UDm Release Notes: 04/06/06 Release 3.0.1 - GME 5.11.18 support - Version for Visual studio 8 support added (This version of UDM can also be used with Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition Please visit http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/visualc/usingpsdk/ for instructions on how to download and install the free express edition) - Fix UdmProject to work when the name of root folders is longer than 50 characters. - The UML2XML interpreter now sets the association and composition names even if they have not been changed from the default "Association", "Composition" respectively. - The UML2XML interpreter has been rewritten to use UdmDom data networks and UdmProjects. - Fix naming of cross classes in crosslink diagrams. - Optimize Udm to speed up the generation of C code. - Namespace related speed improvements in UdmDom backend. - Enhanced UdmGme backend to support references that have an abstract UML class. - DataNetwork::GetAllInstancesOf() detects loops in the fast traversal mode and switches to a slower mode. - OCL fixes related to the naming of OCL types. - When interpreting UML models, the name of the diagrams can be overridden by the "alias" attribute of the corresponding Package. Known issue: There is a small problem with the registration of the MetaGME2UML.dll in VS8 version interpreter (used in the MetaGME paradigm to convert from MetaGME-style metamodels to UML-style metamodels that are used with Udm). After installation, the interpreter may appear in the GME toolbar as 2 question marks (??) instead of being displayed with the proper icon. To remedy this situation, do the following: 1. Open a command prompt. 2. Change the working directory to %UDM_PATH%/bin (cd "%UDM_PATH%/bin") 3. Run the command: >regsvr32 MetaGME2Uml.dll The icon will now be properly displayed in GME.