItem; 00849 CRect rectFrame(0,0,0,0); 00850 00851 00852 for(HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.GetFirstSelectedItem();hItem; 00853 hItem=m_TreeAggregate.GetNextSelectedItem(hItem)) 00854 { 00855 CAggregateMgaObjectProxy ObjectProxy; 00856 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectProxy(hItem, ObjectProxy)) 00857 { 00858 if ( ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_MODEL || // FCOs 00859 ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_ATOM || 00860 ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_REFERENCE || 00861 ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_CONNECTION || 00862 ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_SET) 00863 { 00864 CComQIPtr<IMgaFCO> ccpMgaFCO( ObjectProxy.m_pMgaObject); 00865 if( ccpMgaFCO) 00866 { 00867 // Finding the rectangle of the selected item 00868 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemRect( hItem, rectItem, TRUE); 00869 // Computing the frame of all rectangles 00870 rectFrame.UnionRect( rectFrame, rectItem); 00871 00872 // Adding to the selected rectangle list to create the image 00873 rectSelectedList.AddTail(new CRect( rectItem)); 00874 00875 // Append to the selected FCO list 00876 COMTHROW(ccpSelectedFCOs->Append( ccpMgaFCO)); 00877 } 00878 } 00879 else if ( ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_FOLDER ) 00880 { 00881 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder> ccpMgaFolder( ObjectProxy.m_pMgaObject); 00882 if( ccpMgaFolder) 00883 { 00884 // Finding the rectangle of the selected item 00885 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemRect( hItem, rectItem, TRUE); 00886 // Computing the frame of all rectangles 00887 rectFrame.UnionRect( rectFrame, rectItem); 00888 00889 // Adding to the selected rectangle list to create the image 00890 rectSelectedList.AddTail( new CRect( rectItem)); 00891 00892 // Append to the selected FCO list 00893 COMTHROW(ccpSelectedFolders->Append( ccpMgaFolder)); 00894 } 00895 } 00896 } 00897 } 00898 00899 if( rectSelectedList.GetCount() != 0) 00900 { 00901 CRectList dummyAnnList; 00902 00903 CGMEDataDescriptor GMEDataDescriptor( rectSelectedList, dummyAnnList, rectFrame.TopLeft(), CPoint( 0, 0)); 00904 00905 CGMEDataSource *pGMEDataSource = new CGMEDataSource( pMgaContext->m_ccpProject); 00906 00907 if ( ccpSelectedFCOs) pGMEDataSource->SetNodes( CComPtr<IMgaFCOs>( ccpSelectedFCOs)); 00908 if ( ccpSelectedFolders) pGMEDataSource->SetFolders( CComPtr<IMgaFolders>( ccpSelectedFolders)); 00909 00910 pGMEDataSource->CacheDescriptor(&GMEDataDescriptor); 00911 00912 pGMEDataSource->SetClipboard(); 00913 } 00914 00915 CGMEDataDescriptor::destructList( rectSelectedList); 00916 } 00917 00918 void CAggregatePropertyPage::DoCopyClosure() 00919 { 00920 00921 bool is_any_folder_selected = false; 00922 CGMEActiveBrowserApp * pApp = (CGMEActiveBrowserApp*) AfxGetApp(); 00923 CMgaContext * pMgaContext = &pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 00924 00925 CComObjPtr<IMgaFCOs> ccpSelectedFCOs; 00926 CComObjPtr<IMgaFolders> ccpSelectedFolders; 00927 COMTHROW( ccpSelectedFCOs.CoCreateInstance( L"Mga.MgaFCOs")); 00928 COMTHROW( ccpSelectedFolders.CoCreateInstance( L"Mga.MgaFolders")); 00929 00930 typedef CTypedPtrList< CPtrList, CRect *> CRectList; 00931 CRectList rectSelectedList; 00932 CRect rectItem; 00933 CRect rectFrame(0,0,0,0); 00934 00935 00936 for( HTREEITEM hItem = m_TreeAggregate.GetFirstSelectedItem(); 00937 hItem; 00938 hItem = m_TreeAggregate.GetNextSelectedItem( hItem)) 00939 { 00940 CAggregateMgaObjectProxy ObjectProxy; 00941 if( m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectProxy( hItem, ObjectProxy)) 00942 { 00943 if ( ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_MODEL // FCOs: connection too 00944 || ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_ATOM 00945 || ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_REFERENCE 00946 || ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_SET 00947 || ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_CONNECTION) 00948 { 00949 CComQIPtr<IMgaFCO> ccpMgaFCO( ObjectProxy.m_pMgaObject); 00950 if( ccpMgaFCO) 00951 { 00952 // Finding the rectangle of the selected item 00953 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemRect( hItem, rectItem, TRUE); 00954 // Computing the frame of all rectangles 00955 rectFrame.UnionRect( rectFrame, rectItem); 00956 00957 // Adding to the selected rectangle list to create the image 00958 rectSelectedList.AddTail( new CRect( rectItem)); 00959 00960 // Append to the selected FCO list 00961 COMTHROW(ccpSelectedFCOs->Append( ccpMgaFCO)); 00962 } 00963 } 00964 else if ( ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_FOLDER ) 00965 { 00966 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder> ccpMgaFolder( ObjectProxy.m_pMgaObject); 00967 if( ccpMgaFolder) 00968 { 00969 { 00970 // Finding the rectangle of the selected item 00971 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemRect( hItem, rectItem, TRUE); 00972 // Computing the frame of all rectangles 00973 rectFrame.UnionRect( rectFrame, rectItem); 00974 00975 // Adding to the selected rectangle list to create the image 00976 rectSelectedList.AddTail( new CRect( rectItem)); 00977 00978 // Append to the selected FCO list 00979 COMTHROW(ccpSelectedFolders->Append( ccpMgaFolder)); 00980 is_any_folder_selected = true; 00981 } 00982 } 00983 } 00984 } 00985 } 00986 00987 if ( rectSelectedList.GetCount()!=0) 00988 { 00989 CComPtr<IMgaClosure> cl; 00990 VARIANT_BOOL _refersTo ; VARIANT_BOOL _referredBy; 00991 VARIANT_BOOL _connections ; VARIANT_BOOL _connsThroughRefport; 00992 VARIANT_BOOL _setMembers ; VARIANT_BOOL _memberOfSets; 00993 VARIANT_BOOL _modelContainment ; VARIANT_BOOL _partOfModels; 00994 VARIANT_BOOL _folderContainment ; VARIANT_BOOL _partOfFolders; 00995 VARIANT_BOOL _baseTypeOf ; VARIANT_BOOL _derivedTypesOf; 00996 long _libraryElementHandling; // 0: stubs; 1: stop; 2: continue 00997 long _wrappingMode; // 0: miniproject; 1: automatic; 2: as is 00998 long _kindFilter; // -1 = all; otherwise calculate the 0b000rsamf mask; where f = Folders; m = Models; a = Atoms; s = Sets; r = References 00999 long _markThem; 01000 long _options; 01001 VARIANT_BOOL _directionDown; 01002 VARIANT_BOOL _copyToFile; // file or clipboard 01003 VARIANT_BOOL _okPressed; // how ended the dialog 01004 CComBSTR _userSelFileName; 01005 01006 COMTHROW( cl.CoCreateInstance(L"Mga.MgaClosure") ); 01007 01008 // ask the last closure id in a RO transaction 01009 CMgaContext* pMgaContext = &pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 01010 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(true); // readonly 01011 try { 01012 COMTHROW( cl->GetLastClosureId( pMgaContext->m_ccpProject, &_markThem)); 01013 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 01014 } catch( hresult_exception& ) { 01015 pMgaContext->AbortTransaction(); 01016 _markThem = -2; // will be increased to -1 01017 } 01018 01019 ++_markThem; // propose this as the next closure id 01020 01021 COMTHROW( cl->SelectiveClosureDlg 01022 ( is_any_folder_selected ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE 01023 , &_refersTo , &_referredBy 01024 , &_connections , &_connsThroughRefport 01025 , &_setMembers , &_memberOfSets 01026 , &_modelContainment , &_partOfModels 01027 , &_folderContainment , &_partOfFolders 01028 , &_baseTypeOf , &_derivedTypesOf 01029 , &_libraryElementHandling // 0: stubs; 1: stop; 2: continue 01030 , &_wrappingMode // 0: miniproject; 1: automatic; 2: as is 01031 , &_kindFilter // -1 = all; otherwise calculate the 0b000rsamf mask; where f = Folders; m = Models; a = Atoms; s = Sets; r = References 01032 , &_markThem // -1 = do not mark 01033 , &_options 01034 , &_directionDown 01035 , &_copyToFile // file or clipboard 01036 , &_okPressed // how ended the dialog 01037 , &_userSelFileName 01038 )); 01039 if( _okPressed == VARIANT_FALSE) return; 01040 01041 if( _markThem != -1) // save this if elements need to be marked 01042 { 01043 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(false); 01044 try { 01045 COMTHROW( cl->PutLastClosureId( pMgaContext->m_ccpProject, _markThem)); 01046 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 01047 } catch( hresult_exception& ) { 01048 pMgaContext->AbortTransaction(); 01049 } 01050 } 01051 01052 CComObjPtr<IMgaFCOs> sel_fcos, top_fcos; 01053 CComObjPtr<IMgaFolders> sel_folders, top_folders; 01054 //long options; 01055 VARIANT_BOOL tops_filled = VARIANT_FALSE; 01056 CComBstrObj acc_kinds; 01057 01058 COMTHROW( cl->SelectiveClosureCalc 01059 ( ccpSelectedFCOs , ccpSelectedFolders 01060 , _refersTo , _referredBy 01061 , _connections , _connsThroughRefport 01062 , _setMembers , _memberOfSets 01063 , _modelContainment , _partOfModels 01064 , _folderContainment , _partOfFolders 01065 , _baseTypeOf , _derivedTypesOf 01066 , _libraryElementHandling // 0: stubs, 1: stop, 2: continue 01067 , _wrappingMode // 0: miniproject, 1: automatic, 2: as is 01068 , _kindFilter // -1 = all, otherwise calculate the 0b000rsamf mask, where f = Folders, m = Models, a = Atoms, s = Sets, r = References 01069 , _markThem // -1 = do not mark 01070 , _directionDown 01071 , PutOut( sel_fcos), PutOut( sel_folders) 01072 , PutOut( top_fcos), PutOut( top_folders) 01073 , &tops_filled 01074 , PutOut( acc_kinds) 01075 )); 01076 01077 if( !sel_fcos && !sel_folders) return; 01078 01079 if( _copyToFile == VARIANT_TRUE) 01080 { 01081 CComPtr<IMgaDumper> dumper; 01082 COMTHROW( dumper.CoCreateInstance(L"Mga.MgaDumper") ); 01083 01084 if( _wrappingMode == 0) 01085 { 01086 COMTHROW( dumper->DumpClos( sel_fcos, sel_folders, _userSelFileName, _options) ); 01087 } 01088 else if( _wrappingMode == 1 || _wrappingMode == 2) 01089 { 01090 if ( tops_filled == VARIANT_TRUE) 01091 COMTHROW( dumper->DumpClosR( sel_fcos, sel_folders, _userSelFileName, top_fcos, top_folders, _options, 0, acc_kinds)); 01092 else 01093 // dump like in miniproject case from The RootFolder 01094 // if the data is copied to clipboard then the DumpClosR will call the 01095 // DumpClos when it will realize the topfco and topfolders are empty 01096 COMTHROW( dumper->DumpClos( sel_fcos, sel_folders, _userSelFileName, _options)); 01097 } 01098 } 01099 else // _copyToFile == VARIANT_FALSE 01100 { 01101 CGMEDataDescriptor GMEDataDescriptor( rectSelectedList, CRectList(), rectFrame.TopLeft(), CPoint( 0,0)); 01102 CGMEClosureDataSource * pGMEClosureDataSource = new CGMEClosureDataSource( pMgaContext->m_ccpProject); 01103 01104 if ( sel_fcos) pGMEClosureDataSource->SetNodes( sel_fcos); 01105 if ( sel_folders) pGMEClosureDataSource->SetFolders( sel_folders); 01106 01107 if ( top_fcos) pGMEClosureDataSource->SetTopNodes( top_fcos); 01108 if ( top_folders) pGMEClosureDataSource->SetTopNodes( top_folders); 01109 01110 pGMEClosureDataSource->SetOptions( _options); 01111 pGMEClosureDataSource->SetAcceptingKinds( acc_kinds); 01112 01113 pGMEClosureDataSource->CacheDescriptor( &GMEDataDescriptor); 01114 pGMEClosureDataSource->SetClipboard(); 01115 pGMEClosureDataSource->FlushClipboard(); 01116 } 01117 } 01118 else 01119 { 01120 MessageBox(_T("No object selected"),_T("Copy Error"), MB_ICONERROR); 01121 } 01122 01123 CGMEDataDescriptor::destructList( rectSelectedList); 01124 } 01125 01126 void CAggregatePropertyPage::DoCopySmart( int k /*= 0*/) 01127 { 01128 bool is_any_folder_selected = false; 01129 bool all_containers = true; 01130 bool all_refs = true; 01131 bool all_sets = true; 01132 bool all_conns = true; 01133 01134 bool any_container = false; 01135 bool any_ref = false; 01136 bool any_set = false; 01137 bool any_conn = false; 01138 01139 CGMEActiveBrowserApp * pApp = (CGMEActiveBrowserApp*) AfxGetApp(); 01140 CMgaContext * pMgaContext = &pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 01141 01142 CComObjPtr<IMgaFCOs> ccpSelectedFCOs; 01143 CComObjPtr<IMgaFolders> ccpSelectedFolders; 01144 COMTHROW( ccpSelectedFCOs.CoCreateInstance( L"Mga.MgaFCOs")); 01145 COMTHROW( ccpSelectedFolders.CoCreateInstance( L"Mga.MgaFolders")); 01146 01147 typedef CTypedPtrList< CPtrList, CRect *> CRectList; 01148 CRectList rectSelectedList; 01149 CRect rectItem; 01150 CRect rectFrame(0,0,0,0); 01151 01152 01153 for( HTREEITEM hItem = m_TreeAggregate.GetFirstSelectedItem(); 01154 hItem; 01155 hItem = m_TreeAggregate.GetNextSelectedItem( hItem)) 01156 { 01157 CAggregateMgaObjectProxy ObjectProxy; 01158 if( m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectProxy( hItem, ObjectProxy)) 01159 { 01160 all_containers &= (ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_MODEL || ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_FOLDER); 01161 all_refs &= (ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_REFERENCE); 01162 all_sets &= (ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_SET); 01163 all_conns &= (ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_CONNECTION); 01164 01165 any_container |= (ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_MODEL || ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_FOLDER); 01166 any_ref |= (ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_REFERENCE); 01167 any_set |= (ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_SET); 01168 any_conn |= (ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_CONNECTION); 01169 01170 if ( ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_MODEL // FCOs: connection too 01171 || ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_ATOM 01172 || ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_REFERENCE 01173 || ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_SET 01174 || ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_CONNECTION) 01175 { 01176 CComQIPtr<IMgaFCO> ccpMgaFCO( ObjectProxy.m_pMgaObject); 01177 if( ccpMgaFCO) 01178 { 01179 // Finding the rectangle of the selected item 01180 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemRect( hItem, rectItem, TRUE); 01181 // Computing the frame of all rectangles 01182 rectFrame.UnionRect( rectFrame, rectItem); 01183 01184 // Adding to the selected rectangle list to create the image 01185 rectSelectedList.AddTail( new CRect( rectItem)); 01186 01187 // Append to the selected FCO list 01188 COMTHROW(ccpSelectedFCOs->Append( ccpMgaFCO)); 01189 } 01190 } 01191 else if ( ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_FOLDER ) 01192 { 01193 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder> ccpMgaFolder( ObjectProxy.m_pMgaObject); 01194 if( ccpMgaFolder) 01195 { 01196 { 01197 // Finding the rectangle of the selected item 01198 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemRect( hItem, rectItem, TRUE); 01199 // Computing the frame of all rectangles 01200 rectFrame.UnionRect( rectFrame, rectItem); 01201 01202 // Adding to the selected rectangle list to create the image 01203 rectSelectedList.AddTail( new CRect( rectItem)); 01204 01205 // Append to the selected FCO list 01206 COMTHROW(ccpSelectedFolders->Append( ccpMgaFolder)); 01207 is_any_folder_selected = true; 01208 } 01209 } 01210 } 01211 } 01212 } 01213 01214 if ( rectSelectedList.GetCount()!=0) 01215 { 01216 CComPtr<IMgaClosure> cl; 01217 CComObjPtr<IMgaFCOs> sel_fcos, top_fcos; 01218 CComObjPtr<IMgaFolders> sel_folders, top_folders; 01219 long options; 01220 CComBstrObj acckinds; 01221 CComBstrObj path; 01222 01223 // commented out when new smart copy introduced 01224 // if container selected then it must be lonely (no multiple selection) 01225 // if container selected no other kinds allowed 01226 //if( any_container && !all_containers || rectSelectedList.GetCount() > 1 && all_containers) 01227 //{ 01228 // MessageBox("Invalid selection for smart copy. You can select either one container or several non-containers.","Copy Error", MB_ICONERROR); 01229 // return; 01230 //} 01231 01232 if( any_container) k |= 1024; 01233 01234 if( any_ref) k |= 2048; 01235 if( any_set) k |= 4096; 01236 if( any_conn) k |= 8192; 01237 if( is_any_folder_selected) k |= 16384; 01238 01239 COMTHROW( cl.CoCreateInstance(L"Mga.MgaClosure") ); 01240 01241 COMTHROW( cl->SmartCopy( 01242 ccpSelectedFCOs, 01243 ccpSelectedFolders, 01244 PutOut( sel_fcos), 01245 PutOut( sel_folders), 01246 PutOut( top_fcos), 01247 PutOut( top_folders), 01248 k, 01249 &options, 01250 PutOut( acckinds), 01251 PutOut( path) 01252 )); 01253 01254 if ( sel_fcos || sel_folders) // if both null the operation is not needed (either dumped to file already or unsuccessful) 01255 { 01256 CRectList dummyAnnList; 01257 01258 CGMEDataDescriptor GMEDataDescriptor( rectSelectedList, dummyAnnList, rectFrame.TopLeft(), CPoint( 0,0)); 01259 01260 CGMEClosureDataSource * pGMEClosureDataSource = new CGMEClosureDataSource( pMgaContext->m_ccpProject); 01261 01262 if ( sel_fcos) pGMEClosureDataSource->SetNodes( sel_fcos); 01263 if ( sel_folders) pGMEClosureDataSource->SetFolders( sel_folders); 01264 01265 if ( top_fcos) pGMEClosureDataSource->SetTopNodes( top_fcos); 01266 if ( top_folders) pGMEClosureDataSource->SetTopNodes( top_folders); 01267 01268 01269 pGMEClosureDataSource->SetOptions( options); 01270 pGMEClosureDataSource->SetAbsPathPart( path); 01271 pGMEClosureDataSource->SetAcceptingKinds( acckinds); 01272 01273 pGMEClosureDataSource->CacheDescriptor( &GMEDataDescriptor); 01274 01275 pGMEClosureDataSource->SetClipboard(); 01276 pGMEClosureDataSource->FlushClipboard(); 01277 } 01278 } 01279 else 01280 { 01281 MessageBox(_T("No object selected"),_T("Copy Error"), MB_ICONERROR); 01282 } 01283 01284 CGMEDataDescriptor::destructList( rectSelectedList); 01285 } 01286 01287 void CAggregatePropertyPage::DoDrag( CPoint ptDrag) 01288 { 01289 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 01290 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 01291 01292 CGMEDataSource GMEDataSource(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject); 01293 01294 CComObjPtr<IMgaFCOs> ccpSelectedFCOs; 01295 COMTHROW(ccpSelectedFCOs.CoCreateInstance(L"Mga.MgaFCOs")); 01296 CComObjPtr<IMgaFolders> ccpSelectedFolders; 01297 COMTHROW( ccpSelectedFolders.CoCreateInstance( L"Mga.MgaFolders")); 01298 01299 typedef CTypedPtrList<CPtrList, CRect *> CRectList; 01300 CRectList rectSelectedList; 01301 CRect rectItem; 01302 CRect rectFrame(0,0,0,0); 01303 01304 01305 for(HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.GetFirstSelectedItem();hItem; 01306 hItem=m_TreeAggregate.GetNextSelectedItem(hItem)) 01307 { 01308 CAggregateMgaObjectProxy ObjectProxy; 01309 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectProxy(hItem, ObjectProxy)) 01310 { 01311 if(ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo==OBJTYPE_MODEL|| // FCOs 01312 ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo==OBJTYPE_ATOM|| 01313 ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo==OBJTYPE_CONNECTION|| 01314 ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo==OBJTYPE_REFERENCE|| 01315 ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo==OBJTYPE_SET) 01316 { 01317 CComQIPtr<IMgaFCO>ccpMgaFCO(ObjectProxy.m_pMgaObject); 01318 if(ccpMgaFCO) 01319 { 01320 // Finding the rectangle of the selected item 01321 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemRect(hItem,rectItem,TRUE); 01322 // Computing the frame of all rectangles 01323 rectFrame.UnionRect(rectFrame,rectItem); 01324 01325 // Adding to the selected rectangle list to create the image 01326 rectSelectedList.AddTail(new CRect(rectItem)); 01327 01328 // Append to the selected FCO list 01329 COMTHROW(ccpSelectedFCOs->Append(ccpMgaFCO)); 01330 } 01331 } 01332 else if ( ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_FOLDER ) 01333 { 01334 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder> ccpMgaFolder( ObjectProxy.m_pMgaObject); 01335 if( ccpMgaFolder) 01336 { 01337 // Finding the rectangle of the selected item 01338 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemRect( hItem, rectItem, TRUE); 01339 // Computing the frame of all rectangles 01340 rectFrame.UnionRect( rectFrame, rectItem); 01341 01342 // Adding to the selected rectangle list to create the image 01343 rectSelectedList.AddTail( new CRect( rectItem)); 01344 01345 // Append to the selected FCO list 01346 COMTHROW(ccpSelectedFolders->Append( ccpMgaFolder)); 01347 } 01348 } 01349 else 01350 { 01351 m_TreeAggregate.SelectItemEx(hItem,FALSE); 01352 } 01353 } 01354 } 01355 01356 if(rectSelectedList.GetCount()!=0) 01357 { 01358 CRectList dummyAnnList; 01359 01360 CGMEDataDescriptor GMEDataDescriptor(rectSelectedList, dummyAnnList,rectFrame.TopLeft(),CPoint(0,0)); 01361 01362 if ( ccpSelectedFCOs) GMEDataSource.SetNodes( CComPtr<IMgaFCOs>(ccpSelectedFCOs)); 01363 if ( ccpSelectedFolders) GMEDataSource.SetFolders( CComPtr<IMgaFolders>(ccpSelectedFolders)); 01364 01365 GMEDataSource.CacheDescriptor(&GMEDataDescriptor); 01366 01367 m_TreeAggregate.CreateDragImageEx(ptDrag); 01368 GMEDataSource.DoDragDrop(DROPEFFECT_COPY | DROPEFFECT_LINK | DROPEFFECT_MOVE); 01369 m_TreeAggregate.DeleteDragImageEx(); 01370 01371 } 01372 01373 CGMEDataDescriptor::destructList( rectSelectedList); 01374 } 01375 01376 01377 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnClickTreeAggregate(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 01378 { 01379 *pResult = 0; 01380 } 01381 01382 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnSelChangedTreeAggregate(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 01383 { 01384 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; 01385 01386 01387 // Setting the focus here, because combo could make the selection 01388 // PETER: I have commented this, since it prevented multiple undo-s (CTRL-Z) 01389 // m_TreeAggregate.SetFocus(); 01390 01391 // Displaying the first selection in the combo edit 01392 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.GetFirstSelectedItem(); 01393 if(hItem) 01394 { 01395 m_ComboSearchCtrl.SetSelection(hItem); 01396 01397 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown=NULL; 01398 01399 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown)) 01400 { 01401 TRACE(m_TreeAggregate.GetItemText(hItem)); 01402 01403 // Firing the event 01404 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 01405 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 01406 01407 // MOD by Peter: do not fire events from transactions 01408 if (!pMgaContext->IsInTransaction()) { 01409 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireClickMgaObject(pUnknown); 01410 } 01411 } 01412 01413 } 01414 01415 *pResult = 0; 01416 } 01417 01418 01419 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnDblclkTreeAggregate(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 01420 { 01421 01422 01423 01424 DWORD dwMsgPos = ::GetMessagePos(); 01425 01426 CPoint point = CPoint(GET_X_LPARAM(dwMsgPos), GET_Y_LPARAM(dwMsgPos) ); 01427 UINT nHitFlags; 01428 01429 m_TreeAggregate.ScreenToClient(&point); 01430 m_TreeAggregate.HitTest( point, &nHitFlags ); 01431 01432 01433 if(nHitFlags&TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON) 01434 { 01435 return; 01436 } 01437 01438 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.GetSelectedItem(); 01439 01440 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown=NULL; 01441 01442 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown)) 01443 { 01444 TRACE(m_TreeAggregate.GetItemText(hItem)); 01445 01446 // Firing the event 01447 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 01448 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT) < 0) 01449 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireShowInParentMgaObject(pUnknown); 01450 else 01451 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireDblClickMgaObject(pUnknown); 01452 } 01453 01454 *pResult = -1; // Nonzero return: disables auto expanding (default action) 01455 } 01456 01457 void CAggregatePropertyPage::PrepareStateImageList() 01458 { 01459 CImageList ImageList; 01460 ImageList.Create(16,16,ILC_MASK|ILC_COLOR24,0,0); 01461 01462 CBitmap bm; 01463 bm.LoadBitmap(IDB_IMAGELIST_AGGREGATE_STATE); 01464 01465 ImageList.Add(&bm,RGB(128, 158, 8)); // Pretty natural transparent color 01466 // provided by Tamas Paka 01467 01468 01469 CClientDC dcClient(this); 01470 CDC dcMem; 01471 CBitmap Bitmap; 01472 01473 if (!dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(&dcClient))return; 01474 01475 if (!Bitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dcClient,256,16)) return; 01476 01477 CBitmap *pOldMemDCBitmap = dcMem.SelectObject(&Bitmap); 01478 01479 COLORREF cMaskColor=RGB(128,58,8); 01480 dcMem.FillSolidRect(0, 0, 256, 16, cMaskColor); 01481 01482 // Paint each Image in the DC 01483 01484 for(BYTE i=0;i<=15;i++) 01485 { 01486 if(i&0x0001) // Access 01487 { 01488 01489 ImageList.Draw(&dcMem, 1, CPoint(i*16,0), ILD_TRANSPARENT); 01490 01491 } 01492 else 01493 { 01494 01495 } 01496 01497 if(i&0x0002) // LibObject 01498 { 01499 ImageList.Draw(&dcMem, 0, CPoint(i*16,0), ILD_TRANSPARENT); 01500 } 01501 if(i&0x0004) // Instance 01502 { 01503 ImageList.Draw(&dcMem, 5, CPoint(i*16,0), ILD_TRANSPARENT); 01504 } 01505 01506 if(i&0x0008) // Derived (subtype) 01507 { 01508 ImageList.Draw(&dcMem, 4, CPoint(i*16,0), ILD_TRANSPARENT); 01509 } 01510 01511 01512 } 01513 01514 /* 01515 #ifdef _DEBUG 01516 CDC *pWndDC=GetDC(); 01517 BitBlt(pWndDC->GetSafeHdc(),0,0,rectComplete.Width(),rectComplete.Height(),dcMem.GetSafeHdc(),0,0,SRCCOPY); 01518 ReleaseDC(pWndDC); 01519 #endif 01520 */ 01521 dcMem.SelectObject(pOldMemDCBitmap); 01522 01523 01524 01525 m_StateImageList.Create(16,16, ILC_COLOR | ILC_MASK, 0, 1); 01526 01527 // Green is used as mask color 01528 m_StateImageList.Add(&Bitmap, cMaskColor); 01529 01530 Bitmap.DeleteObject(); 01531 01532 01533 m_TreeAggregate.SetImageList(&m_StateImageList,TVSIL_STATE); 01534 01535 } 01536 01537 void CAggregatePropertyPage::AttachLibrary() 01538 { 01539 01540 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 01541 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 01542 01543 CAttachLibDlg dlg; 01544 _bstr_t conn; 01545 COMTHROW(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->get_ProjectConnStr(conn.GetAddress())); 01546 dlg.m_strParentConnection = static_cast<const wchar_t*>(conn); 01547 dlg.m_strCaption=_T("Attach Library"); 01548 01549 if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK && !dlg.m_strConnString.IsEmpty()) 01550 { 01551 // be flexible in MGA case ( if _T("MGX") is not present ) 01552 if( dlg.m_strConnString.Left(4) == _T("MGX=")) 01553 { 01554 // add quotes to the folderpath if not there 01555 if( dlg.m_strConnString.Mid(4,1) != _T("\"") && dlg.m_strConnString.Right(1) != _T("\"")) 01556 dlg.m_strConnString = _T("MGX=\"") + dlg.m_strConnString.Mid( 4) + _T("\""); 01557 } 01558 else // MGA is presumed in this case 01559 { 01560 if (dlg.relativePath != "") 01561 dlg.m_strConnString = dlg.relativePath; 01562 } 01563 01564 MSGTRY { 01565 HTREEITEM hItem = m_TreeAggregate.GetFirstSelectedItem(); 01566 if (hItem != NULL) 01567 { 01568 01569 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown; 01570 01571 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown)) 01572 { 01573 01574 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder> ccpFolder(pUnknown); 01575 if(!ccpFolder)return; 01576 01577 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp = (CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 01578 CMgaContext* pMgaContext = &pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 01579 01580 // toggle off Constraint Manager 01581 CComPtr<IMgaComponentEx> constrMgr; 01582 if (pMgaContext) { 01583 constrMgr = pMgaContext->FindConstraintManager(); 01584 if (constrMgr) 01585 COMTHROW(constrMgr->Enable(false)); 01586 if (pMgaContext->m_ccpProject) 01587 COMTHROW(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->Notify(APPEVENT_LIB_ATTACH_BEGIN)); 01588 } 01589 01590 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(TRANSACTION_NON_NESTED); 01591 01592 COMTHROW(ccpFolder->AttachLibraryV3( CComBSTR( dlg.m_strConnString), dlg.m_bOptimized, NULL)); 01593 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 01594 01595 // toggle back Constraint Manager (done only after commit, so that it will not catch the events happened in the transaction) 01596 if (pMgaContext) { 01597 if (constrMgr) 01598 COMTHROW(constrMgr->Enable(true)); 01599 if(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject) 01600 COMTHROW(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->Notify(APPEVENT_LIB_ATTACH_END)); 01601 } 01602 01603 CComBSTR msg( L"Library attached: "); 01604 COMTHROW(msg.Append( dlg.m_strConnString)); 01605 COMTHROW(msg.Append( L" (Note: Constraint Manager was turned off during attach to speed it up.)")); 01606 Utils::put2Console( Utils::get_GME( pMgaContext->m_ccpProject) 01607 , msg 01608 , MSG_INFO); 01609 } 01610 } 01611 01612 } 01613 MSGCATCH(_T("Error while trying to attach library"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 01614 Refresh(); 01615 } 01616 } 01617 01618 void CAggregatePropertyPage::RefreshLibrary() 01619 { 01620 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 01621 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 01622 01623 HTREEITEM hItem = m_TreeAggregate.GetFirstSelectedItem(); 01624 if (hItem != NULL) 01625 { 01626 01627 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown; 01628 01629 if(!m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown))return; 01630 01631 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder> ccpFolder(pUnknown); 01632 if(!ccpFolder)return; 01633 01634 MSGTRY { 01635 01636 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 01637 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 01638 01639 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(true); 01640 01641 CComBSTR bszLibName; 01642 COMTHROW(ccpFolder->get_LibraryName(&bszLibName)); 01643 ASSERT( bszLibName); // it should be a library 01644 01645 bool was_opt = false; 01646 if( bszLibName) 01647 was_opt = CAggregateTreeCtrl::IsUngroupedLibrary( ccpFolder); // was optimized/ungrouped 01648 01649 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 01650 01651 if(!bszLibName) 01652 { 01653 01654 AfxMessageBox(_T("Selected node is not a library")); 01655 return; 01656 } 01657 01658 CAttachLibDlg dlg; 01659 _bstr_t conn; 01660 COMTHROW(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->get_ProjectConnStr(conn.GetAddress())); 01661 dlg.m_strParentConnection = static_cast<const wchar_t*>(conn); 01662 dlg.m_strConnString=bszLibName; 01663 dlg.m_strCaption=_T("Refresh Library"); 01664 dlg.m_bOptimized = was_opt; 01665 01666 if(dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) 01667 { 01668 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(TRANSACTION_NON_NESTED); 01669 01670 long errs; 01671 if (dlg.relativePath != "") { 01672 COMTHROW(ccpFolder->RefreshLibraryV3( CComBSTR( dlg.relativePath), dlg.m_bOptimized, &errs) ); 01673 } else { 01674 COMTHROW(ccpFolder->RefreshLibraryV3( CComBSTR( dlg.m_strConnString), dlg.m_bOptimized, &errs) ); 01675 } 01676 ccpFolder.Release(); 01677 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 01678 } 01679 } MSGCATCH(_T("Error while refreshing library"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 01680 Refresh(); 01681 } 01682 } 01683 01684 void CAggregatePropertyPage::LibraryDependencies() 01685 { 01686 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 01687 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 01688 01689 HTREEITEM hItem = m_TreeAggregate.GetFirstSelectedItem(); 01690 if (hItem != NULL) 01691 { 01692 01693 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown; 01694 01695 if(!m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown))return; 01696 01697 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder> ccpFolder(pUnknown); 01698 if(!ccpFolder)return; 01699 01700 MSGTRY { 01701 01702 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 01703 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 01704 01705 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(false); 01706 01707 CComBSTR bszLibName; 01708 COMTHROW(ccpFolder->get_LibraryName(&bszLibName)); 01709 01710 if(!bszLibName) 01711 { 01712 AfxMessageBox(_T("Selected node is not a library")); 01713 } 01714 else 01715 { 01716 CString msg0; CopyTo( bszLibName, msg0); 01717 msg0 = _T("Library [") + msg0 + _T("] dependencies"); 01718 01719 CComPtr<IMgaFolders> coll_inc, coll_iby; 01720 01721 COMTHROW( ccpFolder->GetVirtuallyIncludedBy( &coll_iby)); 01722 COMTHROW( ccpFolder->GetVirtuallyIncludes ( &coll_inc)); 01723 01724 CString msg1, msg2; 01725 composeInfo( _T("Included virtually in:\n"), coll_iby, msg1); 01726 composeInfo( _T("Virtually includes:\n"), coll_inc, msg2); 01727 01728 AfxMessageBox( msg0 + _T("\n\n") + msg1 + _T("\n\n") + msg2, MB_ICONINFORMATION); 01729 } 01730 01731 //pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 01732 pMgaContext->AbortTransaction(); 01733 01734 } MSGCATCH(_T("Error while viewing library dependencies"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 01735 //Refresh(); 01736 } 01737 } 01738 01739 bool CAggregatePropertyPage::askUserAndDeleteLibrary( CComPtr<IMgaFolder> p_ccpFolder) 01740 { 01741 if( !p_ccpFolder) return false; 01742 CComBSTR bszLibName; 01743 COMTHROW( p_ccpFolder->get_LibraryName(&bszLibName)); 01744 01745 if( !bszLibName) 01746 { 01747 ASSERT( 0); 01748 AfxMessageBox( _T("Selected node is not a library")); 01749 return false; 01750 } 01751 01752 CString ln; 01753 CopyTo( bszLibName, ln); 01754 01755 CString deps; CComBSTR depb; 01756 CComBSTR path( L"_includedBy"); 01757 01758 COMTHROW( p_ccpFolder->get_RegistryValue( path, &depb)); 01759 01760 CopyTo( depb, deps); 01761 if( deps.IsEmpty()) 01762 { 01763 deps = _T("No dependent libraries found."); 01764 } 01765 else 01766 { 01767 deps = _T("Dependent libraries found:\n") + deps; 01768 } 01769 deps += _T("\n\nDelete ") + ln + _T("?"); 01770 if( IDYES == AfxMessageBox( deps, MB_YESNO)) 01771 { 01772 //p_ccpFolder->PutReadOnlyAccess( VARIANT_FALSE); 01773 COMTHROW(p_ccpFolder->DestroyObject()); 01774 return true; 01775 } 01776 01777 return false; 01778 } 01779 01780 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnContextMenu(CWnd*, CPoint point) 01781 { 01782 01783 if(!m_TreeAggregate.IsWindowEnabled())return; 01784 01785 if (point.x == -1 && point.y == -1){ 01786 //keystroke invocation 01787 CRect rect; 01788 GetClientRect(rect); 01789 ClientToScreen(rect); 01790 01791 point = rect.TopLeft(); 01792 point.Offset(5, 5); 01793 } 01794 01795 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 01796 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 01797 01798 MSGTRY{ 01799 CAggregateContextMenu menu(this); 01800 menu.Run(point); 01801 } MSGCATCH(_T("Cannot complete operation"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 01802 01803 01804 } 01805 01806 01807 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnEndLabelEditTreeAggregate(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 01808 { 01809 TV_DISPINFO* pTVDispInfo = (TV_DISPINFO*)pNMHDR; 01810 01811 if(!pTVDispInfo->item.pszText)return; // Edit cancelled 01812 01813 CString strNewLabel(pTVDispInfo->item.pszText); 01814 01815 CComBSTR bszDispName(strNewLabel); 01816 01817 HTREEITEM hSelItem=m_TreeAggregate.GetFirstSelectedItem(); 01818 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown; 01819 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hSelItem,pUnknown)) 01820 { 01821 CComQIPtr<IMgaObject> ccpMgaObject(pUnknown); 01822 if(ccpMgaObject) 01823 { 01824 // Starting transaction 01825 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 01826 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 01827 01828 MSGTRY{ 01829 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(false); 01830 01831 bool isLibraryRoot = false; 01832 01833 // The name is special if folder is a library root 01834 CComPtr<IMgaFolder>ccpMgaFolder; 01835 if (SUCCEEDED(ccpMgaObject.QueryInterface(&ccpMgaFolder))) { 01836 CComBSTR dummyName; 01837 COMTHROW(ccpMgaFolder->get_LibraryName(&dummyName)); 01838 if (dummyName != NULL) { 01839 isLibraryRoot = true; 01840 COMTHROW(ccpMgaFolder->put_LibraryName(bszDispName)); 01841 } 01842 } 01843 01844 if (!isLibraryRoot) { 01845 COMTHROW(ccpMgaObject->put_Name(bszDispName)); 01846 } 01847 01848 01849 // Checking if it is root folder 01850 // If it is, change project name as well 01851 objtype_enum oeType; 01852 CComPtr<IMgaObject> ccpParent; 01853 01854 COMTHROW(ccpMgaObject->GetParent(&ccpParent,&oeType)); 01855 01856 if(ccpParent==NULL) // Root Folder 01857 { 01858 COMTHROW( pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->put_Name(bszDispName)); 01859 } 01860 01861 // Ending transaction 01862 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 01863 01864 if( !ccpParent) // parentless, means> Root Folder 01865 { 01866 // FireRootFolderNameChanged event fired 01867 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 01868 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireRootFolderNameChanged(); 01869 } 01870 01871 }MSGCATCH(_T("Error retrieving object name"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 01872 } 01873 } 01874 01875 01876 *pResult = 0; 01877 } 01878 01879 #define DEBUG_EVENTS 01880 01881 01882 #ifdef DEBUG_EVENTS 01883 #define EVENT_TRACE(x) TRACE(x) 01884 #else 01885 #define EVENT_TRACE(x) 01886 #endif 01887 01888 01889 // This function is indirectly initiated by MGA, 01890 // so we do not need transaction handling 01891 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnMgaEvent(CComPtr<IMgaObject> ccpMgaObject, unsigned long lEventMask) 01892 { 01893 EVENT_TRACE("\n__________ MGA Event Handling Begin _________\n"); 01894 01895 // Handling Object Events 01896 01897 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_PROPERTIES) 01898 { 01899 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_PROPERTIES handled.\n"); 01900 01901 // Finding the object in the tree 01902 HTREEITEM hItem; 01903 01904 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpMgaObject,hItem)) // The changed object is in the tree 01905 { 01906 // Change name 01907 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemText(hItem,GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaObject)); 01908 m_TreeAggregate.SortItems(); 01909 01910 // Setting the state icons 01911 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemProperties(hItem); 01912 01913 } 01914 } 01915 01916 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_CREATED) 01917 { 01918 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_CREATED handled.\n"); 01919 01920 CComPtr<IMgaObject> ccpParent; 01921 objtype_enum otParentType; 01922 //objtype_enum otMgaObjectType; 01923 COMTHROW( ccpMgaObject->GetParent(&ccpParent,&otParentType) ); 01924 if(ccpParent) 01925 { 01926 // Finding the parent in the tree 01927 HTREEITEM hParentItem; 01928 01929 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpParent,hParentItem)) // The parent of the created object is in the tree 01930 { 01931 // Setting parent state 01932 if(m_Options.m_bIsDynamicLoading && 01933 !(m_TreeAggregate.GetItemState(hParentItem,TVIS_EXPANDED)&TVIS_EXPANDED)) 01934 { 01935 TVITEM tvItem; 01936 tvItem.hItem=hParentItem; 01937 tvItem.mask=TVIF_CHILDREN|TVIF_HANDLE; 01938 tvItem.cChildren=1; 01939 m_TreeAggregate.SetItem(&tvItem); 01940 01941 if(m_bIsBrowserCreatedNewObject) 01942 { 01943 // Deleting TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE otherwise parent does not 01944 // get notification 01945 m_TreeAggregate.CTreeCtrl::SetItemState(hParentItem,0,TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE); 01946 m_TreeAggregate.Expand(hParentItem,TVE_EXPAND); 01947 HTREEITEM hNewItem; 01948 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpMgaObject,hNewItem)) 01949 { 01950 m_TreeAggregate.EnsureVisible(hNewItem); 01951 m_TreeAggregate.ClearSelection(TRUE); 01952 m_TreeAggregate.SelectItem(hNewItem); 01953 m_TreeAggregate.SetFocus(); 01954 m_TreeAggregate.Invalidate(); 01955 m_TreeAggregate.EditLabel(hNewItem); 01956 } 01957 } 01958 01959 01960 } 01961 else 01962 { 01963 if(m_bIsBrowserCreatedNewObject|| 01964 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemState(hParentItem,TVIS_EXPANDED)&TVIS_EXPANDED) 01965 { 01966 BOOL bisBrwCreNwObj = m_bIsBrowserCreatedNewObject; // save the value 01967 Refresh(); // will reset m_bIsBrowserCreatedNewObject 01968 01969 // inserted to correct the behaviour that labels were edited 01970 // by default only when 01971 // 1. the first child has been created in a container 01972 // 2. a child was created in a container, but the container was not expanded 01973 // Now it will always edit the label! 01974 HTREEITEM hNewItem; 01975 if( bisBrwCreNwObj // browser created new object 01976 && m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpMgaObject,hNewItem)) 01977 { 01978 m_TreeAggregate.EnsureVisible(hNewItem); 01979 m_TreeAggregate.ClearSelection(TRUE); 01980 m_TreeAggregate.SelectItem(hNewItem); 01981 m_TreeAggregate.SetFocus(); 01982 m_TreeAggregate.Invalidate(); 01983 m_TreeAggregate.EditLabel(hNewItem); 01984 } 01985 // end of insertion by Zolmol 01986 01987 /*COMTHROW( ccpMgaObject->get_ObjType(&otMgaObjectType) ); 01988 HTREEITEM hNewItem=m_TreeAggregate.InsertItem(hParentItem,GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaObject), 01989 ccpMgaObject,otMgaObjectType); 01990 01991 m_TreeAggregate.SortItems(hParentItem); 01992 // If the browser created the object select it, and offer editing 01993 if(m_bIsBrowserCreatedNewObject) 01994 { 01995 m_TreeAggregate.EnsureVisible(hNewItem); 01996 m_TreeAggregate.SetFocus(); 01997 m_TreeAggregate.SelectItem(hNewItem); 01998 m_TreeAggregate.Invalidate(TRUE); 01999 m_TreeAggregate.EditLabel(hNewItem);//->MoveWindow(rectItem,TRUE); 02000 } */ 02001 02002 } 02003 } 02004 } 02005 } 02006 m_bIsBrowserCreatedNewObject=FALSE; 02007 } 02008 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_DESTROYED) 02009 { 02010 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_DESTROYED handled.\n"); 02011 02012 // Finding the object in the tree 02013 HTREEITEM hItem = NULL, hParentItem = NULL; 02014 02015 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpMgaObject,hItem)) // The deleted object is in the tree 02016 { 02017 // Remember the parent 02018 hParentItem=m_TreeAggregate.GetParentItem(hItem); 02019 // Remove item 02020 m_TreeAggregate.DeleteItem(hItem); 02021 } 02022 02023 CComBSTR id; 02024 ccpMgaObject->get_ID(&id); 02025 auto highlightIt = m_TreeAggregate.m_highlightedObjects.find(id); 02026 if (highlightIt != m_TreeAggregate.m_highlightedObjects.end()) 02027 { 02028 m_TreeAggregate.m_highlightedObjects.erase(highlightIt); 02029 } 02030 02031 // If the parent is in the object tree and there is dynamic loading 02032 // we set the +/- button 02033 if(m_Options.m_bIsDynamicLoading) 02034 { 02035 if(hParentItem) // The parent of the deleted object is in the tree 02036 { 02037 TVITEM tvItem; 02038 tvItem.hItem=hParentItem; 02039 tvItem.mask=TVIF_CHILDREN|TVIF_HANDLE; 02040 tvItem.cChildren=HasDisplayedChild(hParentItem); 02041 02042 // Setting icons 02043 int nImage,nSelectedImage; 02044 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemImage(hParentItem,nImage,nSelectedImage); 02045 02046 bool bIsExpanded =!!(m_TreeAggregate.GetItemState(hParentItem,TVIS_EXPANDED)&TVIS_EXPANDED); 02047 if (nImage >= ICON_NUMBER * 8) 02048 { 02049 bIsExpanded &= !!tvItem.cChildren; 02050 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(hParentItem, (nImage & ~1) + (bIsExpanded ? 1 : 0), (nImage & ~1) + (bIsExpanded ? 1 : 0)); 02051 } 02052 else 02053 { 02054 if(tvItem.cChildren) 02055 { 02056 if(bIsExpanded && nImage<ICON_NUMBER) 02057 { 02058 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(hParentItem,nImage+ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage+ICON_NUMBER); 02059 } 02060 } 02061 else 02062 { if (nImage>=ICON_NUMBER) 02063 { 02064 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(hParentItem,nImage-ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage-ICON_NUMBER); 02065 } 02066 } 02067 } 02068 02069 m_TreeAggregate.SetItem(&tvItem); 02070 } 02071 } 02072 02073 } 02074 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_PARENT) 02075 { 02076 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_PARENT handled.\n"); 02077 02078 // Finding the object in the tree 02079 HTREEITEM hItem, hParentItem; 02080 02081 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpMgaObject,hItem)) // The deleted object is in the tree 02082 { 02083 // Remember the parent 02084 hParentItem=m_TreeAggregate.GetParentItem(hItem); 02085 02086 // Remove the children of the item 02087 if(m_Options.m_bIsDynamicLoading) // inserted by ZolMol to correct the bug when a model/folder is moved elsewhere in expanded state 02088 m_TreeAggregate.DeleteAllChildren( hItem); 02089 02090 // Remove item 02091 m_TreeAggregate.DeleteItem(hItem); 02092 } 02093 // If the parent is in the object tree and there is dynamic loading 02094 // we set the +/- button 02095 if(m_Options.m_bIsDynamicLoading) 02096 { 02097 if(hParentItem) // The parent of the deleted object is in the tree 02098 { 02099 TVITEM tvItem; 02100 tvItem.hItem=hParentItem; 02101 tvItem.mask=TVIF_CHILDREN|TVIF_HANDLE; 02102 tvItem.cChildren=HasDisplayedChild(hParentItem); 02103 02104 // Setting icons 02105 int nImage,nSelectedImage; 02106 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemImage(hParentItem,nImage,nSelectedImage); 02107 02108 bool bIsExpanded = !!(m_TreeAggregate.GetItemState(hParentItem,TVIS_EXPANDED)&TVIS_EXPANDED); 02109 if (nImage >= ICON_NUMBER * 8) 02110 { 02111 bIsExpanded &= !!tvItem.cChildren; 02112 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(hParentItem, (nImage & ~1) + (bIsExpanded ? 1 : 0), (nImage & ~1) + (bIsExpanded ? 1 : 0)); 02113 } 02114 else 02115 { 02116 if(tvItem.cChildren) 02117 { 02118 if(bIsExpanded && nImage<ICON_NUMBER) 02119 { 02120 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(hParentItem,nImage+ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage+ICON_NUMBER); 02121 } 02122 } 02123 else 02124 { 02125 if(nImage>=ICON_NUMBER) 02126 { 02127 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(hParentItem,nImage-ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage-ICON_NUMBER); 02128 } 02129 } 02130 } 02131 02132 m_TreeAggregate.SetItem(&tvItem); 02133 } 02134 } 02135 } 02136 02137 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_NEWCHILD) 02138 { 02139 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_NEWCHILD handled.\n"); 02140 02141 HTREEITEM hParentItem; 02142 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpMgaObject,hParentItem)) 02143 { 02144 if(m_Options.m_bIsDynamicLoading) 02145 { 02146 bool bIsExpanded=!!(m_TreeAggregate.GetItemState(hParentItem,TVIS_EXPANDED)&TVIS_EXPANDED); 02147 if(bIsExpanded) 02148 { 02149 reqBuildAggregateTree(hParentItem,ccpMgaObject,2,0,true); 02150 } 02151 02152 TVITEM tvItem; 02153 tvItem.hItem=hParentItem; 02154 tvItem.mask=TVIF_CHILDREN|TVIF_HANDLE; 02155 tvItem.cChildren=HasDisplayedChild(hParentItem); 02156 02157 // Setting icons 02158 int nImage,nSelectedImage; 02159 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemImage(hParentItem,nImage,nSelectedImage); 02160 02161 if (nImage >= ICON_NUMBER * 8) 02162 { 02163 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(hParentItem, (nImage & ~1) + (bIsExpanded ? 1 : 0), (nImage & ~1) + (bIsExpanded ? 1 : 0)); 02164 } 02165 else 02166 { 02167 if(tvItem.cChildren) 02168 { 02169 if(bIsExpanded && nImage<ICON_NUMBER) 02170 { 02171 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(hParentItem,nImage+ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage+ICON_NUMBER); 02172 } 02173 } 02174 else 02175 { if(nImage>=ICON_NUMBER) 02176 { 02177 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(hParentItem,nImage-ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage-ICON_NUMBER); 02178 } 02179 02180 } 02181 } 02182 02183 m_TreeAggregate.SetItem(&tvItem); 02184 } 02185 else 02186 { 02187 Refresh(); 02188 } 02189 } 02190 } 02191 02192 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_LOSTCHILD) 02193 { 02194 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_LOSTCHILD is partially handled.\n"); 02195 02196 // Finding the object in the tree 02197 HTREEITEM hParentItem = NULL; 02198 02199 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpMgaObject,hParentItem)) // If parent is in the tree 02200 { 02201 if(m_Options.m_bIsDynamicLoading) 02202 { 02203 bool bIsExpanded=!!(m_TreeAggregate.GetItemState(hParentItem,TVIS_EXPANDED)&TVIS_EXPANDED); 02204 if(!bIsExpanded) // If the parent was expanded, the whole stuff was handled by OBJECT_DESTROYED 02205 { 02206 TVITEM tvItem; 02207 tvItem.hItem=hParentItem; 02208 tvItem.mask=TVIF_CHILDREN|TVIF_HANDLE; 02209 tvItem.cChildren=reqHasDisplayedChild(ccpMgaObject); 02210 02211 // Setting icons 02212 int nImage,nSelectedImage; 02213 m_TreeAggregate.GetItemImage(hParentItem,nImage,nSelectedImage); 02214 02215 if (nImage >= ICON_NUMBER * 8) 02216 { 02217 bIsExpanded &= !!tvItem.cChildren; 02218 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(hParentItem, (nImage & ~1) + (bIsExpanded ? 1 : 0), (nImage & ~1) + (bIsExpanded ? 1 : 0)); 02219 } 02220 else 02221 // if no children then if opened icon used previously, change it to the closed icon 02222 { 02223 if(nImage>=ICON_NUMBER) 02224 { 02225 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemImage(hParentItem,nImage-ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage-ICON_NUMBER); 02226 } 02227 } 02228 02229 m_TreeAggregate.SetItem(&tvItem); 02230 } 02231 } 02232 } 02233 } 02234 02235 02236 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_REGISTRY) 02237 { 02238 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_REGISTRY is partially handled.\n"); 02239 02240 // PETER: We need this, because of Library names 02241 02242 // Finding the object in the tree 02243 HTREEITEM hItem; 02244 02245 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpMgaObject,hItem)) // The changed object is in the tree 02246 { 02247 // Change name 02248 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemText(hItem,GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaObject)); 02249 m_TreeAggregate.SortItems(); 02250 02251 // Setting the state icons 02252 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemProperties(hItem); 02253 02254 } 02255 } 02256 02257 02258 #ifdef _DEBUG 02259 // Messages that are not handled are not included in release, 02260 // but useful for further development, so left here 02261 02262 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_ATTR) 02263 { 02264 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_ATTR not handled.\n"); 02265 } 02266 02267 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_RELATION) 02268 { 02269 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_RELATION not handled.\n"); 02270 } 02271 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_SUBT_INST) 02272 { 02273 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_SUBT_INST not handled.\n"); 02274 } 02275 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_REFERENCED) 02276 { 02277 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_REFERENCED not handled.\n"); 02278 } 02279 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_CONNECTED) 02280 { 02281 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_CONNECTED not handled.\n"); 02282 } 02283 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_SETINCLUDED) 02284 { 02285 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_SETINCLUDED not handled.\n"); 02286 } 02287 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_REFRELEASED) 02288 { 02289 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_REFRELEASED not handled.\n"); 02290 } 02291 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_DISCONNECTED) 02292 { 02293 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_DISCONNECTED not handled.\n"); 02294 } 02295 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_SETEXCLUDED) 02296 { 02297 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_SETEXCLUDED not handled.\n"); 02298 } 02299 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_USERBITS) 02300 { 02301 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_USERBITS not handled.\n"); 02302 } 02303 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_CLOSEMODEL) 02304 { 02305 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_CLOSEMODEL not handled.\n"); 02306 } 02307 02308 EVENT_TRACE("_________ MGA Event Handling End _______\n"); 02309 #endif /*_DEBUG */ 02310 02311 } 02312 02313 02314 void CAggregatePropertyPage::GotoIUnk(BSTR Id) 02315 { 02316 bool worked = false; 02317 IUnknown *pUnknown = NULL; 02318 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 02319 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 02320 MSGTRY{ 02321 // Starting transaction 02322 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(); 02323 HTREEITEM hNewItem; 02324 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.SearchTreeItem(Id,hNewItem, pUnknown)) 02325 { 02326 m_TreeAggregate.EnsureVisible(hNewItem); 02327 m_TreeAggregate.ClearSelection(TRUE); 02328 m_TreeAggregate.SelectItem(hNewItem); 02329 m_TreeAggregate.SetFocus(); 02330 m_TreeAggregate.Invalidate(); 02331 worked = true; 02332 } 02333 else // expand the tree until item reached 02334 { 02335 _bstr_t id; 02336 _bstr_t bId = Id; 02337 CComPtr<IMgaObject> iitem; 02338 CComPtr<IMgaFCO> fiitem; 02339 std::vector<_bstr_t> item; 02340 int itemcount = 0; 02341 CComPtr<IMgaObject> parent; 02342 02343 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(); 02344 CComPtr<IMgaProject> project = pMgaContext->m_ccpProject; 02345 COMTHROW(project->GetFCOByID(bId, &fiitem)); 02346 COMTHROW(fiitem.QueryInterface(&iitem)); 02347 item.push_back(Id); 02348 itemcount++; 02349 do 02350 { 02351 objtype_enum objtype; 02352 COMTHROW(iitem->GetParent(&parent, &objtype)); 02353 _bstr_t bstrid; 02354 COMTHROW(parent->get_ID(bstrid.GetAddress())); 02355 id = bstrid; 02356 item.push_back(id); 02357 itemcount++; 02358 iitem = parent; 02359 parent.Release(); 02360 } while (!m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.SearchTreeItem(id,hNewItem, pUnknown)); 02361 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 02362 // open the parents in backward order 02363 worked = true; 02364 m_TreeAggregate.EnsureVisible(hNewItem); 02365 m_TreeAggregate.ClearSelection(TRUE); 02366 m_TreeAggregate.SelectItem(hNewItem); 02367 m_TreeAggregate.SendMessage(WM_KEYDOWN, (WPARAM)107, (LPARAM)0); 02368 for (itemcount-=2; itemcount > 0; itemcount--) 02369 { 02370 if (m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.SearchTreeItem(item[itemcount],hNewItem, pUnknown)) 02371 { 02372 m_TreeAggregate.EnsureVisible(hNewItem); 02373 m_TreeAggregate.ClearSelection(TRUE); 02374 m_TreeAggregate.SelectItem(hNewItem); 02375 m_TreeAggregate.SendMessage(WM_KEYDOWN, (WPARAM)107, (LPARAM)0); 02376 } 02377 } 02378 if (m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.SearchTreeItem(item[0],hNewItem, pUnknown)) 02379 { 02380 m_TreeAggregate.EnsureVisible(hNewItem); 02381 m_TreeAggregate.ClearSelection(TRUE); 02382 m_TreeAggregate.SelectItem(hNewItem); 02383 } 02384 } 02385 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction (); 02386 }MSGCATCH(_T("Error completing the operation"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 02387 if (worked) 02388 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireClickMgaObject(pUnknown); 02389 02390 } 02391 02392 void CAggregatePropertyPage::GotoIUnkPtr( IMgaObject * p_obj) 02393 { 02394 if( !p_obj) return; 02395 02396 bool worked = false; 02397 IUnknown *pUnknown = NULL; 02398 02399 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp = (CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 02400 CMgaContext* pMgaContext = &pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 02401 02402 MSGTRY 02403 { 02404 // Starting transaction 02405 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(); 02406 HTREEITEM hNewItem; 02407 02408 CComPtr<IMgaObject> obj ( p_obj); 02409 COMTHROW( p_obj->QueryInterface( &pUnknown)); 02410 02411 if( !obj) 02412 throw hresult_exception( E_INVALIDARG); 02413 02414 //if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.SearchTreeItem(Id,hNewItem, pUnknown)) 02415 if( m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem( pUnknown, hNewItem)) 02416 { 02417 m_TreeAggregate.EnsureVisible(hNewItem); 02418 m_TreeAggregate.ClearSelection(TRUE); 02419 m_TreeAggregate.SelectItem(hNewItem); 02420 m_TreeAggregate.SetFocus(); 02421 m_TreeAggregate.Invalidate(); 02422 worked = true; 02423 } 02424 else // expand the tree until item reached 02425 { 02426 //CComPtr<IMgaProject> project = pMgaContext->m_ccpProject; 02427 CComPtr<IMgaObject> parent; 02428 CComPtr<IMgaObject> iitem = obj; 02429 02430 // coll of ptrs 02431 CComObjPtr<IMgaObjects> coll; 02432 COMTHROW( coll.CoCreateInstance( L"Mga.MgaObjects")); 02433 if( !coll) 02434 throw hresult_exception( E_INVALIDARG); 02435 02436 // strings of ids 02437 _bstr_t id; 02438 _bstr_t item[ 100]; 02439 int itemcount = 0; 02440 02441 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(true); // read-only transaction 02442 02443 // coll of ptrs 02444 COMTHROW( coll->Append( obj)); 02445 02446 // strings of ids 02447 CComBSTR Id; 02448 COMTHROW( obj->get_ID( &Id)); 02449 item[ itemcount++] = Id; 02450 02451 do 02452 { 02453 objtype_enum objtype; 02454 COMTHROW(iitem->GetParent(&parent, &objtype)); 02455 02456 // coll of ptrs 02457 COMTHROW( coll->Append( parent)); 02458 02459 // strings of ids 02460 BSTR bstrid = NULL; 02461 COMTHROW(parent->get_ID(&bstrid)); 02462 id = bstrid; 02463 item[itemcount++] = id; 02464 02465 iitem = parent; 02466 parent.Release(); 02467 } while( !m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem( iitem, hNewItem)); 02468 //} while( !m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.SearchTreeItem( (wchar_t*)((char*)id), hNewItem, pUnknown)); 02469 02470 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 02471 02472 // open the parents in backward order 02473 worked = true; 02474 m_TreeAggregate.EnsureVisible(hNewItem); 02475 m_TreeAggregate.ClearSelection(TRUE); 02476 m_TreeAggregate.SelectItem(hNewItem); 02477 m_TreeAggregate.SendMessage(WM_KEYDOWN, (WPARAM)107, (LPARAM)0); 02478 for (itemcount-=2; itemcount > 0; itemcount--) // valid itemcount range will be: from last-1 to 1 02479 { 02480 CComPtr<IMgaObject> obj_i; 02481 COMTHROW( coll->get_Item( itemcount + 1, &obj_i)); // plus 1 02482 02483 //if (m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.SearchTreeItem((wchar_t*)((char*)item[itemcount]),hNewItem, pUnknown)) 02484 if( m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem( obj_i, hNewItem)) 02485 { 02486 m_TreeAggregate.EnsureVisible( hNewItem); 02487 m_TreeAggregate.ClearSelection( TRUE); 02488 m_TreeAggregate.SelectItem( hNewItem); 02489 m_TreeAggregate.SendMessage( WM_KEYDOWN, (WPARAM)107, (LPARAM)0); 02490 } 02491 } 02492 02493 CComPtr<IMgaObject> obj_1st; 02494 COMTHROW( coll->get_Item( 1, &obj_1st)); 02495 //if (m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.SearchTreeItem(item[0],hNewItem, pUnknown)) 02496 if( m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem( obj_1st, hNewItem)) 02497 { 02498 m_TreeAggregate.EnsureVisible( hNewItem); 02499 m_TreeAggregate.ClearSelection( TRUE); 02500 m_TreeAggregate.SelectItem( hNewItem); 02501 } 02502 } 02503 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 02504 } 02505 MSGCATCH( _T("Error completing the operation"), pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 02506 02507 if( worked) 02508 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireClickMgaObject( pUnknown); 02509 } 02510 02511 02512 void CAggregatePropertyPage::Refresh() 02513 { 02514 02515 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 02516 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 02517 02518 MSGTRY{ 02519 // Starting transaction 02520 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(); 02521 02522 m_TreeAggregate.StoreState(); 02523 02524 m_TreeAggregate.CleanUp(); 02525 m_ComboSearchCtrl.ResetContent(); 02526 02527 m_bIsBrowserCreatedNewObject=FALSE; 02528 SetupTree(); 02529 m_TreeAggregate.SortItems(); 02530 02531 m_TreeAggregate.RestoreState(); 02532 }MSGCATCH(_T("Error refreshing tree browser data"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 02533 // Ending transaction 02534 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 02535 02536 02537 } 02538 02539 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnKeyDownTreeAggregate(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 02540 { 02541 TV_KEYDOWN* pTVKeyDown = (TV_KEYDOWN*)pNMHDR; 02542 switch(pTVKeyDown->wVKey) 02543 { 02544 case VK_DELETE: // Delete selected items 02545 { 02546 CAggregateContextMenu menu(this); 02547 menu.OnEditDelete(); 02548 }break; 02549 case VK_RETURN: // Display the first selected item in GME editor 02550 { 02551 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.GetSelectedItem(); 02552 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown=NULL; 02553 02554 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown)) 02555 { 02556 TRACE(m_TreeAggregate.GetItemText(hItem)); 02557 02558 // Firing the event 02559 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 02560 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT) < 0) 02561 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireShowInParentMgaObject(pUnknown); 02562 else 02563 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireDblClickMgaObject(pUnknown); 02564 m_TreeAggregate.SetFocus(); 02565 } 02566 }break; 02567 case VK_TAB: 02568 { 02569 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL) < 0) { 02570 m_parent->nextTab( ::GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT) >= 0); 02571 } 02572 else { 02573 m_ComboEditCtrl.SetFocus(); 02574 } 02575 }break; 02576 case 0x43: //VK_C 02577 { 02578 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL) < 0) { 02579 this->DoCopy(); 02580 } 02581 }break; 02582 case 0x59: //VK_Y 02583 { 02584 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL) < 0) { 02585 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 02586 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 02587 02588 short nRedoSize,nUndoSize; 02589 COMTHROW(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->UndoRedoSize(&nUndoSize,&nRedoSize)); 02590 02591 if( nRedoSize > 0) 02592 { 02593 COMTHROW(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->Redo()); 02594 m_TreeAggregate.SetFocus(); 02595 } 02596 } 02597 }break; 02598 case 0x5A: // VK_Z 02599 { 02600 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL) < 0) { 02601 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 02602 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 02603 02604 short nRedoSize,nUndoSize; 02605 COMTHROW(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->UndoRedoSize(&nUndoSize,&nRedoSize)); 02606 02607 if( nUndoSize > 0) 02608 { 02609 COMTHROW(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->Undo()); 02610 m_TreeAggregate.SetFocus(); 02611 } 02612 } 02613 }break; 02614 case 0x56: //VK_V 02615 { 02616 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL) < 0) { 02617 COleDataObject OleDataObject; 02618 CString msg; 02619 if( OleDataObject.AttachClipboard()) { 02620 auto op = DRAGOP_COPY; 02621 if (::GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) 02622 { 02623 op = DRAGOP_REFERENCE; 02624 } 02625 if( m_TreeAggregate.DoDrop(op, &OleDataObject, CPoint( 0, 0))) { 02626 // what about set focus back 02627 m_TreeAggregate.SetFocus(); 02628 } 02629 } else msg = _T("Cannot recover data from the clipboard."); 02630 02631 if( !msg.IsEmpty()) MessageBox( msg, _T("Paste Error"), MB_ICONERROR); 02632 } 02633 }break; 02634 case 0x46: //VK_F: 02635 { 02636 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL) < 0) { // launch Find Box 02637 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 02638 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireShowFindDlg(); 02639 } 02640 }break; 02641 case 0x41: // VK_A 02642 case 0x49: // VK_I 02643 { 02644 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL) < 0) { // launch ObjectInspector Box 02645 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 02646 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireShowObjInspDlg(); 02647 } 02648 else if( ::GetKeyState( VK_MENU) < 0) { // alt pressed 02649 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 02650 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireCycleObjInsp( (::GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT) >= 0)? VARIANT_TRUE:VARIANT_FALSE); 02651 } 02652 }break; 02653 case VK_F2: // rename 02654 { 02655 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.GetSelectedItem(); 02656 m_TreeAggregate.EditLabel(hItem); 02657 }break; 02658 } 02659 02660 *pResult = 0; 02661 } 02662 02663 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnGetDispInfoTreeAggregate(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 02664 { 02665 TV_DISPINFO* pTVDispInfo = (TV_DISPINFO*)pNMHDR; 02666 02667 /* 02668 // Children callback 02669 if(pTVDispInfo->item.mask&TVIF_CHILDREN) 02670 { 02671 if(m_Options.m_bIsDynamicLoading) 02672 { 02673 if(HasDisplayedChild(pTVDispInfo->item.hItem)) 02674 { 02675 pTVDispInfo->item.cChildren = 1; 02676 } 02677 else 02678 { 02679 pTVDispInfo->item.cChildren = 0; 02680 } 02681 } 02682 } 02683 */ 02684 *pResult = 0; 02685 } 02686 02687 BOOL CAggregatePropertyPage::HasDisplayedChild(HTREEITEM hItem) 02688 { 02689 02690 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown=NULL; 02691 02692 02693 if(m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown)) 02694 { 02695 CComQIPtr<IMgaObject> ccpMgaObject(pUnknown); 02696 if(ccpMgaObject) 02697 { 02698 long status; 02699 COMTHROW(ccpMgaObject->get_Status(&status)); 02700 if (status != OBJECT_EXISTS) { 02701 return FALSE; 02702 } 02703 02704 return reqHasDisplayedChild(ccpMgaObject); 02705 } 02706 } 02707 return FALSE; 02708 02709 02710 } 02711 02712 02713 BOOL CAggregatePropertyPage::OnCmdMsg(UINT nID, int nCode, void* pExtra, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO* pHandlerInfo) 02714 { 02715 // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class 02716 02717 return CPropertyPage::OnCmdMsg(nID, nCode, pExtra, pHandlerInfo); 02718 } 02719 02720 02721 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnSearch() 02722 { 02723 AfxMessageBox(_T("Pushed.")); 02724 } 02725 02726 BOOL CAggregatePropertyPage::OnSetActive() 02727 { 02728 CActiveBrowserPropertySheet* pParent=(CActiveBrowserPropertySheet*)GetParent(); 02729 pParent->m_PageInheritance.ResetRoot(); 02730 pParent->SendMessage(DM_SETDEFID,IDC_SEARCH,0); 02731 ::SetFocus(GetDlgItem(IDC_SEARCH)->GetSafeHwnd()); 02732 return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); 02733 } 02734 02735 02736 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnBeginDragTreeAggregate(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 02737 { 02738 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; 02739 02740 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 02741 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 02742 02743 02744 MSGTRY{ 02745 DoDrag(pNMTreeView->ptDrag); 02746 } MSGCATCH(_T("Error while dragging"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 02747 02748 02749 *pResult = 0; 02750 } 02751 02752 02753 02754 02755 02756 02757 02758 02759 02760 02761 02762 02770 02771 02772 02773 02774 02775 02776 02777 02778 02779 02780 02781 CInheritancePropertyPage::CInheritancePropertyPage() 02782 : CPropertyPage(CInheritancePropertyPage::IDD) 02783 , m_ComboEditCtrl(&m_ComboSearchCtrl) 02784 , m_ComboSearchCtrl(&m_TreeInheritance) 02785 , m_theCurrentRootFCO( NULL) 02786 , m_pPrevSelectedItem( NULL) 02787 { 02788 //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CInheritancePropertyPage) 02789 //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 02790 } 02791 02792 CInheritancePropertyPage::~CInheritancePropertyPage() 02793 { 02794 m_theCurrentRootFCO = NULL; 02795 m_pPrevSelectedItem = NULL; 02796 m_ImageList.DeleteImageList(); 02797 m_StateImageList.DeleteImageList(); 02798 VERIFY( m_ImageList.GetSafeHandle() == NULL); 02799 VERIFY( m_StateImageList.GetSafeHandle() == NULL); 02800 } 02801 02802 void CInheritancePropertyPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) 02803 { 02804 CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); 02805 //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CInheritancePropertyPage) 02806 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC__COMBO_SEARCH_INHERITANCE, m_ComboSearchCtrl); 02807 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TREE_INHERITANCE, m_TreeInheritance); 02808 //}}AFX_DATA_MAP 02809 } 02810 02811 02812 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CInheritancePropertyPage, CPropertyPage) 02813 //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CInheritancePropertyPage) 02814 ON_WM_SIZE() 02815 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_SELCHANGED, IDC_TREE_INHERITANCE, OnSelChangedTreeInheritance) 02816 ON_NOTIFY(NM_DBLCLK, IDC_TREE_INHERITANCE, OnDblclkTreeInheritance) 02817 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_ITEMEXPANDING, IDC_TREE_INHERITANCE, OnItemExpandingTreeInheritance) 02818 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_KEYDOWN, IDC_TREE_INHERITANCE, OnKeyDownTreeInheritance) 02819 //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 02820 END_MESSAGE_MAP() 02821 02822 02823 02824 BOOL CInheritancePropertyPage::OnInitDialog() 02825 { 02826 CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); 02827 02828 02829 m_TreeInheritance.ModifyStyle(0,TVS_HASLINES|TVS_HASBUTTONS|TVS_LINESATROOT 02830 |TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS ); 02831 02832 m_ImageList.Create(16,16,ILC_MASK|ILC_COLOR24,0,0); 02833 CBitmap bm; 02834 bm.LoadBitmap(IDB_IMAGELIST_INHERITANCE); 02835 m_ImageList.Add(&bm,RGB(128, 158, 8)); 02836 02837 m_TreeInheritance.SetImageList(&m_ImageList,TVSIL_NORMAL); 02838 02839 // Creating the state image list 02840 PrepareStateImageList(); 02841 02842 m_TreeInheritance.EnableWindow(FALSE); 02843 m_ComboSearchCtrl.EnableWindow(FALSE); 02844 02845 // Get edit control which happens to be the first child window 02846 // and subclass it 02847 m_ComboEditCtrl.SubclassWindow(m_ComboSearchCtrl.GetWindow(GW_CHILD)->GetSafeHwnd()); 02848 02849 02850 return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control 02851 // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE 02852 } 02853 02854 void CInheritancePropertyPage::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 02855 { 02856 CPropertyPage::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); 02857 02858 if( ::IsWindow(m_ComboSearchCtrl.GetSafeHwnd()) ) 02859 { 02860 int ySpace = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER); 02861 RECT clientRect; 02862 m_ComboSearchCtrl.GetClientRect(&clientRect); 02863 02864 m_TreeInheritance.MoveWindow(0, clientRect.bottom + 2*ySpace, cx-1, cy-clientRect.bottom - 2*ySpace - 1); 02865 m_ComboSearchCtrl.MoveWindow(0, ySpace, cx-1, cy-1); 02866 } 02867 02868 } 02869 02870 void CInheritancePropertyPage::OpenProject() 02871 { 02872 m_TreeInheritance.EnableWindow(TRUE); 02873 m_ComboSearchCtrl.EnableWindow(TRUE); 02874 m_theCurrentRootFCO = NULL; 02875 m_pPrevSelectedItem=NULL; 02876 02877 } 02878 02879 void CInheritancePropertyPage::CloseProject() 02880 { 02881 m_TreeInheritance.CleanUp(); 02882 m_TreeInheritance.EnableWindow(FALSE); 02883 02884 m_ComboSearchCtrl.ResetContent(); 02885 m_ComboSearchCtrl.EnableWindow(FALSE); 02886 02887 m_theCurrentRootFCO = NULL; 02888 m_pPrevSelectedItem=NULL; 02889 02890 } 02891 02892 void CInheritancePropertyPage::PrepareStateImageList() 02893 { 02894 CImageList ImageList; 02895 ImageList.Create(16,16,ILC_MASK|ILC_COLOR24,0,0); 02896 02897 CBitmap bm; 02898 bm.LoadBitmap(IDB_IMAGELIST_AGGREGATE_STATE); 02899 02900 ImageList.Add(&bm,RGB(128, 158, 8)); // Pretty natural transparent color 02901 // provided by Tamas Paka 02902 02903 CClientDC dcClient(this); 02904 CDC dcMem; 02905 CBitmap Bitmap; 02906 02907 if (!dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(&dcClient)) return; 02908 02909 if (!Bitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(&dcClient,256,16)) return; 02910 02911 CBitmap *pOldMemDCBitmap = dcMem.SelectObject(&Bitmap); 02912 02913 COLORREF cMaskColor=RGB(128,58,8); 02914 dcMem.FillSolidRect(0, 0, 256, 16, cMaskColor); 02915 02916 // Paint each Image in the DC 02917 for(BYTE i=0;i<=15;i++) 02918 { 02919 if(i&0x0001) // Access 02920 { 02921 ImageList.Draw(&dcMem, 1, CPoint(i*16,0), ILD_TRANSPARENT); 02922 } 02923 02924 if(i&0x0002) // LibObject 02925 { 02926 ImageList.Draw(&dcMem, 0, CPoint(i*16,0), ILD_TRANSPARENT); 02927 } 02928 if(i&0x0004) // Instance 02929 { 02930 ImageList.Draw(&dcMem, 5, CPoint(i*16,0), ILD_TRANSPARENT); 02931 } 02932 02933 if(i&0x0008) // Derived (subtype) 02934 { 02935 ImageList.Draw(&dcMem, 4, CPoint(i*16,0), ILD_TRANSPARENT); 02936 } 02937 } 02938 dcMem.SelectObject(pOldMemDCBitmap); 02939 02940 m_StateImageList.Create(16,16, ILC_COLOR | ILC_MASK, 0, 1); 02941 02942 // Green is used as mask color 02943 m_StateImageList.Add(&Bitmap, cMaskColor); 02944 02945 Bitmap.DeleteObject(); 02946 02947 m_TreeInheritance.SetImageList(&m_StateImageList,TVSIL_STATE); 02948 } 02949 02950 // This function is indirectly initiated by MGA, 02951 // so we do not need transaction handling 02952 void CInheritancePropertyPage::OnMgaEvent(CComPtr<IMgaObject> ccpMgaObject, unsigned long lEventMask) 02953 { 02954 if( !m_theCurrentRootFCO) return; 02955 EVENT_TRACE("\n__________ MGA Event Handling Begin _________\n"); 02956 02957 // Handling Object Events 02958 02959 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_CREATED) 02960 { 02961 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_CREATED handled.\n"); 02962 02963 m_TreeInheritance.StoreState(); 02964 m_TreeInheritance.CleanUp(); 02965 SetupTree2(); 02966 m_TreeInheritance.RestoreState(); 02967 } 02968 02969 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_DESTROYED) 02970 { 02971 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_DESTROYED handled.\n"); 02972 02973 m_TreeInheritance.StoreState(); 02974 m_TreeInheritance.CleanUp(); 02975 SetupTree2(); 02976 m_TreeInheritance.RestoreState(); 02977 } 02978 02979 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_PROPERTIES) 02980 { 02981 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_PROPERTIES handled.\n"); 02982 02983 // Finding the object in the tree 02984 HTREEITEM hItem; 02985 if(m_TreeInheritance.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpMgaObject,hItem)) // The changed object is in the tree 02986 { 02987 // Change name 02988 m_TreeInheritance.SetItemText(hItem,GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaObject)); 02989 02990 // Setting the state icons 02991 //m_TreeInheritance.SetItemProperties(hItem); 02992 } 02993 } 02994 02995 if(lEventMask&OBJEVENT_REGISTRY) 02996 { 02997 EVENT_TRACE("OBJEVENT_REGISTRY is partially handled.\n"); 02998 02999 // PETER: We need this, because of Library names 03000 03001 // Finding the object in the tree 03002 HTREEITEM hItem; 03003 if(m_TreeInheritance.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpMgaObject,hItem)) // The changed object is in the tree 03004 { 03005 // Change name 03006 m_TreeInheritance.SetItemText(hItem,GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaObject)); 03007 03008 // Setting the state icons 03009 //m_TreeInheritance.SetItemProperties(hItem); 03010 } 03011 } 03012 } 03013 03014 void CInheritancePropertyPage::OnKeyDownTreeInheritance(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 03015 { 03016 TV_KEYDOWN* pTVKeyDown = (TV_KEYDOWN*)pNMHDR; 03017 switch(pTVKeyDown->wVKey) 03018 { 03019 case VK_RETURN: // Display the first selected item in GME editor 03020 { 03021 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeInheritance.GetSelectedItem(); 03022 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown=NULL; 03023 03024 if(m_TreeInheritance.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown)) 03025 { 03026 TRACE(m_TreeInheritance.GetItemText(hItem)); 03027 03028 // Firing the event 03029 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 03030 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT) < 0) 03031 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireShowInParentMgaObject(pUnknown); 03032 else 03033 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireDblClickMgaObject(pUnknown); 03034 m_TreeInheritance.SetFocus(); 03035 } 03036 }break; 03037 case VK_TAB: 03038 { 03039 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL) < 0) { 03040 m_parent->nextTab( ::GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT) >= 0); 03041 } 03042 else { 03043 m_ComboEditCtrl.SetFocus(); 03044 } 03045 }break; 03046 } 03047 03048 03049 *pResult = 0; 03050 } 03051 03052 03053 void CInheritancePropertyPage::OnItemExpandingTreeInheritance(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 03054 { 03055 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; 03056 03057 if(pNMTreeView->action==TVE_EXPAND) 03058 { 03059 if(m_TreeInheritance.GetItemState(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,TVIS_EXPANDED) 03060 &TVIS_EXPANDED) 03061 { 03062 return; 03063 } 03064 03065 int nImage,nSelectedImage; 03066 m_TreeInheritance.GetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,nImage,nSelectedImage); 03067 m_TreeInheritance.SetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,nImage+ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage+ICON_NUMBER); 03068 } 03069 else 03070 { 03071 if(!(m_TreeInheritance.GetItemState(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,TVIS_EXPANDED) 03072 &TVIS_EXPANDED)) 03073 { 03074 return; 03075 } 03076 03077 int nImage,nSelectedImage; 03078 m_TreeInheritance.GetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,nImage,nSelectedImage); 03079 m_TreeInheritance.SetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,nImage-ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage-ICON_NUMBER); 03080 03081 } 03082 03083 *pResult = 0; 03084 } 03085 03086 03087 CString CInheritancePropertyPage::GetDisplayedName(IMgaObject *pIMgaObject) 03088 { 03089 03090 CComPtr<IMgaObject>ccpMgaObject(pIMgaObject); 03091 CComBSTR pDisplayedName; 03092 03093 COMTHROW(ccpMgaObject->get_Name(&pDisplayedName)); 03094 03095 CString ret = pDisplayedName; 03096 03097 return ret; 03098 } 03099 03100 03101 void CInheritancePropertyPage::SetupTree() 03102 { 03103 03104 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 03105 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 03106 03107 // No open poject - error 03108 if(pApp->m_CurrentProject.GetCurrentProjectState()!=CURRENT_PROJECT_OPEN) return; 03109 03110 CActiveBrowserPropertySheet* pParent=(CActiveBrowserPropertySheet*)GetParent(); 03111 03112 // Getting selection from aggregate tree 03113 CAggregateMgaObjectProxy MgaObjectProxy; 03114 03115 03116 // condition modified> inheritance tree empty for all folders 03117 // previously was empty for rootfolder only 03118 if(!pParent->m_PageAggregate.m_TreeAggregate.GetSelectedItemProxy(MgaObjectProxy) 03119 || MgaObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo == OBJTYPE_FOLDER) // all folders, by zolmol 03120 { 03121 // No selection in the aggregate tree - or root wa selected 03122 m_TreeInheritance.CleanUp(); 03123 m_ComboSearchCtrl.ResetContent(); 03124 //m_TreeInheritance.EnableWindow(FALSE); 03125 //m_ComboSearchCtrl.EnableWindow(FALSE); 03126 // previously disabled, but let's not do that anymore, 03127 // thus we allow seamless CTRL+TABbing through the PropertyPages 03128 // without the focus wandering away from the tree ctrl 03129 // by zolmol 03130 return; 03131 } 03132 m_TreeInheritance.EnableWindow(TRUE); 03133 m_ComboSearchCtrl.EnableWindow(TRUE); 03134 03135 03136 // We maintain the previous selection in 03137 // m_pPrevSelectedItem for efficiency reasons 03138 // If the selection is the same as previous, return 03139 if(m_pPrevSelectedItem==MgaObjectProxy.m_pMgaObject) 03140 { 03141 //return; // commented by ZolMol, recreate the tree always 03142 } 03143 else 03144 { 03145 m_pPrevSelectedItem=MgaObjectProxy.m_pMgaObject; 03146 } 03147 03148 // Casting to FCO 03149 CComQIPtr<IMgaFCO>ccpMgaFCO(MgaObjectProxy.m_pMgaObject); 03150 if(ccpMgaFCO==NULL) 03151 { 03152 // No selection in the aggreagate tree 03153 m_TreeInheritance.CleanUp(); 03154 m_ComboSearchCtrl.ResetContent(); 03155 return; 03156 } 03157 03158 // Cleaning up 03159 m_TreeInheritance.CleanUp(); 03160 m_ComboSearchCtrl.ResetContent(); 03161 03162 MSGTRY{ 03163 // Starting transaction 03164 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(); 03165 03166 CComPtr<IMgaFCO> ccpMgaRootFCO(ccpMgaFCO); 03167 // Getting the root 03168 reqFindInheritanceRoot(ccpMgaRootFCO); 03169 03170 // Storing it in a member 03171 m_theCurrentRootFCO = ccpMgaRootFCO; 03172 03173 // Building inheritance tree 03174 reqBuildInheritanceTree(NULL,ccpMgaRootFCO,-1); 03175 03176 // Ending transaction 03177 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 03178 03179 }MSGCATCH(_T("Error retrieving data for inheritance tab"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 03180 03181 03182 // Select the current item 03183 HTREEITEM hSelectedItem; 03184 m_TreeInheritance.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpMgaFCO,hSelectedItem); 03185 m_TreeInheritance.SelectItem(hSelectedItem); 03186 m_TreeInheritance.EnsureVisible(hSelectedItem); 03187 03188 } 03189 03190 void CInheritancePropertyPage::ResetRoot() 03191 { 03192 m_theCurrentRootFCO = 0; 03193 } 03194 03195 void CInheritancePropertyPage::SetupTree2() 03196 { 03197 ASSERT( m_theCurrentRootFCO != 0); 03198 if( !m_theCurrentRootFCO) return; // if root not set then return 03199 03200 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 03201 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 03202 03203 // No open poject - error 03204 if(pApp->m_CurrentProject.GetCurrentProjectState()!=CURRENT_PROJECT_OPEN) return; 03205 03206 CActiveBrowserPropertySheet* pParent=(CActiveBrowserPropertySheet*)GetParent(); 03207 03208 m_TreeInheritance.EnableWindow(TRUE); 03209 m_ComboSearchCtrl.EnableWindow(TRUE); 03210 03211 // Cleaning up 03212 m_TreeInheritance.CleanUp(); 03213 m_ComboSearchCtrl.ResetContent(); 03214 03215 MSGTRY{ 03216 // Starting transaction 03217 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(); 03218 03219 long status; 03220 COMTHROW(m_theCurrentRootFCO->get_Status(&status)); 03221 if (status != OBJECT_EXISTS) { // if zombie then return 03222 return; 03223 } 03224 03225 // Getting the root 03226 CComPtr<IMgaFCO> ccpMgaRootFCO; 03227 ccpMgaRootFCO = m_theCurrentRootFCO; 03228 03229 // Building inheritance tree 03230 reqBuildInheritanceTree(NULL,ccpMgaRootFCO,-1); 03231 03232 // Ending transaction 03233 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 03234 03235 }MSGCATCH(_T("Error retrieving data for inheritance tab"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 03236 } 03237 03238 void CInheritancePropertyPage::Refresh() 03239 { 03240 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 03241 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 03242 03243 MSGTRY{ 03244 // Starting transaction 03245 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(); 03246 03247 m_ComboSearchCtrl.ResetContent(); 03248 03249 m_TreeInheritance.StoreState(); 03250 m_TreeInheritance.CleanUp(); 03251 if( m_theCurrentRootFCO) 03252 SetupTree2(); 03253 else 03254 SetupTree(); 03255 m_TreeInheritance.RestoreState(); 03256 03257 }MSGCATCH(_T("Error refreshing tree browser data"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 03258 // Ending transaction 03259 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 03260 } 03261 03262 void CInheritancePropertyPage::reqBuildInheritanceTree(HTREEITEM hParent, IMgaFCO* pIMgaFCO, int nDepthLevel) 03263 { 03264 03265 CComQIPtr<IMgaFCO> ccpMgaFCO(pIMgaFCO); 03266 CComPtr<IMgaFCOs> ccpChildrenFCOs; 03267 03268 // Insert FCO into the tree 03269 enum objtype_enum eObjectType; 03270 COMTHROW(ccpMgaFCO->get_ObjType(&eObjectType)); // Getting object type 03271 03272 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeInheritance.InsertItem(hParent,GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaFCO), 03273 ccpMgaFCO,eObjectType); 03274 03275 03276 // Getting children 03277 COMTHROW(ccpMgaFCO->get_DerivedObjects(&ccpChildrenFCOs)); 03278 03279 03280 if(ccpChildrenFCOs) 03281 { 03282 // Iterate through the children FCOs 03283 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaFCO, ccpChildrenFCOs) 03284 { 03285 // Recursive call for each children 03286 reqBuildInheritanceTree(hItem,MGACOLL_ITER,nDepthLevel-1); 03287 03288 } MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 03289 } 03290 03291 } 03292 03293 void CInheritancePropertyPage::reqFindInheritanceRoot(CComPtr<IMgaFCO>&ccpMgaFCO) 03294 { 03295 03296 CComPtr<IMgaFCO> ccpParentFCO; 03297 03298 // Getting parent 03299 COMTHROW(ccpMgaFCO->get_DerivedFrom(&ccpParentFCO)); 03300 03301 if(ccpParentFCO==NULL) // No parent, we got the root object 03302 { 03303 return; 03304 } 03305 else 03306 { 03307 ccpMgaFCO = ccpParentFCO; 03308 reqFindInheritanceRoot(ccpMgaFCO); 03309 } 03310 03311 } 03312 03313 BOOL CInheritancePropertyPage::OnSetActive() 03314 { 03315 ResetRoot(); 03316 SetupTree(); 03317 return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); 03318 } 03319 03320 void CInheritancePropertyPage::OnSelChangedTreeInheritance(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 03321 { 03322 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; 03323 // Setting the focus here, because combo could make the selection 03324 m_TreeInheritance.SetFocus(); 03325 03326 // Displaying the first selection in the combo edit 03327 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeInheritance.GetFirstSelectedItem(); 03328 if(hItem) 03329 { 03330 m_ComboSearchCtrl.SetSelection(hItem); 03331 03332 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown=NULL; 03333 03334 if(m_TreeInheritance.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown)) 03335 { 03336 TRACE(m_TreeInheritance.GetItemText(hItem)); 03337 03338 // Firing the event 03339 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 03340 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 03341 03342 // MOD by Peter: do not fire events from transactions 03343 if (!pMgaContext->IsInTransaction()) { 03344 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireClickMgaObject(pUnknown); 03345 } 03346 } 03347 03348 } 03349 03350 *pResult = 0; 03351 } 03352 03353 03354 void CInheritancePropertyPage::OnDblclkTreeInheritance(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 03355 { 03356 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeInheritance.GetSelectedItem(); 03357 03358 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown=NULL; 03359 03360 if(m_TreeInheritance.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown)) 03361 { 03362 TRACE(m_TreeInheritance.GetItemText(hItem)); 03363 03364 // Firing the event 03365 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 03366 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT) < 0) 03367 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireShowInParentMgaObject(pUnknown); 03368 else 03369 pApp->GetCtrl()->FireDblClickMgaObject(pUnknown); 03370 } 03371 03372 *pResult = -1; // Nonzero return: disables auto expanding (default action) 03373 } 03374 03375 03376 03377 03378 03379 03380 03381 03382 03383 03384 03392 03393 03394 03395 03396 03397 03398 03399 03400 03401 03402 CMetaPropertyPage::CMetaPropertyPage() : CPropertyPage(CMetaPropertyPage::IDD), 03403 m_ComboEditCtrl(&m_ComboSearchCtrl), m_ComboSearchCtrl(&m_TreeMeta) 03404 { 03405 //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CMetaPropertyPage) 03406 //}}AFX_DATA_INIT 03407 } 03408 03409 CMetaPropertyPage::~CMetaPropertyPage() 03410 { 03411 m_ImageList.DeleteImageList(); 03412 VERIFY( m_ImageList.GetSafeHandle() == NULL); 03413 } 03414 03415 void CMetaPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) 03416 { 03417 CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); 03418 //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CMetaPropertyPage) 03419 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO_SERACH_META, m_ComboSearchCtrl); 03420 DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TREE_META, m_TreeMeta); 03421 //}}AFX_DATA_MAP 03422 } 03423 03424 03425 BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMetaPropertyPage, CPropertyPage) 03426 //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMetaPropertyPage) 03427 ON_WM_SIZE() 03428 ON_NOTIFY(NM_DBLCLK, IDC_TREE_META, OnDblclkTreeMeta) 03429 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_SELCHANGED, IDC_TREE_META, OnSelChangedTreeMeta) 03430 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_ITEMEXPANDING, IDC_TREE_META, OnItemExpandingTreeMeta) 03431 ON_NOTIFY(TVN_KEYDOWN, IDC_TREE_META, OnKeyDownTreeMeta) 03432 //}}AFX_MSG_MAP 03433 END_MESSAGE_MAP() 03434 03435 03436 BOOL CMetaPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() 03437 { 03438 CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); 03439 03440 m_TreeMeta.ModifyStyle(0,TVS_HASLINES|TVS_HASBUTTONS|TVS_LINESATROOT 03441 |TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS ); 03442 03443 m_ImageList.Create(16,16,ILC_MASK|ILC_COLOR24,0,0); 03444 03445 CBitmap bm; 03446 bm.LoadBitmap(IDB_IMAGELIST_META); 03447 03448 03449 03450 m_ImageList.Add(&bm,RGB(128, 158, 8)); 03451 03452 03453 03454 m_TreeMeta.SetImageList(&m_ImageList,TVSIL_NORMAL); 03455 03456 03457 m_TreeMeta.EnableWindow(FALSE); 03458 m_ComboSearchCtrl.EnableWindow(FALSE); 03459 03460 03461 // Get edit control which happens to be the first child window 03462 // and subclass it 03463 m_ComboEditCtrl.SubclassWindow(m_ComboSearchCtrl.GetWindow(GW_CHILD)->GetSafeHwnd()); 03464 03465 03466 return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control 03467 // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE 03468 } 03469 03470 BOOL CMetaPropertyPage::OnSetActive() 03471 { 03472 CActiveBrowserPropertySheet* pParent=(CActiveBrowserPropertySheet*)GetParent(); 03473 pParent->m_PageInheritance.ResetRoot(); 03474 return CPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); 03475 } 03476 03477 void CMetaPropertyPage::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) 03478 { 03479 CPropertyPage::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); 03480 03481 if( ::IsWindow(m_ComboSearchCtrl.GetSafeHwnd()) ) 03482 { 03483 int ySpace = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER); 03484 RECT clientRect; 03485 m_ComboSearchCtrl.GetClientRect(&clientRect); 03486 03487 m_TreeMeta.MoveWindow(0, clientRect.bottom + 2*ySpace, cx-1, cy-clientRect.bottom - 2*ySpace - 1); 03488 m_ComboSearchCtrl.MoveWindow(0, ySpace, cx-1, cy-1); 03489 } 03490 03491 } 03492 03493 void CMetaPropertyPage::SetupTree() 03494 { 03495 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 03496 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 03497 03498 // Getting Metaproject 03499 CComPtr<IMgaMetaProject> ccpMetaProject; 03500 COMTHROW(pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->get_RootMeta(&ccpMetaProject)); 03501 03502 // Setting Project name 03503 CComBSTR bszProjectName; 03504 ccpMetaProject->get_DisplayedName(&bszProjectName); 03505 m_strProjectName=bszProjectName; 03506 03507 // Getting RootFolder 03508 CComPtr<IMgaMetaFolder> ccpRootMetaFolder; 03509 COMTHROW(ccpMetaProject->get_RootFolder(&ccpRootMetaFolder)); 03510 03511 03512 InsertIntoMetaTree(NULL,ccpRootMetaFolder,_T("")); 03513 03514 CMetaObjectList ObjListParents; 03515 CMetaObjectList ObjListChildren; 03516 03517 CComPtr<IMgaMetaBase> ccpMetaBase(ccpRootMetaFolder); 03518 ObjListParents.AddTail(ADAPT_META_OBJECT(ccpMetaBase)); 03519 03520 03521 // Performing breadth first search 03522 while(!ObjListParents.IsEmpty()) 03523 { 03524 ObjListChildren.RemoveAll(); 03525 03526 POSITION pos=ObjListParents.GetHeadPosition(); 03527 03528 while(pos) 03529 { 03530 CComPtr<IMgaMetaBase> ccpMetaObject=ObjListParents.GetNext(pos); 03531 InsertChildren(ccpMetaObject,ObjListChildren); 03532 } 03533 03534 ObjListParents.RemoveAll(); 03535 ObjListParents.AddTail(&ObjListChildren); 03536 } 03537 03538 } 03539 03540 int CMetaPropertyPage::InsertChildren(CComPtr<IMgaMetaBase>& ccpMetaObject,CMetaObjectList& MetaObjectList) 03541 { 03542 int c=0; 03543 // Determining Object Type 03544 objtype_enum otObjectType; 03545 COMTHROW(ccpMetaObject->get_ObjType(&otObjectType)); 03546 03547 HTREEITEM hParent; 03548 if(!m_TreeMeta.m_MgaMap.LookupTreeItem(ccpMetaObject,hParent)) 03549 { 03550 ASSERT(0); 03551 return 0; 03552 } 03553 03554 03555 switch(otObjectType) 03556 { 03557 case OBJTYPE_MODEL: 03558 { 03559 CComQIPtr<IMgaMetaModel>ccpMgaMetaModel(ccpMetaObject); 03560 03561 // Getting children roles 03562 CComPtr<IMgaMetaRoles> ccpMgaMetaRoles; 03563 COMTHROW(ccpMgaMetaModel->get_Roles(&ccpMgaMetaRoles)); 03564 03565 // Iterate through the children roles 03566 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaMetaRole, ccpMgaMetaRoles) 03567 { 03568 CComPtr<IMgaMetaFCO> ccpRoleKind=NULL; 03569 COMTHROW(MGACOLL_ITER->get_Kind(&ccpRoleKind)); 03570 if(ccpRoleKind.p!=NULL) 03571 { 03572 // If it is already in the tree we do not add it 03573 if(InsertIntoMetaTree(hParent,ccpRoleKind,GetDisplayedName(MGACOLL_ITER))) 03574 { 03575 CComPtr<IMgaMetaBase> ccpMetaBase(ccpRoleKind); 03576 03577 MetaObjectList.AddTail(ADAPT_META_OBJECT(ccpMetaBase)); 03578 c++; 03579 } 03580 } 03581 } MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 03582 03583 }break; 03584 03585 case OBJTYPE_FOLDER: 03586 { 03587 CComQIPtr<IMgaMetaFolder>ccpMgaMetaFolder(ccpMetaObject); 03588 03589 /********* Getting Subfolders ***********/ 03590 CComPtr<IMgaMetaFolders> ccpLegalFolders; 03591 COMTHROW(ccpMgaMetaFolder->get_LegalChildFolders(&ccpLegalFolders)); 03592 03593 // Iterate through the subfolders 03594 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaMetaFolder, ccpLegalFolders) 03595 { 03596 // If it is already in the tree we do not add it 03597 if(InsertIntoMetaTree(hParent,MGACOLL_ITER,GetDisplayedName(MGACOLL_ITER))) 03598 { 03599 CComPtr<IMgaMetaBase> ccpMetaBase(MGACOLL_ITER); 03600 03601 MetaObjectList.AddTail(ADAPT_META_OBJECT(ccpMetaBase)); 03602 c++; 03603 } 03604 } MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 03605 03606 03607 /********* Getting children FCOs **********/ 03608 CComPtr<IMgaMetaFCOs> ccpLegalRootObjects; 03609 COMTHROW(ccpMgaMetaFolder->get_LegalRootObjects(&ccpLegalRootObjects)); 03610 // Iterate through the children FCOs 03611 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaMetaFCO, ccpLegalRootObjects) 03612 { 03613 // If it is already in the tree we do not add it 03614 if(InsertIntoMetaTree(hParent,MGACOLL_ITER,GetDisplayedName(MGACOLL_ITER))) 03615 { 03616 CComPtr<IMgaMetaBase> ccpMetaBase(MGACOLL_ITER); 03617 MetaObjectList.AddTail(ADAPT_META_OBJECT(ccpMetaBase)); 03618 c++; 03619 } 03620 03621 } MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 03622 03623 }break; 03624 } 03625 return c; 03626 } 03627 03628 03629 03630 03631 void CMetaPropertyPage::ProcessConnection(CString &strConnectionToolTip, IMgaMetaConnection *pIMetaConnection) 03632 { 03633 CComPtr<IMgaMetaConnection> ccpMetaConnection(pIMetaConnection); 03634 03635 strConnectionToolTip=_T("Name: ")+GetDisplayedName(ccpMetaConnection)+_T("\r\n"); 03636 03637 // Is the connection simple? Not simple connections are not implemented here!!! 03638 VARIANT_BOOL bIsSimple=VARIANT_FALSE; 03639 COMTHROW(ccpMetaConnection->get_IsSimple(&bIsSimple)); 03640 03641 // Simple connection case 03642 if(bIsSimple!=FALSE) 03643 { 03644 // Getting connection joins 03645 CComPtr<IMgaMetaConnJoints> ccpMgaMetaConnJoints; 03646 CComPtr<IMgaMetaConnJoint> ccpMgaMetaConnJoint; 03647 COMTHROW(ccpMetaConnection->get_Joints(&ccpMgaMetaConnJoints)); 03648 03649 // Iterate through the joints 03650 int i=0; // Numbering joins 03651 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaMetaConnJoint, ccpMgaMetaConnJoints) 03652 { 03653 i++; 03654 // Formatting tooltip 03655 CString strJoint; 03656 strJoint.Format(_T("Joint %d: \r\n"),i); 03657 strConnectionToolTip+=strJoint; 03658 03659 // Iterator renamed for sake of readability 03660 ccpMgaMetaConnJoint = MGACOLL_ITER; 03661 03662 // Getting pointer specifications (source and destination) 03663 CComBSTR bszSourceName(_T("src")); 03664 CComBSTR bszDestName(_T("dst")); 03665 03666 CComPtr<IMgaMetaPointerSpec> ccpMgaMetaPointerSpecSrc; 03667 CComPtr<IMgaMetaPointerSpec> ccpMgaMetaPointerSpecDest; 03668 03669 03670 if(E_NOTFOUND!= ccpMgaMetaConnJoint->get_PointerSpecByName(bszSourceName, 03671 &ccpMgaMetaPointerSpecSrc) ) 03672 { 03673 // Source side ************************************************* 03674 CString strSrcToolTip(_T("[Source:]\r\n")); 03675 03676 CComPtr<IMgaMetaPointerItems> ccpMgaMetaPointerItemsSrc; 03677 ccpMgaMetaPointerSpecSrc->get_Items(&ccpMgaMetaPointerItemsSrc); 03678 03679 // Iterating through the pointer items 03680 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaMetaPointerItem,ccpMgaMetaPointerItemsSrc) 03681 { 03682 // Getting item description 03683 CComBSTR bszDesc; 03684 COMTHROW(MGACOLL_ITER->get_Desc(&bszDesc)); 03685 03686 // Formatting description 03687 strSrcToolTip+=_T("\t")+CString(bszDesc)+_T("\r\n"); 03688 03689 }MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; // Source Pointer Items 03690 strConnectionToolTip+=strSrcToolTip; 03691 } 03692 else 03693 { 03694 CString strSrcToolTip(_T("[Source:] <not found>\r\n")); 03695 strConnectionToolTip+=strSrcToolTip; 03696 } 03697 03698 if(E_NOTFOUND!= ccpMgaMetaConnJoint->get_PointerSpecByName(bszDestName, 03699 &ccpMgaMetaPointerSpecDest)) 03700 { 03701 // Destination side ******************************************** 03702 CString strDestToolTip(_T("[Destination:] \r\n")); 03703 03704 CComPtr<IMgaMetaPointerItems> ccpMgaMetaPointerItemsDest; 03705 ccpMgaMetaPointerSpecDest->get_Items(&ccpMgaMetaPointerItemsDest); 03706 03707 // Iterating through the pointer items 03708 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaMetaPointerItem,ccpMgaMetaPointerItemsDest) 03709 { 03710 // Getting item description 03711 CComBSTR bszDesc; 03712 COMTHROW(MGACOLL_ITER->get_Desc(&bszDesc)); 03713 03714 // Formatting description 03715 strDestToolTip+=_T("\t")+CString(bszDesc)+_T("\r\n"); 03716 }MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; // Destination pointer items 03717 strConnectionToolTip+=strDestToolTip; 03718 } 03719 else 03720 { 03721 CString strDestToolTip(_T("[Destination:] <not found>\r\n")); 03722 strConnectionToolTip+=strDestToolTip; 03723 } 03724 03725 }MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; // Joints 03726 03727 } 03728 else 03729 { 03730 // Not simple connection case is not implemented!!!! 03731 strConnectionToolTip=_T("Information available only for simple connections."); 03732 } 03733 03734 } 03735 03736 03737 // Called recursively from reqBuildMetaTree function and calls it again. 03738 void CMetaPropertyPage::ProcessAttributes(HTREEITEM hParent, IMgaMetaFCO *pIMgaMetaFCO) 03739 { 03740 if(hParent==NULL) return; 03741 03742 CComPtr<IMgaMetaFCO>ccpMgaMetaFCO(pIMgaMetaFCO); 03743 03744 /********* Getting Attributes ***********/ 03745 CComPtr<IMgaMetaAttributes> ccpAttributes; 03746 COMTHROW(ccpMgaMetaFCO->get_Attributes(&ccpAttributes)); 03747 03748 // Iterate through the attributes 03749 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaMetaAttribute, ccpAttributes) 03750 { 03751 CComPtr<IMgaMetaAttribute>ccpMgaMetaAttribute(MGACOLL_ITER); 03752 03753 // Inserting item into the meta tree 03754 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeMeta.InsertItem(hParent,GetDisplayedName(ccpMgaMetaAttribute),ccpMgaMetaAttribute,OBJTYPE_ATTRIBUTE); 03755 03756 } MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 03757 03758 03759 } 03760 03761 03762 void CMetaPropertyPage::OpenProject() 03763 { 03764 m_TreeMeta.EnableWindow(TRUE); 03765 m_ComboSearchCtrl.EnableWindow(TRUE); 03766 03767 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 03768 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 03769 03770 MSGTRY{ 03771 SetupTree(); 03772 }MSGCATCH(_T("Error opening meta tab"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 03773 03774 } 03775 03776 03777 void CMetaPropertyPage::CloseProject() 03778 { 03779 m_TreeMeta.CleanUp(); 03780 m_TreeMeta.EnableWindow(FALSE); 03781 03782 m_ComboSearchCtrl.ResetContent(); 03783 m_ComboSearchCtrl.EnableWindow(FALSE); 03784 03785 } 03786 03787 03788 03789 void CMetaPropertyPage::OnDblclkTreeMeta(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 03790 { 03791 DWORD dwMsgPos = ::GetMessagePos(); 03792 03793 CPoint point = CPoint(GET_X_LPARAM(dwMsgPos), GET_Y_LPARAM(dwMsgPos) ); 03794 UINT nHitFlags; 03795 03796 m_TreeMeta.ScreenToClient(&point); 03797 m_TreeMeta.HitTest( point, &nHitFlags ); 03798 03799 03800 if(nHitFlags&TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON) 03801 { 03802 return; 03803 } 03804 03805 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeMeta.GetSelectedItem(); 03806 03807 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 03808 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 03809 03810 03811 if(hItem) 03812 { 03813 HTREEITEM hReferencedItem; 03814 if( hReferencedItem=(HTREEITEM)m_TreeMeta.GetItemData(hItem) ) 03815 { 03816 m_TreeMeta.SelectItem(hReferencedItem); 03817 m_TreeMeta.EnsureVisible(hReferencedItem); 03818 03819 } 03820 03821 MSGTRY{ 03822 if(GetKeyState(VK_MENU)&0x8000) // Alt + dblclick - connection properties 03823 { 03824 03825 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeMeta.GetSelectedItem(); 03826 CMgaObjectProxy ObjectProxy; 03827 if(!m_TreeMeta.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectProxy(hItem,ObjectProxy)) return; // Not in the map 03828 if(ObjectProxy.m_TypeInfo==OBJTYPE_CONNECTION) 03829 { 03830 CComQIPtr<IMgaMetaConnection> ccpMetaConnection(ObjectProxy.m_pMgaObject); 03831 if(ccpMetaConnection) 03832 { 03833 CString strConnDesc; 03834 ProcessConnection(strConnDesc,ccpMetaConnection); 03835 03836 CMetaConnectionDlg dlg(this); 03837 dlg.m_strConnectionProperties=strConnDesc; 03838 dlg.DoModal(); 03839 } 03840 } 03841 } 03842 }MSGCATCH(_T("Error retrieving connection properties"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 03843 03844 } 03845 *pResult = -1; 03846 } 03847 03848 03849 03850 03851 void CMetaPropertyPage::OnSelChangedTreeMeta(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 03852 { 03853 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; 03854 03855 // Setting the focus here, because combo could make the selection 03856 m_TreeMeta.SetFocus(); 03857 03858 // Displaying the first selection in the combo edit 03859 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeMeta.GetFirstSelectedItem(); 03860 if(hItem) 03861 { 03862 m_ComboSearchCtrl.SetSelection(hItem); 03863 } 03864 03865 *pResult = 0; 03866 } 03867 03868 03869 03870 03871 03872 03873 03874 void CMetaPropertyPage::OnItemExpandingTreeMeta(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 03875 { 03876 NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; 03877 03878 03879 if(pNMTreeView->action==TVE_EXPAND) 03880 { 03881 if(m_TreeMeta.GetItemState(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,TVIS_EXPANDED) 03882 &TVIS_EXPANDED) 03883 { 03884 return; 03885 } 03886 03887 03888 int nImage,nSelectedImage; 03889 m_TreeMeta.GetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,nImage,nSelectedImage); 03890 m_TreeMeta.SetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,nImage+ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage+ICON_NUMBER); 03891 } 03892 else 03893 { 03894 if(!(m_TreeMeta.GetItemState(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,TVIS_EXPANDED) 03895 &TVIS_EXPANDED)) 03896 { 03897 return; 03898 } 03899 03900 int nImage,nSelectedImage; 03901 m_TreeMeta.GetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,nImage,nSelectedImage); 03902 m_TreeMeta.SetItemImage(pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem,nImage-ICON_NUMBER,nSelectedImage-ICON_NUMBER); 03903 03904 } 03905 03906 *pResult = 0; 03907 } 03908 03909 03910 void CMetaPropertyPage::OnKeyDownTreeMeta(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 03911 { 03912 TV_KEYDOWN* pTVKeyDown = (TV_KEYDOWN*)pNMHDR; 03913 switch(pTVKeyDown->wVKey) 03914 { 03915 case VK_TAB: 03916 { 03917 if( ::GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL) < 0) { 03918 m_parent->nextTab( ::GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT) >= 0); 03919 } 03920 else { 03921 m_ComboEditCtrl.SetFocus(); 03922 } 03923 }break; 03924 } 03925 03926 03927 *pResult = 0; 03928 } 03929 03930 03931 03932 HTREEITEM CMetaPropertyPage::InsertIntoMetaTree(HTREEITEM hParent,IMgaMetaBase* IMetaObject, CString strRoleName) 03933 { 03934 03935 CComPtr<IMgaMetaBase> ccpMetaObject(IMetaObject); 03936 03937 // Determining Object Type 03938 objtype_enum otObjectType; 03939 COMTHROW(ccpMetaObject->get_ObjType(&otObjectType)); 03940 03941 // FILTERING: these type won't be inserted 03942 if(otObjectType==OBJTYPE_ASPECT || otObjectType==OBJTYPE_PART) 03943 { 03944 return 0; 03945 } 03946 03947 03948 03949 // Inserting item into the meta tree 03950 CString strName; 03951 if(strRoleName!=_T("")) 03952 { 03953 strName=strRoleName+_T(" (")+GetDisplayedName(ccpMetaObject)+_T(")"); 03954 } 03955 else 03956 { 03957 strName=GetDisplayedName(ccpMetaObject); 03958 } 03959 03960 HTREEITEM hItem= m_TreeMeta.InsertItem(hParent,strName,ccpMetaObject,otObjectType); 03961 03962 // Inserting attributes 03963 CComQIPtr<IMgaMetaFCO>ccpMetaFCO(ccpMetaObject); 03964 if(ccpMetaFCO) 03965 { 03966 ProcessAttributes(hItem,ccpMetaFCO); 03967 } 03968 03969 return hItem; 03970 } 03971 03972 CString CMetaPropertyPage::GetDisplayedName(IMgaMetaBase *pIMgaMetaBase) 03973 { 03974 03975 CComPtr<IMgaMetaBase>ccpMgaMetaBase(pIMgaMetaBase); 03976 CComBSTR pDisplayedName; 03977 COMTHROW(ccpMgaMetaBase->get_DisplayedName(&pDisplayedName)); 03978 03979 CString ret = pDisplayedName; 03980 03981 return ret; 03982 } 03983 03984 void CAggregatePropertyPage::OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd) 03985 { 03986 CPropertyPage::OnKillFocus(pNewWnd); 03987 HTREEITEM hItem=m_TreeAggregate.GetFirstSelectedItem(); 03988 03989 // TODO: Add your message handler code here 03990 03991 } 03992 03993 bool CAggregatePropertyPage::askUserAndDetach( CComPtr<IMgaObject> object) 03994 { 03995 CComQIPtr<IMgaFCO> fco( object); 03996 if( !fco) return false; 03997 // check whether dependends of fco exist 03998 CComPtr<IMgaFCOs> der_objs; 03999 COMTHROW(fco->get_DerivedObjects( &der_objs)); 04000 long cnt = 0; 04001 if( der_objs) COMTHROW( der_objs->get_Count( &cnt)); 04002 if( cnt > 0) // if dependents exist should they be deleted? 04003 { 04004 bool question_asked = false; 04005 bool detach_answered = false; 04006 MGACOLL_ITERATE(IMgaFCO, der_objs) { 04007 CComPtr<IMgaFCO> one_derived(MGACOLL_ITER); 04008 04009 VARIANT_BOOL prim_deriv; 04010 COMTHROW( one_derived->get_IsPrimaryDerived( &prim_deriv)); 04011 if( prim_deriv == VARIANT_TRUE) 04012 { 04013 if( !question_asked) // pop up dialog only for the first time / per basetype 04014 { 04015 CComBSTR nm; 04016 COMTHROW( fco->get_Name( &nm)); 04017 CString msg = _T("There are objects primary derived from: \""); 04018 msg += nm; 04019 msg += _T("\". Would you like to delete them as well?\n"); 04020 msg += _T("If you answer 'No' the derived objects will be detached, thus preserved."); 04021 04022 // this answer will be applied to all deriveds of this fco 04023 int resp = AfxMessageBox( msg, MB_YESNOCANCEL); 04024 if( resp == IDCANCEL) COMTHROW(E_MGA_MUST_ABORT); 04025 else if( resp == IDNO) detach_answered = true; 04026 04027 question_asked = true; 04028 } 04029 04030 // if detach and preserve selected by the user: 04031 if( detach_answered) 04032 COMTHROW( one_derived->DetachFromArcheType()); 04033 } 04034 }MGACOLL_ITERATE_END; 04035 04036 return detach_answered; 04037 } 04038 return false; 04039 } 04040 04041 void CAggregatePropertyPage::accessRights( bool pbProtectIt) 04042 { 04043 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 04044 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 04045 04046 HTREEITEM hItem = m_TreeAggregate.GetFirstSelectedItem(); 04047 if (hItem != NULL) 04048 { 04049 04050 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown; 04051 04052 if(!m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown))return; 04053 04054 CComQIPtr<IMgaObject> ccpObj(pUnknown); 04055 if( !ccpObj) 04056 return; 04057 04058 MSGTRY { 04059 04060 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 04061 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 04062 04063 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(false); 04064 04065 COMTHROW(ccpObj->PutReadOnlyAccessWithPropagate( pbProtectIt ? VARIANT_TRUE:VARIANT_FALSE)); 04066 pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 04067 04068 } MSGCATCH(_T("Error while applying new access rights"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 04069 Refresh(); 04070 } 04071 } 04072 04073 void CAggregatePropertyPage::LibraryAmbiguityChk() 04074 { 04075 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 04076 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 04077 04078 HTREEITEM hItem = m_TreeAggregate.GetFirstSelectedItem(); 04079 if (hItem != NULL) 04080 { 04081 04082 LPUNKNOWN pUnknown; 04083 04084 if(!m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.LookupObjectUnknown(hItem,pUnknown))return; 04085 04086 CComQIPtr<IMgaFolder> ccpFolder(pUnknown); 04087 if(!ccpFolder)return; 04088 04089 MSGTRY { 04090 04091 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 04092 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 04093 04094 CComBSTR msg; 04095 pMgaContext->BeginTransaction(false); 04096 04097 CComPtr<IMgaFolders> fols; 04098 std::map< CComBSTR, std::vector< CComBSTR > > guidmap; 04099 04100 // the rootfolder's guid might have a guid conflict also 04101 CComBSTR gd_of_project; 04102 COMTHROW( ccpFolder->GetGuidDisp( &gd_of_project)); 04103 // save its guid 04104 guidmap[ gd_of_project].push_back( CComBSTR( _T("Main Project"))); 04105 04106 // check toplevel folders 04107 COMTHROW( ccpFolder->get_ChildFolders( &fols)); 04108 long len = 0; 04109 if( fols) COMTHROW( fols->get_Count( &len)); 04110 for( long i = 1; i <= len; ++i) 04111 { 04112 CComPtr<IMgaFolder> fol; 04113 COMTHROW( fols->get_Item( i, &fol)); 04114 04115 if( !fol) { ASSERT(0); continue; } 04116 04117 CComBSTR bszLibName; 04118 COMTHROW( fol->get_LibraryName(&bszLibName)); 04119 04120 if( bszLibName) // if library 04121 { 04122 CComBSTR gd; 04123 COMTHROW( fol->GetGuidDisp( &gd)); 04124 04125 // save its guid 04126 guidmap[ gd].push_back( bszLibName); 04127 } 04128 } 04129 04130 for( std::map< CComBSTR, std::vector< CComBSTR > >::iterator it = guidmap.begin(), en = guidmap.end(); it != en; ++it) 04131 { 04132 if( it->second.size() > 1) // duplicates found 04133 { 04134 if (msg.Length() > 0) 04135 COMTHROW(msg.Append( _T("\n\n"))); 04136 COMTHROW(msg.AppendBSTR( it->first)); 04137 COMTHROW(msg.Append( _T("\nShared by multiple toplevel libraries:"))); 04138 for( unsigned int i = 0; i < it->second.size(); ++i) 04139 { 04140 COMTHROW(msg.Append( _T("\n\t"))); 04141 COMTHROW(msg.AppendBSTR( it->second[i])); 04142 } 04143 } 04144 } 04145 if( msg.Length() != 0) 04146 { 04147 CString msgs; 04148 CopyTo( msg, msgs); 04149 AfxMessageBox( msgs, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); 04150 } 04151 else 04152 AfxMessageBox( _T("No duplicate GUID found among the toplevel libraries."), MB_ICONINFORMATION); 04153 04154 //pMgaContext->CommitTransaction(); 04155 pMgaContext->AbortTransaction(); 04156 04157 } MSGCATCH(_T("Error while analyzing library guid ambiguities"),pMgaContext->AbortTransaction();) 04158 //Refresh(); 04159 } 04160 } 04161 04162 void CAggregatePropertyPage::ProjectSourceControlUpdate( CComBSTR id) 04163 { 04164 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 04165 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 04166 04167 04168 MSGTRY 04169 { 04170 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 04171 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 04172 04173 // no transaction needed 04174 COMTHROW( pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->UpdateSourceControlInfo( id)); 04175 } 04176 MSGCATCH(_T("Error while updating source control info!"),;) 04177 04178 Refresh(); 04179 } 04180 04181 void CAggregatePropertyPage::SourceControlObjectOwner( CComBSTR p_id) 04182 { 04183 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 04184 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 04185 04186 MSGTRY 04187 { 04188 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 04189 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 04190 04191 // no transaction needed 04192 COMTHROW( pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->SourceControlObjectOwner( p_id)); 04193 } 04194 MSGCATCH(_T("Error while fetching source control info!"),;) 04195 04196 Refresh(); 04197 } 04198 04199 void CAggregatePropertyPage::SourceControlActiveUsers() 04200 { 04201 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 04202 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 04203 04204 MSGTRY 04205 { 04206 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 04207 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 04208 04209 // no transaction needed 04210 COMTHROW( pMgaContext->m_ccpProject->SourceControlActiveUsers()); 04211 } 04212 MSGCATCH(_T("Error while fetching source control info!"),;) 04213 04214 Refresh(); 04215 } 04216 04217 //static 04218 void CAggregatePropertyPage::composeInfo( CString p_msgText, CComPtr<IMgaFolders>& coll, CString& p_msg) 04219 { 04220 CString& msg = p_msg; 04221 CString lst; 04222 04223 long len = 0; 04224 if( coll) COMTHROW( coll->get_Count( &len)); 04225 for( long i = 1; i <= len; ++i) 04226 { 04227 CComPtr<IMgaFolder> ele; 04228 COMTHROW( coll->get_Item( i, &ele)); 04229 04230 ASSERT( ele); 04231 if( ele) 04232 { 04233 long stat = OBJECT_ZOMBIE; 04234 COMTHROW( ele->get_Status( &stat)); 04235 if( stat == OBJECT_EXISTS) 04236 { 04237 CComBSTR connstr; 04238 CComBSTR guiddsp; 04239 COMTHROW( ele->get_LibraryName( &connstr)); 04240 COMTHROW( ele->GetGuidDisp( &guiddsp)); 04241 if( connstr && connstr.Length() > 0) 04242 { 04243 CString cs, gs; 04244 CopyTo( connstr, cs); 04245 CopyTo( guiddsp, gs); 04246 lst += cs + _T(" ") + gs + _T("\n"); 04247 } 04248 } 04249 } 04250 } 04251 04252 msg = p_msgText + (lst.IsEmpty()?_T("None"):lst); 04253 } 04254 04255 void CAggregatePropertyPage::HighlightItem(IMgaObject* pObj, int highlight) 04256 { 04257 CGMEActiveBrowserApp* pApp=(CGMEActiveBrowserApp*)AfxGetApp(); 04258 CMgaContext* pMgaContext=&pApp->m_CurrentProject.m_MgaContext; 04259 CComPtr<IMgaObject> terrObj; 04260 pMgaContext->m_ccpTerritory->__OpenObj(pObj, &terrObj); 04261 CComPtr<IUnknown> pUnk; 04262 terrObj.QueryInterface(&pUnk.p); 04263 04264 CComBSTR id = static_cast<BSTR>(pObj->ID); 04265 04266 auto& highlightedObjects = m_TreeAggregate.m_highlightedObjects; 04267 if (highlight) 04268 { 04269 highlightedObjects[id] = highlight; 04270 } 04271 else 04272 { 04273 auto it = highlightedObjects.find(id); 04274 if (it != highlightedObjects.end()) 04275 { 04276 highlightedObjects.erase(it); 04277 } 04278 } 04279 HTREEITEM hItem; 04280 IUnknown* punk; 04281 if (m_TreeAggregate.m_MgaMap.SearchTreeItem(id, hItem, punk)) 04282 { 04283 m_TreeAggregate.SetItemProperties(hItem); 04284 } 04285 }